Sure. It is the fault of people with common sense that other people vote for fascists. This argument is so bullshit. If you support a fascist because someone said something mean you always were open to the idea of fascism. So you always have been a shit human being. No comment would change this.
they are right to fear judgement, and i don't care what motivates ignorant pigs.. if you voted for Trump, you're no longer my countryman or neighbor, and i will never give a shit what happens to you or your family.. if you bring your children to me hungry, i will feed you and them a bowl of shit..
Way to dehumanize people simply because you don't agree with their political candidate. Your entire comment can be copied, with replacing Trump with Biden and sent back at you. Wonder how it would make you feel if people started treating you that way.
you've done a good job explaining how stupid and childish all Trump supporters are.. they think Trump and Biden are the same thing, and just a preference..
fuck them.. all of Trump's crimes are on their heads, and they will stick forever.. they are all selfish, irresponsible scum.. all of my votes were taken in good conscience.. there is no redemption for the treason of voting for Trump..
You can call me names all you want, the reality of it is - both Trump and Biden are terrible choices. The only vote that isn't voting for a crime-committing president is a vote for third party, to which everyone seems to be alergic to.
Biden is a great President, and we are lucky to have him.. we need 10 more like him.. i will stand before God with a good conscience.. Trump is a criminal and nothing more.. comparing them is stupidity..