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tetranomos epigone

you want i should come show you where egypt is on a map for all the quines in the world?

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Helmut Newton | Nastassia Kinski for Playboy (1983) | Available for Sale | Artsy
  • for the question "will artsy dot net have to start taking age verification?" to pass nimby codes

  • On the Internet, what is a dead giveaway that someone is actually a kid?
  • since 2008 (the artilect wars) or the third "a.i." winter?

  • will desantis veto natural language question answering in "a.i." feature-laced apps when negative hedonic [tones] respond to "sexual" cartesian theatre prompt engineers connected within florida's policywalls? --- [tones]: "If some negative hedonic tones are appropriate and useful for some purpose, then it will sometimes be inappropriate, and destructive of that purpose, to intervene." ~ hedonic rationality. corns, j. 2020.

    As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts
  • mmo festive "sexual" cartesian theatres coming for disney world from japan with loving kindness

  • friendly reminder
  • South Park's comedic antics will be lost on droves of beautiful souls unless The Critic is rebooted.

  • Did it hurt?
  • algorithms of oppression. noble.

  • It's probably time to stop recommending Clean Code @ Things Of Interest
  • i'd like to think the motivations to think or practice prime our hinge commitments to attune to noopower such that we privatize our lives in spite of the commons. the available motivations, then, would be the actual problems, adoption and qualities of thinking, the symptoms.

    bcs's On the Origin of Objects might make your day.

  • It's probably time to stop recommending Clean Code @ Things Of Interest
  • as someone who observes the interests of theology that has crossed disciplines with computer science, i should only speak from that regard, than as a web developer who puts a dog in the fight of competing styles, insofar as the styles bear ontological commitments. though, obviously the web is suffering in quality due to these dogmatic "software" "engineering" practices, it must be said. there's a wider tendency to advance metaphors which make certain paradigms more attractive to some developers than others based on philosophical prejudices coming from having accepted aristotle's agrilogistic axioms (law of noncontradiction, metaphysics of presence, essentialism). computer science is fundamentally ontotheological, not accidental, and engineers who follow martin are committed to a politicization of the object as more real than what objects are about. their style fails to purposefully and meaningfully ground fundamentally distributed applications, necessarily. someone might contrast martin against authors like brian cantwell smith, to see the orientation from which i speak.

    greater still, we're seeing the outcome of what seems like decades of uncritical adoption of practices, what seems more like political movement than properly philosophical argumentation, everywhere in c.s. and wider applications of it.

  • Majority of Black Americans believe U.S. institutions are conspiring against them, poll finds
  • institution: yet another non-human living asexual hyperobject constantly having sex with itself stopping only to shamefully laugh at the moments in which we respire.

  • yuval harari comin' in hot

    unrelated note: "art has emancipated time."

    Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump
  • as a black person i'm worried that donald trump's batting average isn't showing the potential it should be this season. he should spend more time in the cages.

  • How do you know if a tree that fell in the forest made a sound?
  • the quantum level of description is a luxury:

    Conscious intentional communication, which we perhaps too hastily attribute to human beings as a mark of distinction, becomes a limited domain, the only domain where the distinction between desirable and ‘spurious’ uncertainty pertains. We may have to concede that the centrality of human communication, understood as a semantic and culturally saturated information system is, at least in principle, neither the first system in which information processes occur, nor necessarily the most efficient.

  • How the Simulation Argument Dampens Future Fanaticism – Center on Long-Term Risk
  • oh can that hubris. it's because you insist on posturing diagnoses like you are a doctor. now you're here diagnosing "loneliness" when it is an epidemic. it's easy for anybody to bandy about cheap epistemic postures when they're the writing on the wall. what you are [doing] is insincere.

  • How the Simulation Argument Dampens Future Fanaticism – Center on Long-Term Risk
  • "Don't for heaven's sake, be afraid of talking nonsense! But you must pay attention to your nonsense." - ludwig wittgenstein

    no, you just lack training in any intellectual discipline worthy of comment. you've got nothing but a racist "protest psychosis" to wield like a cudgel. you're using jargon medical terms to force your wit around. you've got nothing worthwhile to discuss; or what you're doing is you're attempting to undermine the legitimacy of this entire subcommunity by pulling on heartstrings to get readership to associate mental illness with outstanding claims, while writing in a personable style with anecdotal associations.

    paid protesting is a thing. we have every reason to assume it here-now in 2023. other than that, schizophrenia is clinically indistinguishable from autism even to trained physicians. you're acting like you're doing anybody a favor by pretending to show such cheap care like your words originate from a sincere place. you're just kicking tires.

  • How the Simulation Argument Dampens Future Fanaticism – Center on Long-Term Risk
  • let's get you up-to-date in the 21st century. back in 2001 margaret runchey prototyped her unitary technology in "model of everything", some patented stuff happening about ontological design just before jeff bezos' "api mandate" (2002). now we're assessing how to model transaction artifacts that [learn] or [fail not to learn] about their own copies or clones which "own people as data".

    quote: Having a maker or owner is the source of identity. The record of civilization is charted in official claims of origination. We have institutionalized mechanisms for establishing authenticity, one of the purposes government serves. This critical step is missing in current electronic models that apply entity status and standing to define virtual transaction artifacts that own people as data.

    so, that's copies of people [theorized as data objects or entities] depending on your philosophy of definition, not meaning. why such a modeling of people is valuable is a different question than how it works. interscience as defined by reproducibility, measurability, falsifiability, etc. as borne out has tended to become a failed project ("a.i." was deemed a downside back in 2007). so then question of pedigree is not enough (valuability): mechanism independence, estimability (predictive power), testability, theory negotiability (conservatism), sizeability (modularity) of a model explains what some join baruch spinoza in calling the power of the multitude or "collective representations" or "manipulating shadows"* (as fielding and taylor put it).

    • fielding, r. t., and r. n. taylor. 2002. “principled design of the modern web architecture.” acm transactions on internet technology (toit) 2, no. 2:115–50.
  • How the Simulation Argument Dampens Future Fanaticism – Center on Long-Term Risk

    The simulation argument suggests a non-trivial chance that most of the copies of ourselves are instantiated in relatively short-lived ancestor simulations run by superintelligent civilizations. If so, when we act to help others in the short run, our good deeds are duplicated many times over. This re...

    How the Simulation Argument Dampens Future Fanaticism – Center on Long-Term Risk

    > Combined with general model uncertainty, it seems premature to conclude that far-future-focused actions dominate short-term helping. It's likely that the far future will still dominate after more thorough analysis, but by much less than a naive future fanatic would have thought.
