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wa7iut Bob Davidson

Licensed since 1967. Boise, Idaho, USA. Doing a lot of wireless IoT professionally (mainly BLE). Working on getting back on the air, with a magnetic loop this time. Like SWL'ing and CW.

Time Magazine Person of the Year, 2006

Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy book:

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Comments 4
Shortwave "Discone" Antenna, Former AT&T High Seas Radio Site, Ocean Gate, NJ, 2009.
  • @kyhwana @mattblaze

    Thanks! LORAN A sounded a lot different. It operated around 1.8 MHz. It was more of a droning, like a piston engine airpland cruising along. LORAN C operates at 100 kHz and sounds more impulse or digital to me. I was actively listening in the late 1960s and LORAN A went away in favor of LORAN C in the early 70s. Soundtrack of my youth, along with WWV😂

  • Shortwave "Discone" Antenna, Former AT&T High Seas Radio Site, Ocean Gate, NJ, 2009.
  • @[email protected]

    I meant, library equivalent to the Internet Archive. Well, I imagine the NSA has one, but…


    ps, I ran across the Radio South Africa sign-off on YouTube a while back. It seemed very exotic to me as a kid listening on my radio in Washington State.

  • Shortwave "Discone" Antenna, Former AT&T High Seas Radio Site, Ocean Gate, NJ, 2009.
  • @[email protected]

    There’s no equivalent SWL library I know of to record the sounds of various shortwave tech as it passes away never to be heard from again, e.g. Loran A signals on 1.85/1.95 MHz. Same for ships at sea.