Sort of the joke with these "PoCs need to learn to conform!" You never seen white kids held to the beauty and wardrobe standards of their minority peers.
Kids who show up to school in blue jeans aren't dinged for dressing informally. Kids who bleach their hair or have it curled aren't harassed. Nobody is losing their shit over some dipshit in a dented pickup blasting "Rich Men From Richmond" on his after-market speaker system.
It's like that dumbass has no concept of reality but what he imagines it should be like. Being American obviously doesn't require "conformity" if you think about it for 5-10 seconds. All it requires to be American is to be born here or go through the citizenship process, literally.
The reality that all Americans should see is that we have a nation of many cultures and ideals that we are free to conform or not conform to. Freedom to be yourself is inherent in the concept of America in general, I would assume for the majority of humans in the world too.
Right wing propagandists have been pushing the message that a mixed society can't function because we "aren't all on the same page culturally." This asshat is just following that line of reasoning, saying that "we all must be identical so we are all on the same page."
Also, bring up communism just for laughs and watch as they pontificate on the myriad ways communism forces equality and how that's bad... Fun stuff...