Wikipedia has a new initiative called WikiProject AI Cleanup. It is a task force of volunteers currently combing through Wikipedia articles, editing or removing false information that appears to have been posted by people using generative AI.
People fuck with Wikipedia all the time. It's honestly a wonder that it is usable at all and not a wasteland of defaced articles and bullshit. It is a real testament to the volunteers that keep it up.
Awhile ago russians were harassing OpenStreetMap by fucking up the data, but the heroic volunteers fixed that quite quickly and kept a close eye on edits.
Fuck people who ruin cool and nice things. And even though some of this kind of malice is state funded, I still blame the asshats for putting money before anything else and taking these jobs. If everyone acted like these assholes their lives would be miserable too.
That's interesting, actually. I can't see why Russia the state would be interested in this (it already has issues accessing certain sources, so messing with a free open library is shooting oneself in the foot), so it's either truly for the lulz (which are probably the most questionable lulz in history), or there's some truly mastermind plot behind this.
Also some Russian hackers are brought down the Internet Archive
Er, do you mean the Russian hackers brought down the IA (and why, I'd peg government actors for that, more to lose, and more competent with legality) or were brought down by the IA, in which case I missed it.
No judgement, English grammar is obscure, but this sentence is ambiguous and incorrect.