"It is not Trump—just as it was not Biden or Harris—who decides what the Palestinians can or cannot do," Abandon Harris' Hudhayfah Ahmad told Newsweek.
To everyone calling them stupid. What exactly should they have done in this situation? What is the better solution when your only options are death or a faster death?
If you need to hold your nose to make the choice to prevent a worse alternative, then you hold your nose and make the choice that prevents a worse alternative.
No one said it's an easy choice. But it's a simple choice. Don't confuse Easy with Simple because it's a hard, hard binary choice.
And this was explained, so, so so, so-so, so many times.
So to paraphrase:
"I don't oppose ethnic cleansing in principle, only degree"
Kamala Harris was an evil MF for bankrolling Israels genocidal campaign. They could have changed their stance on Israel/Palestine, and they had abundant opportunities and warnings to do so, but no.
Vote blue and send huge amounts of letters and phone calls to your Congress people telling them to stop supporting this. Run new candidates under the Democratic party that push them further left.
Sounds impossible? Yes. People were force fed propaganda and gave up this election, because its a hard choice. There is no easy route. Its either revolution or try to change a party to something better. There is no option 3.
People told the centrists, I told my friends for fucks sake. I know someone who stayed home saying their vote didn't matter and both sides are evil. I told them that is a vote for Trump.
They were right. Their vote didn't matter because trump won by a landslide in our state. But what if they, and thousands of their compatriots, weren't force fed propaganda on Facebook and TV?
The republicans won because of coordinated attacks that presented centrists with multiple trolley problems. I held out hope until the end, but I should have known what was going to happen when some reasonably intelligent people fell for it.
In that case, the best way to ensure a politician who supports a certain cause comes along is to conditionally support politicians only when they support said cause.
Yea I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be that ok with the "slow genocide" option if your family was there, dumbass. There is something really scary thinking any human being could be that comfortable with losing every morale compass in the name of pragmatism.
The lefts goal is to stop the genocide, in either scenario, but it seems like a much harder thing to do under the latter option.
An important part of my response that you seem to have missed.
Essentially, stopping the genocide is multi-stage process, but that's (apparently) a very complicated thing for you to understand, so instead you just gave up and accepted defeat.
And not just accepted defeat, but used that defeat to feel morally superior to those that didn't stop fighting, that recognized that Palestinian liberation would require more than just voting in the presidential election. That voting was the just the bare minimum requirement of the task at hand.
People like you are idiots and will always share some of the responsibility for what this white-christo facist regime inflicts on the world.
they could have shut up and never expressed emotion or dissent at the deplorable level of dignity stripping they were subject to.
that’s the genuine answer. that’s what white liberals would have preferred.
and now they are getting shouted down by those liberals for still advocating for their own rights. many still even voted harris. it’s truly heartbreaking. america is so racist even the rise of fascism is blamed on brown people.