the bigger thing right now is people being purposefully obtuse and treating "punk" as the same thing as "counter culture."
conservatives are using this argument to state that they are the REAL punks because they are anti-establishment (while somehow holding all branches of the government but whatever)
in their mind punk people change their political ideologies to whatever is the opposite of who is in power, and so clearly all existing punks had to flip to the other side the second obama was elected or something.
(I'm a second generation punk on both sides and my whole family would curb stomp these asshats)
Conservatives have never and will never be the punk, because punk is a counterculture movement against cultural conservatism, not who is in office at any given time. Punk has always been about cultural freedom, and conservatism is about cultural restriction.
It almost made me cry with joy when racists in UK were opossed by classic anti fascist punk guys with spiked hair during the riots last year. I hade no idea these guys were still around.
Like the broader skinhead movement, Oi! was originally just a punk subgenre, but now a lot of people only affiliate them with fascists.!