Hmm, in Ayn Rand's fantasy worlds, the engineers would be the ones who own the machines and thus reap the benefits. So I think the proper criticism there would be that that's not how it works in the real world, and thus is not a good basis for one's philosophy.
I wonder if there's a term in political science for an ideology where the people who create and operate the means of production should also own and enjoy the benefits from it.
Some parts of the world went 60 years in the 20th century without capitalists. Maybe not such a wild world, right? We just can do a bit better next time
I'd rather have a democratic state controlling the means of production for the most part than anarchosyndicalism. You don't see me crying abour "anarkiddies" in every post minimally related to leftism. Turn off the red scare brain, we have literal fascists in our governments.