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virgil31 virgil31
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[UserStyles] compact and reddit-like
  • I use tamper monkey for javascripts too. To apply this style, I use the Stylus extension. When you open the link i posted, there are two buttons:

    -one is "Get Stylus" that will bring you to the extension page
    -after you installed Stylus, you can click on the button "Install"
    -just give it an OK on the confirm dialog and you are ready to go

  • compact and reddit-like compact and reddit-like by virgil31

    An evolution of the userstyle "Kbin Slim by the8thbit"

    Hi all!

    As many of you, I fallen in love with the UI customizations @the8thbit gifted us with its slim userstyle here. I simply love you, man.

    Inspired by its design I customized it enough to make my transition from reddit as easy and familiar as possible, so the my updated UserStyle has:

    • moved the article preview image to the left

    • to keep the same formatting, added a placeholder image for article without one

    • full page width usage

    • colors vote buttons, magazine & user links

    • increased the size/color of "preview-image" icon

    Hope someone will enjoy this experience like me :) Here the link:

    [UserStyles] compact and reddit-like
  • That's a niiiice idea. It is the perfect magazine for this! Thanks!

  • /kbin meta virgil31 compact and reddit-like compact and reddit-like by virgil31

    An evolution of the userstyle "Kbin Slim by the8thbit"

    Hi all!

    As many of you, I fallen in love with the UI customizations @the8thbit gifted us with its slim userstyle here. I simply love you, man.

    Inspired by its design I customized it enough to make my transition from reddit as easy and familiar as possible, so the my updated UserStyle has:

    • moved the article preview image to the left

    • to keep the same formatting, added a placeholder image for article without one

    • full page width usage

    • colors vote buttons, magazine & user links

    • increased the size/color of "preview-image" icon

    Hope someone will enjoy this experience like me :) Here the link:

    Since most posts for Artemis have been about iOS, here's a little preview for you Android users!
  • So much this.

    All that vertical space could be replaced by a single, inline "menu button" that opens a contextmenu in overlay with all the possible actions (Reply, Share, ...).

    But it will be for sure available in a future release ;)

  • Kbin Slim - A minimalist theme inspired by
  • Hey! Thanks for the style, I am loving it!
    I customized it to get rid of the padding at left right of the main section to use every pixel on my monitor :)

    The last thing I'm trying to do, is moving the image/preview of the thread at the left (now they are all the way to right) like in reddit.
    How can I achieve this?

  • Good call recording app for Android?
  • Hey I just posted about this on m/androidapps! Here the link of the thread

    TLDR: use ACR 33.3-unChained (link in thread), no root needed

  • /kbin meta virgil31

    Make user and magazine names in querystring case INsensitive

    Maybe I am the only one to have this "problem", but for the love of me, I can't stand to face anymore the 404 Not Found errors when I type directly "m/kbinmeta" instead of "m/kbinMeta" in my url address.

    Everytime I'm like "what? they closed the magazine already??" before I realize I've missed the correct font case and start cursing myself.

    Maybe I was too used to it in reddit, but when I explore kbin from my desktop it is a feature I am totally missing and it's driving me insane every couple of hours :\\

    So, I think it could be a "nice to have feature" to be able to input those names without caring of their lower/upper case letters.

    Anyway, thanks @ernest for all your hard work! This beast is positively exploding :)

    EDIT: typos

    My 3rd party app is coming along! Got it pulling actual data from! Huge inspo from Apollo app.
  • Joey for Reddit is/was the ULTIMATE client if you desire customization of the experience.
    Man...I spent days on those font size and elements to be show/hide on the cards/threads. But it was in the end MY PERFECT experience

  • Why are the collapse and expand options missing when I view comments on a post?
  • There is already a nice pull request for that

    EDIT: Ops didnt see your response @klin .
    Thanks man!