[COPENHAGEN] The United States has reached out to Denmark and other European nations asking if they can export eggs as Americans face surging egg prices, the Nordic country’s egg association said on Friday (Mar 14). Read more at The Business Times.
"The United States has reached out to Denmark..."
You know, the country the United States wants to invade and forcefully take land from.
Food staples becoming a cost-prohibitive thing, regardless of who's elected, is extraordinarily bad. I wish people could get past their reflexive need to point fingers and root for the other team to fail over this, because I'd think that wanting people to be able to eat is something we could all agree on.
I'm not rooting for the other team to fail. I live here.
let the american trash suffer. it's the only thing americans even approach understanding. they cannot comprehend consequences in the future, cannot remember the past. only those that are happening right now. better this now than something worse later.
Unfortunately things need to get bad enough that Trump loses his base or we'll be stuck in this shit forever. Best just to bite the bullet and brace for the shitty hopefully short term until he pushes the wrong person and everything comes crashing down on him. It's the only way forward that may actually result in improvement as far as I can see.
The MEGA crowd only cares about themselves, it's unfortunate that normal people have to suffer but the only way to snap them out of their brainwashed state, is to force them day, after day, after day, after day, to suffer the consequences of their own idiot decisions. That means long-term economic hardship for Americans as a direct result of Trump's actions.
Many have already lost their jobs because it turns out that they are "The Waste", and +5 Trump districts are now booing their own representatives in town halls, so maybe that realization will come sooner than later.
What they are is desperate, because they spent the last three years being rendered significantly poorer and Democrats didn't do anything meaningful about it, and in fact, doubled-down on it in the campaign and unironically told people they should be joyful. (Like a bunch of fucking idiots.)
Further, your point makes no sense because these economic impacts hit everyone, not just the people you dislike. Logically you're cheering for your own house to be burned down because there's a spider in it. It's completely unreasonable.