This is hyperbole. Healthcare cost might be covered, but there are a lot more expenses with being sick. Social support and housing support in the UK is laughable. Good luck if you cant work because of disability. The hospital will keep you alive.....and then discharge you to the street.
True ... even here in Canada social systems are not as good as they could be ... but imagine trying to access shitty social services AND PAYING FOR MEDICAL SERVICES... or worse being in over your head because of medical debt!
Met a homeless guy once who had had his jaw broken over some change. Even he was able to go to the hospital to get fixed up. It didn’t solve his myriad other problems but at least even he could get that taken care of.
Any system which would have turned him away should be burned to the ground and the people who built said system should have the flesh flayed from their bones, slowly.
.... or .... just take away all their money, wealth, connections, opportunities and not allow anyone to help them ... then throw them on the street in Detroit and break their jaw.
Seems about equal to Social security disability but, SS is worse because they don't really tailor your payments to your housing expenses and needs. If they did, the government might even save money. I know people around me that just use most of their check for weed. If it was guaranteed to only cover your bills with a smaller spending allowance and they asked for monthly bank records to prove you were using government money wisely, there would be less freeloaders and more reserve for those who retire and have paid into it. More people who proved they could work, or who abused the system would be called out and forced to work, and those with true disabilities could stay on it.
When my dad was diagnosed with late stage prostate cancer they assembled a team for him, got him all the tests and scans and began treatment essentially immediately. Uncle with leukaemia was basically the same experience. He had a bone marrow transplant in addition to all the regular chemo stuff. Total bill came to $0 but they do gouge you for parking. Need a joint replacement? You're gonna have to wait, but for life and death you get the treatment you need pretty quick
In Japan if you work full time for a larger employer, you pay into "shakai hoken" (societal insurance) this pays you like a third of your salary if you get injured and have to refrain from work for awhile. (This is at least partially paid for by your company because you can only legally be fired in Japan if the company proves beyond a reasonable doubt you were either belligerent or the company couldn't survive without you)