A Reuters photographer snapped a picture of Trudeau later carrying a House of Commons chair out of the West Block chamber as he winds down his time in government. Under parliamentary rules, an outgoing MP can purchase a replica of their chair in the chamber.
These guys have been working for 3 months to dig into Carney, and all they have is he gave Trudeau advice for a few months, and the investment company he worked for created a headquarters in the base of investment companies in the world.
I'm not joking when I just saw a YouTube ad of of Justin Trudeau when he was younger and then overlapping with Mark Carney and a voice saying Justin Trudeau and Mark Carney they're the same person and then it flashed up with the Buffalo project so I looked them up and they're absolute Western separatists who want to create the Buffalo pension plan where they take all of Saskatchewan and Alberta's taxes and then keep them to themselves so they can have their own little pension plan exactly like Danielle Smith tried to do in Alberta it's a complete sham. You will probably see that ad soon on your YouTube and be on the lookout for it because it's absolutely f****** disgraceful.
"CarboN TaX CaRneY" bro stfu he's literally getting RID OF THE CONSUMER CARBON TAX. So it only leaves big Corps footing that carbon levy AS THEY SHOULD. PP just fucking showed that he would have indeed, gotten rid of the entire tax and not just the consumer portion.
What a fucking joke, how could anyone still support this wet blanket of a conservative lol
I want the conservative party to be banished to the basement of parliament never to return. I knew the moment PPbwas out with the convoy truckers egging them on and calling them "real Canadians" that he was a huge piece of shit
Willing to discuss a possible swap of hateful conservative political opposition leaders. We'll trade our big racist lurch motherfucker for your little annoying racist dickhead.