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Commercial Building Sustainability Recommendations

Does anyone have any recommendations for books, websites, podcasts, and/or videos regarding sustainability solutions for commercial buildings?

I've got some general ideas but want to research more in case there are solutions that I've missed.


Shipping pallets are a free way to create wooden planters
  • If the first works well, then I have two more pallets I'd like to use, too. I picked up this book a couple of months ago and want to try it out.

    If all goes well then I'd like to source pallets and make them for people without gardens, but that'll depend on how well it works and how easy it is to find free pallets.

  • The "3.5% rule" needs protesting

    Support for a campaign by just 3.5% of people is supposedly a tipping point. That doesn’t add up

    The "3.5% rule" needs protesting

    A note of caution about the 3.5% rule that has received a lot of focus in recent years:

    > People will, of course, find reasons to explain away why one or the other of the protest movements don’t count – but what’s important is that both show there is nothing magical about a 3.5% threshold, even in exactly the context to which it was originally applied. > > The animating theory of modern protest, then, has been extended well out of the context of its original research, and doesn’t hold up even in its original context when we look at the biggest non-violent protest movements of the last decade. And yet this goes entirely unexamined.

    An Old Idea or a Bad Idea?
  • Those are great points, too. I know a few sellers and have noticed their complaints about Amazon have increased in recent years at the same time my satisfaction with the platform as a buyer has been going down. You have all given me a lot ot think through. Greatly appreciated!

  • An Old Idea or a Bad Idea?
  • Yeah, @[email protected] raised some good points about potential problems. But it's no impossible in theory. Like you say, I'd love to see something from the FOSS world that could take on Amazon. Amazon is a bully and a design thief.

  • An Old Idea or a Bad Idea?

    I am working off not enough sleep, so this may already exist or be a bad idea, but this thread got me thinking and so I posted this idea on Mastodon:

    What if there was an interoperability commerce-focused protocol (built like ActivityPub does for content) where sellers could connect their single listing/post/etc. to many websites without having to manage the item individually on each website and the websites made money by commissions through a sort of affiliate program if the purchase was made through them?

    I'm not a tech/programmer person, I'm more of a systems person, so I'm a bit out of my element.

    Maybe building a better internet means going backwards
  • anything on reddit gets shit on by 13 year olds who don't know anything besides constant adaption to change.

    That comment and this thread reminds me of this line from Cory Doctorow's book Walkaway:

    Anything invented before you were eighteen was there all along. Anything invented before you're 30 is exciting and will change the world forever. Anything invented after that is an abomination and should be banned.

    The tracking, the crap algorithms—they're bad for user experience and they're bad for society as a whole. But there is good stuff, too. I think that things like RSS (something old that is still amazingly supported but not consciously used enough), ActivityPub, and others can empower us to break free from the bad stuff while embracing the good.

    Separate the content from how the content is viewed and we'll change the incentives for (and power held by) for those who have turned it to such garbage.

  • Maybe building a better internet means going backwards
  • I completely agree. I've beed tailoring my use in the past few months, going to RSS feeds for news instead of news websites, checking out, etc., trying to create a slower, less frantic, less in-your-face bubble.

  • CBD Oil in UK

    Does anyone have any recommendations for CBD oil (for sublingual use, not vaping) in the UK? I want to pick up something, but I know that quality/accuracy can be an issue with the stuff you can get in shops without a prescription.

    Shoppers say they want sustainable goods, but won't pay more
  • About 15-20 years ago, a friend of mine who teaches communication at a university told me of a study that I think of every time I'm in a store and see vague sustainability messaging on a product. The study had two types of milk containers, each with the same milk from the same producer, but one had a standard label and cap, while the other had green-coloured labelling and a meaningless phrase along the lines of "for a better tomorrow". The milk in the green, meaningless labels outsold the other one, even without making any actual claims. I think years of greenwashing BS have made people not trust claims of sustainability or eco-friendliness.

    Another issue is hyperbolic discounting. Even if a more sustainable option saves money of the long run, people are generally bad at factoring in future savings.

  • Climate crisis could contribute to a global food shortage by 2050, US special envoy on food security warns
  • And then there are pandemics among crops to worry about:

    “Never again should a major cultivated species be molded into such uniformity that it is so universally vulnerable to attack by a pathogen,” wrote plant pathologist Arnold John Ullstrup in a review of the matter published in 1972.

    And yet, today, genetic uniformity is one of the main features of most large-scale agricultural systems, leading some scientists to warn that conditions are ripe for more major outbreaks of plant disease.

    “I think we have all the conditions for a pandemic in agricultural systems to occur,” said agricologist Miguel Altieri, a professor emeritus from the University of California, Berkeley. Hunger and economic hardship would likely ensue.

  • Nature: Degrowth can work
  • It can work, but I still think degrowth is bad branding. Rather than focusing on what is done away with (growth as an objective), the focus should be on the fact that the policies would create a more stable, inclusive, and fulfilling economy and society. I'm not sure what term or phrase would work better, but some marketing folks should sit down with a thesaurus and do some focus group testing.

  • A Massive Heatwave is Forecast for Western Europe Again - Unseasonably High Temperatures develop under the Heat Dome as we head into the first week of September 2023
  • I started reading Ministry for the Future during last year's horrible heat wave in Britain. My wife is a care worker and we were worried she'd arrive at people's homes to find them dead. I had to stop reading because it was too real at the time. Thankfully non of her clients died during the heatwave.

    As for mass causualty events, we've already had them—they just aren't reported as such. Until these deaths are explicity reported as such in real time, people (survivors) will still feel disconnected. Just look at how long it took to attribute this girl's death to air pollution.

  • Children's Book Recommendation

    Just sharing a book recommendation for explaining the topic to kids. I highly recommend the book Climate Change and How We'll Fix It by Alice Harman. I got it last year for my 8-year-old and was very impressed with it. I'd even say its approach would work well for explaining things to adults who aren't very informed on or engaged with the topic.

    My 8-year-old was inspired by it to write and design a flyer to hand out to his classmates about climate change with 10 simple things that they could do. We heard from several parents that their kids came home telling them to change some things they were doing at home.

    For anyone curious about the book's content, here is the table of contents:

    • Part 1: What We Know
      • The greenhouse effect
      • Energy and fuel
      • Food and farming
      • Too much stuff
      • Evidence of climate change
      • Impact of climate change
    • Part 2: The Problems
      • Why aren't we fixing it?
      • The 'Just one more cookie' problem
      • The 'That's not fair' problem
      • The 'Would I lie to you' problem
      • The 'Smelt it, dealt it' problem
      • The 'You always take their side' problem
      • The 'They made me do it' problem
      • The 'Goody-two-shoes' problem
      • The 'Magical homework machine' problem
      • The 'La la la, I can't hear you' problem
      • The 'I won't until you do' problem
      • The 'Why should I?' problem
    • Part 3: The Solutions
      • What we have to do
      • Do your best
      • Think BIG
      • Ask questions
      • Try to understand
      • Make things fair
      • Listen carefully
      • Use your imagination
      • Keep it simple
      • Work together
    • Glossary
    • Index

    Technology to Manage a New Society

    I just finished listening to The Santiago Boys podcast about the attempts to use cybernetics to run the Chilean economy under Allende in the early 70s. It was very interesting and got me wondering what kinds of technology (hardware or software) that you have come across that you think would be good for managing resources/efforts and democratising society.

    What tools do you think could empower people?


    Introduction to Bookchin's Writings/Philosophy

    What would you folks recommend as a good introduction to Murray Bookchin's ideas?

    I saw a post from a couple of months ago recommending Make Rojava Green Again by his daughter, but I think that's focused on how it has been implemented in Rojava and based on Öcalan's works, as well. I'd like something focused on Murray Bookchin's writing, either by him or by someone else about his ideas.

