I mean I don't mind the current state of Lemmy right now, in fact I'm actually quite liking how it is right now. It'll probably take a lot of time to even get on the same level as Reddit if it ever does, however I'm seeing so much users, moderators, and devs who are committed to making this platform work and that in and of itself is amazing to see. Things like this actually show there is a human side to technology and that we can make it work. Anyways that's my food for thought.
I'm just thrilled it's decentralized. I'm so sick of being advertised at. I'm so sick of being asked for monthly subscriptions. I'm really feeling this open source vibe or however you want to label it.
Monthly subscriptions aren't bad - they're the solution to removing the avalanche of ads we are inundated by. The user gets to pick and choose which services they want to use.
One of the problems is opening up services to free users so you can keep them captured and squash competition, and at the same time push subscriptions to them via ads constantly.
People definitely need to accept that you can't have it both ways - servers have costs, and either the users pay those costs directly through subscriptions or indirectly through advertising.
Agreed. However, these data collectors and aggregators need to be submit to data privacy regulations and checks and balances on how they use this data. Currently they muddy the waters on how this data is handled and distributed, and in the smokescreen use/sell our data however they want for profit, and our data end up being less secure.
EDIT: Also, who do we trust to perform these checks and balances? Not the government I hope. How can we expect them to be fair when they have access to this data?
I agree. Everyone is nicer here, and y'all seem older and more intelligent too. You can actually have a proper conversation on Lemmy without some idiot teenager making a dumb joke.
I also like the "Hot" sorting algorithm for comments way better than "Best" on reddit. On Lemmy, you can actually show up to a conversation late and have a chance at your top-level comment being seen, without having to resort to hijacking other people's comments. On reddit, you could forget about it once a post became popular enough to hit the front page. You'll just be shouting into the void.
I'm pretty much of the same mind, but I do think a user base increase would be good. Some of the subs are kind of dead right now, and that's a bit sad. But I think the quality of the average user is WAY higher than reddit it anywhere else I've hung out. And that quality is related to the quantity being low. What's the right size? I have no idea. We'll see how it goes.