Sorry to burst that bubble, but just because you were never taught about the things they're talking about doesn't mean they didn't happen.
It just means your education system, like most, is run by nationalists that care more aboutv using mythology to make more nationalists than about conveying historical fact.
The numbers are irrelevant. Just because WWII was so deadly doesn't mean you should trivialize Vietnam and other conflicts. It's ridiculous to call it a "small policing action to keep dictators in line" when over a million people were murdered in a war of aggression, propping up a dictator against a popular movement.
Of course, only the Americans matter, right? Let's focus on those poor soldiers who went off to another continent to massacre villagers and sometimes got shot, and completely ignore the million villagers who were massacred and had napalm and agent orange dropped on them.
But it's fine! The Nazis killed more civilians, so, you know, from then on literally nothing less than the Holocaust ever matters, right?
That's the real meaning of "Pax Americana" right there. The US will come to your country and slaughter people en masse and leave it in rubble using chemical weapons that last for generations, and then they won't even recognize it as a significant conflict because it was primarily your people who died, and only Americans register as human to them. Perhaps later they'll come by to film a movie about how killing you made them feel sad.
Path before Regan/Gorbachev prevented war in Europe. Korea and Vietnam were clear US instigations, as was Afghanistan rebel support as first proxy war on Russia/Afghan communist government, with dubious peace objectives. I will give you shared prosperity of west as US needed to support EU as an "example of benefit of US friendship". And ICBM treaties, Cuba missile crisis, I also grant you as peace.
After USSR breakup, US military complex needed new funding excuses. Destabilizing eastern Europe to foment hatred against Russia and NATO expansion started early. Middle east/oil conquests traded minimal prosperity for high debt loads and stronger police state. Subversion of CIS states of Ukraine and Georgia started early, and precisely as a buildup for NATO war on Russia, but also direct diminishment of Europe in subservience to US. New colonization of Sweden and Finland means their prosperity and peace is diminished.
Europe started to share this burden.
Europe instead needs stronger alliances with nations on their continent. That means not being vassals to US and their subversion of democracy, and definitely not subsidizing their overpriced weapons industries. There is an ocean protecting Europe from US too. "Values based alliances" are always BS. Humanism certainly has "best practice values", but one of them is to let others have the freedom to adopt their own values without violently oppressing/objecting to them.
There has been no large state on state conflict since ww2. Birthrates are up. Poverty is down. Global trade has been better than ever.
Every conflict has been small and controlled. Nothing on the scale of ww2. Additionally, keeping energy prices stable saves lives. Everytime energy prices go up, people die.
America has had the burden of keeping bad faith actors in check. Europe and the rest of the world has benefited for 80 years. It's about time the step up when bad faith dictatorships get frisky.
By every objective measure, humanity has prospered under americna hegemony. Try not to be blinded by your anti american hate.
PNAC path for 7 middle east wars, took production out of Iraq and Iran as the big ones. Big price boost. It is only recently that Iran sanctions have been ignored by Asia.
Opec held back production to drive the price to 100 a barrel. American fracking broke OPEC and forced prices down to 30 a barrel. It is slowly climbed with inflation. Even so, america kept the straits open for this oil to be shipped.