Skip Navigation is much snappier after the recent upgrade

This is just to followup from my prior post on latencies increasing with increasing uptime (see here).

There was a recent update to (to 0.19.4-rc.2) ... and everything is so much snappier. AFAICT, there isn't any obvious reason for this in the update itself(?) ... so it'd be a good bet that there's some memory leak or something that slows down some of the actions over time.

Also ... interesting update ... I didn't pick up that there'd be some web-UI additions and they seem nice!


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  • For the moment at least. Whatever problem we had before, it seemed to get worse over time, eventually requiring a restart. So we’ll have to wait and see.

    • Well, I've been on this instance through a few updates now (since Jan 2023) and my impression is that it's a pretty regular pattern (IE, certain APIs like that for replying to a post/comment or even posting have increasing latencies as uptime goes up).

    • My server seems to get slower until requiring a restart every few days, hoping this provides a fix for me too 🤞

      • Try switching to Postresql 16.2 or later.

        • What’s new in postgres?

          • Nothing particular, but there was a strange bug in previous versions that in combination with Lemmy caused a small memory leak.

            • In my case it’s lemmy itself that needs to be restarted, not the database server, is this the same bug you’re referring to?

              • Yes, restarting Lemmy somehow resets the memory use of the database as well.

                • Hm, weird bug. Thanks for the heads up ❤️ I’ve been using the official ansible setup but might be time to switch away from it