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Admin on the Lemmy instance.

He/Him or what ever you feel like.

XMPP: [email protected]

Avatar is an image of a baby octopus.

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A cautionary tale from my Russian anarchist great-grandfather
  • I don't think the framing of this article as a question of principles over pragmatism is a good one. Sure, the Bolshevik deserve all the hate for their counter-revolutionary project, but most people prefer pragmatism over principles and it is often misled principles that cause the most harm.

    The better distinction is means Vs. ends. It might take a bit longer to explain, but you can be plenty of pragmatic in your day to day activities without putting the ends over the means.

    Of course it is a kind of principle to never let the ends justify the means, but it is a rather pragmatic one, as experience shows over and over that the means strongly influence if not determine the ends.

  • REPORT: Arm is sensationally canceling the license that allowed Qualcomm to make Snapdragon chips which power everything from Microsoft's Copilot+ PCs to Samsung's Galaxy smartphones and tablets
  • I wonder if their recent bid to take over Intel, is related.

    The irony would be very thik as Qualcomm played a big role in killing Intel's 2010er efforts to enter the mobile sector.

  • EU refuses to publish findings of Tunisia human rights inquiry

    Inquiry preceded controversial migration deal linked to claims of abuse in increasingly authoritarian country

    EU refuses to publish findings of Tunisia human rights inquiry
    1 Loser of Austrian election to try to form government after parties shun far right

    People’s party tasked with coalition talks with Social Democrats after winning Freedom party fails to find partner

    Loser of Austrian election to try to form government after parties shun far right
    Lindner will Milliarden beim Bürgergeld einsparen
  • Naja, so wie im Artikel beschrieben läuft es wieder auf Drangsalierung von eh schon am Existenzminimum lebenden Menschen hinaus, aber die grundsätzliche Idee mal zu schauen ob es wirklich Sinn macht durchschnittlich 599€ an Mietkosten quasi direkt irgendwelchen als Slumlords agierenden Immobilienkonzernen in den Rachen zu stecken finde ich schon nicht schlecht. Da werden ja schon länger die Mietforderungen nur noch danach bemessen was das Amt so maximal rausrückt.

  • Ideen gegen leere Innenstädte: Sonaten bei Sodbrennen
  • Skuriler Artikel... eigentlich ein Trauerspiel das sich alles irgendwie um kommerzielle Aktivitäten drehen muss. Und die Klappbank vorm Einkaufsautomat ist ein "Ort der Begegnung"...

  • An interesting greenhouse design - curious how well the beeswax and textile replacement for plastic sheet holds up
  • Silicone soaked fabric is sometimes used for tents, but I guess that wouldn't be biodegradable then.

  • Was der digitale Euro bringen soll
  • Hast du da eine Quelle für das Google involviert ist? Würde ja eigendlich der Grundannahme wiedersprechen das man weniger von US Anbietern abhängig sein will.

  • Do any anarchists here support "AES"?
  • That makes about as much sense as "anarcho-capitalism". Of course it's no fun to have your mental gymnastics questioned outside of Hexbear 😅

    But ok, for the sake of argument, maybe a dysfunctional late-stage AES is a more suitable ground for building something in the shell of the old. At least people in these states know from first hand experience just how bad state control can get.

    Edit: curious that you left out China in your list of AES.

  • Stress mit dem Deutschlandticket in Berlin: Zustände bei der Bahn sind „kaum auszuhalten“
  • Naja, mag ja sein das es in Einzelfällen etwas komplizierter ist, aber verglichen mit den sonstigen Einschränkungen wie Zugausfällen und Überfüllung ist "an diesem einzelnen Halt können wir im Wagen 1&2 leider nicht die Türen öffnen" ja wohl das geringere Problem.

    Ich will jetzt nicht schlecht über Bahnmitarbeiter sprechen (der Fisch stinkt vor allem vom Kopf), aber Dienst streng nach Vorschrift ist da doch leider auch sehr weit verbreitet.

  • [Question for admins] How do you feel about your users requesting content or account removal from other servers.
  • No, as only the instance admin that hosts the original account can indirectly associate a user handle with actual "personal data". An admin of a federated instance can not, as they do not have any "personal data" to correlate it with.

    If a user themselves posts "personal data" publicly it is not covered by the GDPR (IANAL) and thus not subject to mandatory deletion requests. Of course deleting everything is often the easiest course of action, but this is not legally required.

  • [Question for admins] How do you feel about your users requesting content or account removal from other servers.
  • It mostly only effects their own usage to be banned from another server, so why would an instance admin care?

  • [Question for admins] How do you feel about your users requesting content or account removal from other servers.
  • Lemmy doesn't federate "personal data" to other servers. The GDPR has a strict definition what can be "personal data". The Wikipedia has a good overview of the relevant laws in various countries:

    Requesting the deletion of posts and comments that they agreed to be federated when signing up is purely voluntary but usually done as it is fairly easy to ban a user and delete their contributions.

  • Informationen zur bsw-finanzierung?

    tl;dr: anfangs ein paar Großspenden von deutschen Millionären und ab jetzt staatliche Parteifinanzierung.

  • A little essay I wrote about "mods are power tripping"
  • I don't think these people are necessarily "toxic users", but rather just deluded ones. It's a bit like that saying about privilege... you only think about it when someone is threatening to take it away.

    The asymmetry of effort between moderators and regular participants is what forces this hidden sense of entitlement into the open.

  • Insights from Anarres: Susan DeFreitas by Anarres Project Insights from Anarres: Susan DeFreitas by Anarres Project

    In this episode of Conversations on Anarres, we speak to writer Susan DeFreitas.   She recently edited a collection of speculative fiction stories written in honor of Ursula K. Le Guin entitled:  "Dispatches from Anarres: Tales in Tribute to Ursula K. Le Guin".  While she worked on the project, she ...

    Insights from Anarres: Susan DeFreitas by Anarres Project
    A little essay I wrote about "mods are power tripping"
  • I think this is the root of the “mods are assholes” issue. It’s not that the mods are power tripping. It’s that they are placed in a role that will lead inevitably to toxic behavior, unless someone turns out to be a solid gold saint, which few of us are.

    While part of it, I think the bigger issue is that the typical male participant has "main character syndrome", and when a mod doesn't want to spend a lot of time with them specifically because they have better things to do, these participants turn to whining about unfair treatment, when in reality it is just their overinflated sense of entitlement.

  • Stress mit dem Deutschlandticket in Berlin: Zustände bei der Bahn sind „kaum auszuhalten“
  • Damit Züge mit mehr Wagen fahren können, müssten auf einigen Bahnhöfen Bahnsteige verlängert werden, gab Michael Wedel vom Fahrgastverband zu bedenken. Die Erfahrung zeigt, dass solche Projekte in Deutschland bis zu zehn Jahre dauern können. Wie langwierig sie sein können, zeigt sich gerade auf der Linie RE1. Dort sollen nach dem Fahrplanwechsel Ende 2026 mehr achtteilige Züge verkehren. Damit sie an allen vorgesehenen Bahnhöfen halten können, muss DB InfraGo aber weitere Bahnsteige verlängern. Doch für Groß Kreutz, Götz und Briesen wird das voraussichtlich erst 2028 der Fall sein, hieß es bei der ODEG.

    Das ist mal wieder ein Schildbürgerstreich... einfach im Sommer temporäre Verlängerungen aus Holz oder so bauen. Wenn man wollte ginge das problemlos.

  • Moldova votes "Yes".
  • The amount of 50.x Vs. 49.x votes lately is too damn high.

  • European auto giants launch a flurry of cheaper electric vehicles — taking the fight to China
  • Ugh, what a shit article. It mentions exactly one model, a Dacia, that has been already on the market for some time, and a Renault prototype coming maybe in 2026. There is nothing like what the headline suggests as far as I can tell.

  • Unvanquished 0.55: Awesomeness has arrived Unvanquished 0.55: Awesomeness has arrived - Unvanquished

    Unvanquished is a real-time strategy game played as a first-person shooter where evolving aliens and heavily armed humans fight for their survival.

    Unvanquished 0.55: Awesomeness has arrived - Unvanquished
    Car industry crisis: Automobile workers don't believe taxing Chinese EVs is the solution
  • It is important to note that these are western European workers. For them the Chinese competition is largely irrellevant as their companies have been moving production to eastern Europe for a while now and they realize that their problem is structural.

    All what the trariffs on Chinese EVs will do is conserve the status quo for European car makers a few more years, which doesn't help western European workers at all.

  • Millan Millan and the Mystery of the Missing Mediterranean Storms

    Welcome to the story of Millan Millan and the Mystery of the Missing Mediterranean Storms, where we follow the over fifty year-long career of noted Mediterranean meteorologist Millan M. Millan, profoundly expanding our view of climate change along the way.

    Millan Millan and the Mystery of the Missing Mediterranean Storms
    Lemmy's gaining popularity, so I thought new people should see this.
  • Social democrats do not code as “right” anywhere in the world.

    Except in Portugal, where the conservative party calls themselves Social Democrats.

  • European Night Train Map 2024

    0 Cargo Bike Movement

    Cargo Bike Movement is an Edinburgh-based initiative that uses cargo bikes to promote fairer, greener, healthier communities. Cargo Bike Movement supports communities experiencing food insecurity and is committed to providing safe, sustainable, active travel options to people in Edinburgh.

    Cargo Bike Movement

    Everything about UbuntuTouch on the Fairphone 5


    Why Are You Not Scared Yet?


    DIY Bicycle generator made out of a treadmill AI6YR Ben (@[email protected])

    Attached: 1 image @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] #BikeNite Ha! Found it. Bicycle generator I made out of a treadmill (everything except the 2x4's there stripped off a treadmill). My challenge that day was to "build a bicycle generator ...

    AI6YR Ben (
    2 Italy's Meloni faces big setback over migrant camps in Albania

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    Italy's Meloni faces big setback over migrant camps in Albania

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    Manyfold joins the Fediverse Manyfold (@[email protected])

    🥳 Manyfold v0.82.0 is out, with two BIG features! First up, we're joining the #Fediverse proper - you can follow public Manyfold creators on other ActivityPub platforms like Mastodon! And secondly, Manyfold will now index PDF, TXT and video content as well as models and images! 🗞️ Full releas...

    Manyfold is a 3D model (mainly for 3D printing) sharing software.


    Presentation about open-source redox flow battery project Kirk Smith, PhD (@[email protected])

    About to present our project at a French research network for redox flow batteries, here are my slides: #EnergyStorage #FlowBatteries #quarto #OpenScience #OpenSourceHardware #chemistry #electrochemistry #batteries


    How 3D Pedestrian Crossings Are Slowing Down Speeding Drivers in Iceland

    13 Bike Manufacturers Are Making Bikes Less Repairable

    Just like cars, tractors, computers, and seemingly every other product category, bikes—and especially e-bikes—are going all black box on us.

    Bike Manufacturers Are Making Bikes Less Repairable
    13 Cargo airships are happening

    I got something wrong; introducing Airship Industries

    Cargo airships are happening
    30 Awesomeness is coming! - Unvanquished

    Unvanquished is a real-time strategy game played as a first-person shooter where evolving aliens and heavily armed humans fight for their survival.

    Awesomeness is coming! - Unvanquished
    2 Scientists successfully breed corals to improve their heat tolerance

    A new study has shown that selective breeding can lead to a modest rise in coral heat tolerance.

    Scientists successfully breed corals to improve their heat tolerance