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thefrankring Frank Ring

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every company right now
  • My hammer and screwdriver are AI powered.

  • Rulestoise
  • Just a reminder that Blastoise backward is esiotsalb

  • The longer you look, the worse it gets
  • So many green flags.

  • Got a Point
  • My car needs cardio too

  • Chevrolet's logo is a cross.

  • privacy rule
  • hi mom 👋

  • me_irl
  • Thinking is a problem. Stop thinking.

  • Mood
  • We need to invent grass guns.

    So that everyone can touch grass.

  • gotdamn
  • Cuz I'm so wet.

  • gotdamn
  • I wish Lake Superior would empregnate me.

  • Surely there must be another way
  • Doctor is unqualified. I want expensive pills with unknown side effects for the rest of my life.

  • True!!
  • Who's counting anyways, right?

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Qi chargers. These mofos are so god damn slow.

    It's better to spend 2 sec plugging a charging cable than wait freaking hours for your phone to charge with Qi.

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • Everybody is suffering. Not only the 3.6 billions.

    In your world, it seems like being a billionaire is the ultimate end of suffering. Eventually, everyone dies. Even billionaires.

    I think they simply have problems that we can't relate to. I don't know what it's like to be a billionaire.

    Should they share that wealth? I don't know. Maybe? Maybe not?

    Now, I don't think I'm defending them. But as a business owner, a part of me values wealth creation and capitalism.

  • While you were worried about socialism…
  • I can see the point.

    Being a billionaire is most likely morally wrong and probably exploited tons of people to reach that point. I can see why people might think it's unjust.

    But if a billionaire trully worked hard for it, than I don't see what's wrong. He can do what he wants with his money.

    It might effectively trigger people like you. Maybe that's a reflection of your own inability to create wealth for yourself.

    Your argument that every body deserve to eat, clean water, roof, etc., it sounds good on paper.

    In some cases, I'm sure it truly helps some people to get back on their feet and create a better life for themselves.

    But I don't think that's a long term solution. Why? Because then, people can decide to be usefulness and not work. Why would they? Everything is given to them. It encourages laziness and poverty.

    Why would a billionaire who worked hard to reach that point not deserve his money while a homeless person who purposely decided to not work derserve to be given anything?