Skip Navigation

Parent comment navigation?

In Jerboa, you can enable parent comment navigation buttons, which look like this (up/down arrows at the bottom):

I personally really like this feature because if there's a long comment thread I don't care to read, I like hitting the down arrow to jump to the next comment thread in that post. I know I could just collapse the parent comment but I'm usually half-way down a comment thread before realizing "oh... this just keeps going" and that's when I want to jump past it.

On the main page in Raccoon, you have that navigation bar at the bottom which disappears as you scroll down and slides in when you start scrolling back up (the bar, not the FAB). I'd love to have that exact same type of bar slide in with up/down buttons when reading through a post's comments.

  • Noted! Thanks for the suggestion, I thought no one used that feature in Jerboa so I didn't implement anything similar.

    Just out of curiosity: does anyone use volume keys to navigate between comments too?

    • I personally don't like using volume keys for comment navigation so don't implement that part on my behalf. 😁

      • Ok... I've looked at Eternity, Jerboa, Voyager, Boost and Summit to see what the user experience is there.

        I think I'll follow your suggestions and go the Jerboa's way (semi-transparent bar with two buttons), with the possibility to hide upon scroll as you pointed out.

  • Implemented it here but I'll leave it optional with a default to false, so that for the average user nothing changes and only those who want can enable it. I don't generally like forcing my defaults on users even if this app is quite opinionated in some aspects.

    • I totally agree on this one. I understand if people don't want to use this feature, especially since it takes up part of the screen when enabled. Thanks!

  • Just FYI I am willing to use the newly created navigation bar to also navigate to the previous/next post in the feed. This implies quite a lot of rework but I think users will like it.