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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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First Mushroom Experience
  • Similar to you I could have written many words but it all would have boiled down to that one single sentiment and so I chose to just get straight to the point in the end xD

    If something is frowned upon I see that as more of a challenge to do that thing usually xD

    Happy future travels!

  • First Mushroom Experience
  • That is awesome to hear! I wasn't sure about sending the message as I didn't want it to seem too harsh or anything but I also just wanted to give you a push to stop thinking so much about it and just dive in and enjoy the experience for what it was without too much thought.

    I know that I thought I would "break myself" or my mind before doing acid the first time and being worried about it but it is now my most favourite thing to do and I've had so many great experiences with it.

    I think sometimes people try to force trips to go in a certain direction or try too hard to make it into some great learning experience when I think the best approach is to just to with it and have a great time.

    I hope now that you've embraced it and had a good time you will try it again with an even more open and clear mind going in, knowing you aren't going to "go insane" and it will open up some new ways of thinking and feeling for you. If nothing else you will have some really fun times and I think ultimately that is the most important thing!

    If you get a chance I strongly recommend trying some acid. It is quite similar but also different too, in my experience people often prefer one over the other but they are both great in their own ways.

    If you want to ask any questions please feel free to pm me and I will answer to the best of my knowledge. I have only done shrooms a handful of times but have done acid probably over 100 times at this point so I'm definitely more familiar with that :)

    Have a great day / night :D

  • If you ever worked shifts and transitioned to a 9 to 5 job, how difficult was the change?
  • I spent 15 years working nights. 3 x 12 hour shifts (which was the best way to work IMO) and 4 x 10.

    I've been working 5 x 8 hour days for 4 years or so now and I guess I have adjusted some what but I still fucking hate it. 5 day working week is the absolute worst. The only saving grace I have now is my current job doesn't care when I start / finish as long as I complete my 8 hours so I end up going in at 4am so I can finish at 12 and actually have some day time to do other things.

    Actual 9 to 5 is possibly the worst way to work imo

  • I make considerable ammounts of progress on Bussu learning Beginner's Spanish, but the final test is locked by a paywall.
  • Seen as you decided to add an edit that you were returning to Duolingo, what exactly is your goal because it certainly isn't to effective learn any language.

    6 months ago you asked Lemmy for more effective alternatives to Duolingo and people gave you lots of alternatives that are a lot more effective including myself recommending Busuu and others recommending language transfer, both of which piss all over Duolingo which is utter trash.

    You make so many posts on Lemmy but then rarely actually interact with them further beyond the initial drivel you spout, when you do receive advice after asking for it it seems you just ignore it anyway so what is the point?

    Maybe it seems like I'm picking on you and honestly I am, purely because of things you said back in that early Duolingo thread you made, I'll just go ahead and quote another of your gems from that thread.

    VanHalbgott - "Oh, there’s a new course on Busuu for French that I don’t like that deals with inclusive terms I’m probably not confortable talking about anymore since they deal with genders and sexuality.

    I’m trying to be a Christian instead and not talk about those things in my faith, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be learning what is supposed to be teaching me French with weird terminology."

    I hope going back to Duolingo they won't have the audacity to teach you gendered words for Spanish, how could your faith possibly deal with that!?

    I hope this makes you uncomfortable to read, as uncomfortable as the first incredibles movie or the fact people use memes within the steam communities. People really are so inconsiderate and should really alter their way of being to appease you and your faith!

  • Young Jackdaw waiting for some food from mum.
  • Ah whoosh straight over my head xD

    I did think after the fact that maybe it was a quote I just didn't know.

    I'll try and get some more pictures as I regularly have Jackdaws, crows and some magpies coming to my feeders. I enjoy your videos a lot :D

  • PlayStation has no games!
  • I started it earlier today and it is pretty nostalgic so far, I'm looking forward to putting some more time into it! Thanks for making me aware of its exsistence!

    I had a similar problem with CD players in my car jumping due to bass around 07, my solution was using a power inverter and a laptop running winamp with my whole CD collection ripped onto it propped up on my centre console xD

  • I make considerable ammounts of progress on Bussu learning Beginner's Spanish, but the final test is locked by a paywall.
  • Oh, it is you.

    Mr "I started using Busuu yesterday:

    Though I’m not sure about the inclusive words for French due to my convictions as a Christian."

    You made this comment nearly 6 months ago and still to this day I think about how stupid it is. How does your Christianity feel about the inclusive words in Spanish?

  • I make considerable ammounts of progress on Bussu learning Beginner's Spanish, but the final test is locked by a paywall.
  • There is a test before this one that OP would have completed. This tests for the proficiency of the unit you have just completed and is necessary to then advance onto the more advanced levels.

    The test in the picture is an additional one for some kind of busuu certificate, I don't know if it counts as official accreditation but I doubt it very much.

    Not paying doesn't hinder your progress at all and you miss nothing from not doing this silly certificate test at all other than like you say so e-peen waving I guess?

    I learn Spanish to speak it with my gf and busuu has been amazing when compared to shit like Duolingo that doesn't teach you anything usable at all so this shade being thrown based on some stupid certificate is totally unjustified.

  • PlayStation has no games!
  • Oh, I loved ac!d as well, I see you are a person of impecible tastes xD

    I already have the ROM and will be giving it a go on the train later on today :D. I'm afraid I have no insights on an android emulator but there must be a good one!

  • PlayStation has no games!
  • I do agree I loved it the way it was and think it worked very well I just don't think it sold very well. I don't think I met anyone else that was aware of it, let alone played it.

    I didn't know there was a PSP version though, I might have to get a ROM of it and load it up onto my vita and give it a go! I'm guessing you would recommend giving it a try? ;P

    I do remember printing a load out for myself at the time when I realised it was possible but it could never replace the look and feel of real cards.

    I'm going to have a search tomorrow for my set actually now after having this comversation, just to see what I actually have and check it isn't getting damp :D

  • PlayStation has no games!
  • I still have a set with the camera, playmat etc and loads of extra cards somewhere in storage and I haven't owned a PS3 for years.

    It was by no means a perfect game but it was such a unique experience that I just loved.

    Imagine if someone made a modern version based around Magic the Gathering, YuGiOh or hell even pokemon TCG. Summoning your monsters and watching them attack. I'd eat that right up!

  • Kinda new reader here - How do you decide what books to buy?
  • That is fair enough, to be clear I didn't mean that buying books in itself was throwing money away, more if you are unsure what you like from books and end up buying a lot of stuff you just don't like it is a waste.

    I think you should get your library on whilst you figure out your tastes a bit more. It'll save you money as well as getting you away from screens as you want. Win / win.

  • Kinda new reader here - How do you decide what books to buy?
  • Unless you have money to throw away why not continue to pirate stuff whilst you figure out what you do and don't like.

    I, like you, didn't get into books until much later on. I found something I liked (for me it started with Lovecraft) and then just explored all of his books before then looking for stuff that was within that similar vein.

    I also used other types of media to inform what kinds of things I might like (predominantly video games) which lead me off on to other tangents.

    I think this gave me a good basis of what I enjoyed from the stories and writing themselves and then from there I went on to trying other things, usually randomly based purely on a title or blurb and just giving things a go. If I didn't enjoy something after a few hours then I'd just drop it and move on. When I found something I like I'd usually just binge that author.

    You can always go to a library and borrow some stuff to get an idea of the form factor you like in terms of your last question. I'm an audio book only kind of person so have no input really in terms of that.

  • Begging for all the Lemmy Audiophiles recommendations on computer speakers!
  • I've owned 5's and 6's and used 8's and 10's, as you say there are probably objectively "better" monitors but for some powered speakers that are of a high quality both sound and build wise I have no qualms recommending them.

  • Begging for all the Lemmy Audiophiles recommendations on computer speakers!
  • I don't know if I would consider myself an "audiophile" but I do DJ for myself and like to have a decent set of speakers.

    I have owned a few pairs of KRK Rokit speakers and currently have a set of Rokit 6's. I like them for their overall pretty neutral sound, ideally I would have a sub along with it but space is an issue for me right now so I can make do. They have a sufficient amount of bass for my small flat by themselves to be honest.

    I run them through my DJ controller (Traktor S4 mk3 if you care) and have run past pairs I've owned through other DJ controllers and basic focusrite USB audio interfaces.

    I wouldn't say these are super high end but I find they offer a very good listening experience for not a great deal of money (I always buy second hand where I can), this set set me back around £160 if I remember correctly.

  • Are bird based cartoons welcome here?

    Community about says mainly bird pictures so not sure if this is welcome or not but I don't have a more appropriate community saved and relevant content whilst the communities are still small I would imagine is welcome?

    If not please remove or suggest somewhere it would be better posted :)


    Bird Zero AM - Post winter make over.


    Following on from my post a little while back over the winter I stripped down my Bird bike to paint it up a fresh. These are the results!

    Things I've changed-

    New XT BB

    Nukeproof Headset

    DMR Defy stem

    DMR wingbars

    DMR Death Grips

    Raceface Chester Pedals

    No brand bash guard / chain device

    Vittoria Mazza rear tyre

    Everything else I've just cleaned up and refurbed as best I can. I also decided to colour code the brake levers whilst I was at it and they came out pretty well considering i had to "mask" the mechanism where it wouldn't disassemble any further with blue tack xD



    [Dubstep] Nahlith - D-BLK003

    A good North American example of some "Real" Dubstep to help get the community going. Check out the rest of Nahliths music, it is some good shit!


    On One "The Gimp" - What I was riding back in 2006



    What were you guys riding back in the day? This was the final form of my bike back when I was a teenager.

    One One Gimp frame

    FSA pig three piece cranks

    Single speed conversion

    24inch Atomlab rear wheel with DMR moto

    26inch Atomlab front with DMR moto digger

    Manitou forks

    DMR wing bars and zip grips

    DMR V8 pedals

    I was chasing that slack head angle before it was cool apparently, not that I knew that was even a thing back then :D

    My brakes were always my feet and I only recently got a saddle in these pictures as I rode without a saddle for around 4 years prior to this.

    I wish I still had this bike but sadly it moved on a long time ago now.


    Bird Zero AM - Before a winter make over.

    Getting in as many rides as I can before it gets really shitty over the winter. Once it gets too wet it is gonna get a full strip down, service or replace everything and give it a fresh look via paint!
