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  • I haven't seen any Marxist trying to claim the CEO was "working class" or that he was merely responding to stakeholders, moreover the idea that Marxists have never achieved change ignores the existence of the USSR, Cuba, PRC, Vietnam, Laos, and so forth. Additionally, we should not lionize a radlib with socially reactionary "anti-DEI" views, support for the feds, etc.

    Adventurism can be fun to watch, it was cool that an awful person got domed and everyone is celebrating. This is a signifier of radicalization and readiness for actual organization and change, right wing pundits like Shapiro misjudged their mostly proletarian audience and assumed they would condemn the violnece as well, and this is actually unifying the proletariat as a whole.

    At the same time, adventurism is adventurism, not change. When the SRs in pre-1917 Russia celebrated "an end to theory" as a unifying principle and claimed "assassinations transfer power," they were wrong. Assassinations create temporary voids taken by those closest to the spot, always another bourgeois and never a transfer. What is required is organized effort to rise above the Bourgeoisie as a class so that Capital is controlled by humanity, and not the inverse. It was the dedication to theory and organizing the working class that proved the Bolsheviks, and not the SRs, correct.

    Theory remains critical, because it is the only way to turn revolutionary energy into revolutionary outcomes. For anyone wanting to start that journey, I have an introductory Marxist reading list.