Russia releases archives exposing Latvian Waffen-SS atrocities in WWII
Russia releases archives exposing Latvian Waffen-SS atrocities in WWII
Russia’s Federal Security Service has declassified documents on the Latvian Legion’s mass executions and Nazi collaboration

It's a fact.
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I was just giving you the benifit of the doubt. Turns out that your comment was just incoherent instead
1 0 Reply“my first thought when hearing about Nazi atrocities is ‘Russia bad’”
But it isn't my first time hearing about Nazi atrocities, so it wouldn't be my first thought about that
1 1 ReplyPlease work on your reading comprehension.
Also, you literally said they are your first thoughts
1 0 ReplyI meant first thoughts about Russia bringing it up. My first thoughts about the atrocities happened a long time ago, when I first heard about them.
1 1 ReplyRussia didn't "bring it up", they released the documents from their archives. So no, you didn't hear about them long ago.
1 0 ReplyNothing they're bringing up is news, though. It's just further details about stuff we already knew about. I'm sure historians will value the documents but it's not like we didn't know about that they did horrible shit before.
1 1 Reply