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  • Jesus didn't use taxes to heal anyone. Why can't we use divine magic? It still has the benefit of being free for all; but it also works better and faster.

    • He also didn't FORCE anyone to give to the poor, he only recommended it.

      • Well there is the New Testament story of who God killed in front of everyone for not giving 100% of their money to feed the poor.

        • And that's relevant how? Am I Ananias in your imagination and you're God who's putting me to death for omitting the pickle? Or could it be that I am the poor because I carelessly forgot to mention it and you're witholding grace and mercy from me in the course of your attempts at corrective measures for the sake of Old Testamentarian fire and brimstone punishment?

          Come on man, I know it's difficult for you Germans but at least TRY to smile for once in your life. Just imagine the pickles were always there to begin with, and it's at least a half decent joke. But whether or you like it or not, it does remain a fact that Germans call a concoction that MAINLY consists of sausage, pickles and mayo a "salad", and I think that's kinda funny (at least it is to Americans).

          And just to be clear, I'm by no means knocking the dish itself, I myself was a huge enjoyer of it during the time I lived in Germany. I honestly admire the kinda of audacity it takes to make a mixture that largely consists of slices of meat and barely any veggies and have everyone agree to call it a salad. Even in a country as obsessed with meat as America is this is simply totally unheard of.

          So please accept my apology if I ruffled your feathers, but you were giving such a great example of German pettiness that I couldn't resist to roast you for it. And perhaps that's also an Americanism I picked up during my time here, but that's what people do with their friends, they pull them through to cocoa as you would call it.

    • Why can’t we use divine magic?

      Apparently, there was a balance patch that made all clerics' gods quit their interference with mortal matters.