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I'm reminded of this diagram:
Right now I think we are in the box on the left.
Personally, I really hate this diagram. It feels like its used far more to tar a huge part of the population as "weak" and therefore not worth considering.
Now, there us an element of truth to this in that it probably is not a coincidence that fascism is on the rise right after the generation that fought in WW2 mostly died off. But I'd much rather blame the current problems on thr handful of plutocrats who have been sabatoging things for gerations now, than claim its due to some ineitablilty with strength and generations.
I'd say we've moved to the top box.
I hope you're right. But I have a bad feeling we're only getting started as to how bad things are going to get.
Depends on how quickly we can start communicating and learning and adapting again.
is the joke there's no diagram, or did the image just not load for me (firefox browser)
No, there should be a diagram there. I guess that formatting for displaying an image inline doesn't work in forbid. I didn't realize that.
I think we are in the Good Times = Weak People box.
Its interesting how we all see it differently.
Oh, we’re definitely past that and watching weaklings vote against their interests and allow fascism to roll in.
It's a process, but we're already creating hard times now.