The issue with tipping is an issue with capitalism.
It is capitalism that has ruined nice things. Imagine the first person who tipped someone because their service was good and it was a nice thing to do. Next other people started doing it as well, which makes the profession with tipping more favorable.
This leads to a higher supply of workers and lower demand and the market adjusts which means lower pay because "they will receive tips".
Also it is easy to vilify the shop owners for doing something that the system encourages and even demands them. We don't know how or in what ways the shop owners are suffering because of the system.
Also to acknowledge their suffering is not to say that their suffering is equal to the suffering of their workers but rather we need to identify that everybody suffers in capitalism (except the very rich/elites).
The way to fix this is to stop tipping altogether. This will hurt the workers for sure but their suffering is necessary in order for things to change, at least under the current system.
Or alternatively, we can try and abolish the system altogether.
Sure tipping for things may not be applicable in eu. But here's another example: imagine the first person who got a loan cuz they wanted to buy a house but didn't have the money at the time.
The bank who lent the money did a nice thing. Other banks and people started doing the same. And because people had access to more money, the price of houses increased to match with it.
Despite the fact that those people don't actually have that money and now it is a requirement. Nobody can afford to buy a house unless they go into debt. Again this is capitalism and the free market in action.
The reason tipping so "people can have livable wage" is not a thing in the EU is because the EU does have a livable minimum wage.
The concept of minimum wage is inherently anti-capitalistic. It is against the principles of free market.
I am literally talking about how much suffering it would cause if we keep trying to "fix capitalism" with bandage after bandage and how each and everything would need fixing which will turn into something not capitalistic anyways.
I don't want to be rude but people should have better reading comprehension and learn to read between the lines or just read i guess.
When the house starts to fall, you can either add a support and pray it keeps standing, or rebuild it all.
And the more you take the first option, the more it takes you to just keep the thing upright. At some point, a sane person says "the time has come" and rebuilds the house.
Same here. Rebuilding an entire economic system, especially when the most powerful people on Earth try to preserve it, is no easy feat.
But it is a more permanent and reasonable solution.
EU doesn't say anything about livable minimum wages. That is up to each member country to decide for themselves.
Not even everyone in EU have an actual minimum wage.
Minimum wages is NOT why tipping isn't customary in Europe.
Here's the problem. You think you know what you're talking about. But you don't. It just sounds nice in your head and so you start to believe your own bullshit.
Your whole point is "you don't know" without actually providing anything. I may be wrong but at least im saying something. Please try and at least say something, otherwise what's the point of your comment? Gain upvotes/give down votes on lemmy?
And at least for me, I actually live in EU and many of my friends have worked and many acquaintances are still working as servers so at least my opinion has some worth.