Anyone of you that played Dragonbane, can you clear something up for me?
I played Forbidden Lands and loved everything, except that it uses dice pool.
It had the perfect level of crunch and lethality in combat. I loved the critical injury system.
So im basically looking for Forbidden Lands but not dice pool. And Dragonbane seems kiiinda similar? But deathsaves and larger hp pools kinda bums me out.
So, need advice on DB:
Do you think the game supports a mature and dark story? How lethal is the combat? Can you easily modify the system to be like I want it, without breaking it, or is it better to stay with Forbidden Lands?
100% svensk här och jag har samma problem.
Maybe we were planted here on Earth by advanced beings. Beings that designed our whole evolution and existence in detail.
At least it's fun to think about lol
Edit: what's with the fucking downvotes? Im just kidding around. Dont become reddit.
Någon med erfarenhet av... kontorsstolar?
Nu ska vi se om jag lyckas posta. Aldrig gjort det på fediverse/lemmy innan.. Men jag tänkte iaf göra ett försök.
Nu till frågan: Det är ju såhär att jag jobbar mycket hemifrån. Sittandes. Det är ljudredigering, filmredigering, jobb i InDesign och Photoshop osv. Sittandes. Sedan har jag även såklart mycket hobbies. Det är gaming, det är bordsrollspel, illustration etc. Sittandes. Joggar 5km varannan dag så får ganska okej med träning ändå. Men känner ändå att man är riktigt trött i rygg och höfter efter 6h i min Ikea Markus. Så jag har börjat gå i tankarna att köpa en riktigt jäkla bra kontorsstol. Typ Malmstolen 4000 eller Kinnarps eller Herman Miller nivå. Har kikat lite på firmor som säljer begagnade kontorsmöbler. Det finns massor. Är det nån här som har ett hum om vad man ska ha för stol egentligen?
Malmstolen dyker ofta upp när man söker, men just den verkar svår att hitta begagnad.
Nån som har tips eller råd?
Edit: Jag köpte en Malmstolen. 3-4 veckors leveranstid. Sweine-dyrt men troligtvis värt det.
Huh? There is even a forum function that can act as a news feed.
It is what you make it.
When I hear immersive sim I think of Arma and not Bioshock.
I don't know how sim plays into the genre.
Are there any international Discord server for gaming news?
I haven't seen it yet but I keep hearing people say "it's like a Denis Villeneuve movie but with poorly written characters".
WhatsApp to coordinate.
Discord for voice chat and sharing links etc.
Foundry for play.
Miro for "clue board" when playing investigative games.
I think some kind of exotic wagyu meat. Very good, but very small portion and not worth the money. I think it was 140€ or something like that. With a drink included.
My friend only pirates 80€ games to try them out before buying.
I rarely vote anywhere. I think it's a toxic habit for many platforms and it fucks with some peoples brain.
Voice your sincere opinion that you really like blueberry ice cream. Get downvoted because someone thinks raspberry is better but just gave a downvote and no reason. Spend the rest of the day wondering why.
What! I have the opposite experience.
Im a tabletop roleplaying gamemaster and it has helped me immensely with translations, formatting of text, compiling and keeping track of my players character backgrounds and even coming up with plots and scenes that are suited for each player.
To me it was a disaster because I expected it to be way more next gen after all these years. And it was very expensive compared to the quality I got.
Meanwhile my friend was all like "Eh, it's fine. Pretty much what I expected."
So I think people had very different expectations.
What I absolutely cannot comprehend is those who say "10/10, game of the century!"
Come on.. No way. If you really think that, you have really low standards or haven't played a new game in 8 years.
Im getting old. Feels like the first Avatar movie came out a couple of years ago to me.
Yeah. I failed math on purpose too.
lol same.
80 fucking euro for the quality of that game is crazy.
"fine" is subjective, I guess.
To me fine means above 60fps at all times.
I have an "UFO rated" computer on userbenchmark and it's rarely above 40fps. And the game is not even pretty. Not fine by my standards.