They did release him because they can’t do that. However, he then told his buddy that he’s going to flee the country, who then talked about that on his livestream. That's a new offense that lead to him being arrested again.
What? Why did I put known idiots to such high standards I need to reread it a couple of times to believe it. For fuck's sake, it's a ready winner for some award.
i'm not defending tate he deserves to rot in prison
i'm saying that a government shouldn't have the power to just dump you in prison without having a reason for it
when tate was initially arrested he was held for months without being charged
being absolutely fine with a system that allows that because in this instance it happened to fall onto a guy you don't like is brain rot
you think the osu protestors that were just released without being charged would've been released at all without a law requiring them to be charged within 24 hours?
banning and deleting your multiple accounts troll accounts defending Tate
i have literally no idea what you're talking about and it makes you sound unhinged
i have literally no idea what you’re talking about and it makes you sound unhinged
Then you should take a look at both what is left of the two comments I deleted from the troll accounts and the modlog of their deleted comments. But maybe I'm just unhinged and none of that exists.
Don’t act like Guantanamo is related to it being on communist soil. We started renting it from Batista, the guy the Cuban revolution was against. The Cuban communists have never cashed a check for it and insist we’re illegally occupying it
Right, and that’s exactly how it went with Tate.
And I have a feeling you know that?
Either you’re playing dumb or you are dumb, and either prompt me to hang up on this time waste of a thread.
The judge who approves it has to have some serious reasons. He's a foreigner, wealthy, and accused of serious crimes. You don't get held for months for stealing a loaf of bread. You can also only be held while evidence is being collected pending a trial.
It does suck that law enforcement worldwide can pick you up off the street, fuck up your afternoon/day/week/month/life and then just say 'oops, you're alright'. If you have a better way, you'd be a revolutionary mind.