At my apartments they have it in the lease that we are not allowed to use Drano, becase our pipes are pvc. I use a coathanger that I've put a little hook on with pliers. My gf has long hair, and sheds like a goddam collie.
They actually make things just like this for this specific purpose. Amazon has a 7 pack for $5, and Ive got them from Home Depot too. Looks like theyre calling them a "Hair Drain Cleaner Tool"
Don't ever use Drano and then call a plumber either (or at least tell them if you did) because it barely works and instead just sits in the pipe which then gets all over their skin and clothes as they try to remove the clog the proper way.
A youtuber I watch who cleans drains had this happen and he showed what his pants looked like the next day. They were essentially shredded all down the front from kneeling in Drano water.