watching this situation play out in real time in my life with pictures and videos all over social media and a majority of people hating it, but looking the other way and supporting leaders who enable it anyways makes me suspect that this his how all genocides takes place; the ruling classes lets it happen and they're enabled by their own liberals & conservatives masses.
Its a behavioral problem within hierarchical social structures. These things happened long before we had conservatives and liberals. Its an issue with how we structure our societies to "follow those at the top". When the top wants to murder and pillage, historically they dont have a hard time convincing the lower strata to cooperate.
You've hit the nail on the head. A mix of propaganda, whataboutism, and short attention spans creates social intractability. Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky is a good media criticism book that speaks to this if anyone is curious.
i've been reluctant to read up on chomsky's works due to his response about visiting epstein's child fuck island (tldr: he said it's none of your business).
it diminishes his legacy and makes me wonder if his work is truly inspired or just high quality rantings of a smart man.
That's definitely fucked up. That said, the book was a collaboration with another economist, Edward Herman. So it isnt entirely his work. It is still generally used as a text in economics and sociology programs across the world.
The Epstein update absolutely made me think less of him as a person, no exceptions should be made for that kind of shit. That said, his work on foreign policy like Manufacturing Consent, On Palestine, and Consequences of Capitalism are all extremely detailed and well done.
Shout out to Library Genesis and Used Book Copies. Sometimes the audiobook are free on an Audible subscription, but I'm not sure how the money flows for that one
I don't see why his behaviour should have any correlation with the technical merits of his book. With that said, I haven't actually read it yet (it's on my list)
it smells like the efforts of a pr firm silently scrubbing news articles as they do for their clients.
No, it just sounds like Chomsky never actually visited that island. It's not going to be scrubbed because there are lots of right-wing "journalists" and rags that would absolutely love being able to prove that Chomsky did.
it's a nation whose ruling class wants to change it's old hegemony for a new one that's genociding gazans and the old hegemony has the means to force them to stay through a war and the new hegemony is using it's wealth to help that nation's ruling class achieve its goals by providing weaponry; logistics; and experience for that war.
Again... figured that's what you were going to say. So how are different from the people you're referring to in your original comment? You use a buzz word like "disenfranchising" instead of persecute or suppress which could ultimately be perceived as turning a blind eye to the issues. So how are you different?
i'm no different and we're all the same where it matters.
a tiny portion of us are lucky to have more wealth and education; but we're all human beings with the same foibles and blind spots. those lucky ones sometimes decide that their own desires outweigh others rights and they use their wealth to work with other like minded individuals and we end up w genocides as a result; among other things.