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US cops get gun stuck to MRI machine in bungled cannabis raid
  • There are ways to get it without destroying the machine. If it's an electromagnet it will cost you several thousand dollars because there is cooling helium inside you have to remove, but you can stop it. Even if it's a permanent magnet there are techniques to remove metal objects. Incidents with metal objects in these rooms happen all the time in hospitals.

    I don't get why you would defend this stupid cop, especially by making stuff up. A medical device like an MRI scanner is infinitely more important than a gun, for god's sake. Even if we assume they cost the same, what deserves to be saved is the medical device.

  • PS5 Homescreen Now Replaces Unique Video Game Art With Annoying Ads You Can’t Turn Off
  • It doesn't have to bother you personally to be unfair. I don't pay this amount of money on their games and consoles to be bombarded by ads. It's not a "big" problem, but it is a problem. Some people don't want to see so many ads, to be tempted to buy stuff all the time or have a bloated home screen.

    Just because you don't mind doesn't mean everyone has to do so as well.

  • US cops get gun stuck to MRI machine in bungled cannabis raid
  • I don't know which part is worse, that they destroyed a several hundred thousand dollar machine for a fucking gun, that they left the magazine behind, or that they did all that for cannabis.

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • You are literally twisting my words to the point it is disgusting. I said the exact opposite, this is so toxic or your reading comprehension is very bad.

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • Once you realize that the reason they are not treating women equal is because they've been uneducated and starved to death by imperial powers to reach the point to have this government, and not because they are stupid or something, then we can talk. Oh and once you learn to read how I never said it's acceptable, but rather that we can applaud them for one thing and condemn them for another.

    If you let them live for a couple of decades they will sort it out is the main idea.

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • One can do a good action and a bad action at the same time. They can support a national liberation struggle and oppress their citizens at the same time. I don't know why you'd have to make a final verdict, countries are not people you should hang out with. They are bureaucratic entities with interests that are a lot of the times opposite to those of the people. How about all counties are bad?

    Also I don't understand why you would hold the poorest country in the world that was facing a genocide and the worst humanitarian crisis in earth 5-10 years ago by the Saudis and the US to the same social standards as the West. These people are hungry, poor, destroyed in every way and up until recently had to fight to gain their independence. Who do you expect to rule except for these Houthi fighters? If the west and the Saudis had let them live, then we could talk. I see this stupid take so often like with Afghanistan, it's frustrating.

  • Teach the children.
  • Yeah you are just the average piracy bad person got it. You just happen to use pirated content that's what confused me and I unfortunately engaged. And yet you somehow still didn't answer what exactly xmanager offers that Spotify premium doesn't. Make it make sense, there are no extra features, only pirated premium features that are not the main function :)

    It's great seeing people defend the profits of oligarchs and monopolies and their ability to define what the standard experience is and what zero marginal cost feature can or cannot be paywalled. Which is definitely not entirely subjective, you are right to be so confident on that, you can get to tell us what the necessary functions of any app is.

  • Teach the children.
  • This whole sequence does not make any sense. They are entitled for complaining about the standard experience, yet piracy is easy? What does that suppose to mean? If you think the standard experience is adequate then why resort to piracy? What is the entitlement referring to? According to you they can complain about the pricing and a lot of other features being paywalled, but the entitlement comes from the particular two examples they gave? Because you don't think they are important, as if the important features to you are universal? I don't get what the point of this is

  • Teach the children.
  • I get that it's stealing your data, what I don't get is why it has to be accessible by search engines. First of all, most servers are private because they would rather be that way, they don't want anyone joining or viewing the content. Second of all, the big search engines would have had the ability to gather all the available data and train AIs, give it to advertisers etc. I don't want that. I don't know what the Chinese are doing with the data, but I know what Google and Bing would be doing with it. Not everything on the internet has to be available to everyone, a lot of people want privacy. I get that ideally there shouldn't be accounts with personal information required, but the rest I don't agree with. Reddit and twitter are meant to be public, everyone on such social media is aware that anyone can see their comments and posts. But discord serves another purpose, it's for private, closed communities.

    I also don't see what basic feature is charged. Everything charged has to do with functions that require a lot of storage/server space or stupid stickers and emojis. None of that is a basic feature and for the former I get why someone would charge.

    I am not defending discord, I'd rather not use it, I know it aggressively steals our data and they probably plan on enshittifying it a lot more once they've taken out the competition completely, but that criticism I mentioned is not valid imo.

  • Capitalist logix
  • I don't get why you purposefully obfuscate what ruling class I am referring to. What kind of example are managers and drivers when I am clearly talking about the people comprising the decision making body or Communist party under communism? I think that's simple enough and also the fact that any communist government that survived long enough gradually became more and more authoritarian, more detached from the people - never in the other direction. The evidence is there and we both know it. The burden of proof that this isn't the case is on you, not me..

    You simply dismissed my claims without any evidence on that. Although you seem to like to meticulously answer every sentence separately, you dismiss the core of the argument. I understand most communism movements start off with noble and admirable intentions and I'm not ignoring this, but the fundamental issue here is that in the longterm, by design, in order to preserve state power, for whatever reason, you'd be heading to the opposite direction of a stateless society.

    I've read enough Lenin to understand this from his descriptions of the ideal Party. I don't need reading recommendations, thank you. I am not saying anything profound here, this is like mainstream critique of marxism.

  • Capitalist logix
  • What does it mean to have a misreading in this context (last point)? You are just reiterating what they said but reassuring us that the most "advanced" among them are not going to turn into a ruling class because...?

    Any form of political power is poison. You don't get to a state-less, egalitarian society by going in the exact opposite direction, by enforcing a ruling class and an hierarchy like any else.

    And you can see this practically not in any massacre, genocide, famine or war communist countries have inflicted, these are up for discussion. The actual evidence that this is not the right path is in the lack of accountability of the governing Party under communism, the lack of freedom of speech inside that party and the decision making body, the absolute discipline required to be in it or you get kicked out for having a different opinion for any topic, the gradual increase in authoritarianism by it and the Party's gradual alienation from the people. These all are fundamental structural problems that stem from the fact that you set out to solve a problem by endorsing it and practising it.

    People are never going to free themselves from hierarchy and the state if they don't learn to live without it in practise, take decisions for themselves, develop the skills, knowledge and tactics to abolish it etc. You are/become what you practise in your life, not what you preach.

  • Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way!
  • Nah a lot of things have changed, it's just that the US hasn't, sadly.

    Unless Afghanistan and Iraq was in 1970 or singlehandedly funding a genocide as we speak doesn't count.

  • Wait a minute, we've been going about this all the wrong way!
  • Yeah I'm sure, the US would never let that slide, just like in Laos, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan.

  • Anon falls in love
  • This is really cute, but the first thing you should've said to her is the cheesy pick up line from the day you met her.

  • That moment in life
  • So no original experiences whatsoever huh

  • 7 Things You Should Know Before Switching to GrapheneOS
  • Wait what do the android updates have to do with Graphene? Does the phone need to still be supported by Google and android for Graphene to be secure and work?

  • 7 Things You Should Know Before Switching to GrapheneOS
  • For how long will the older pixel phones be supported? Is it worth it to buy a cheaper older model like pixel 6 and have graphene in it?

    Cause I'm not giving more than 200-300 for a phone. I'll stick to cheap android phones that lack nothing compared to expensive phones for my needs.

  • Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' | Business Insider India
  • Only the fact that he is able to say shit like that out loud is a sign of a rotting society. People are ok with being their slaves

  • notifications rule
  • Well obviously if you're going to need such a simple app, you'd opt for an open source one that has the user's convenience in mind - not profit and therefore would never have such features in it.

    But that's not the point I'm making, it was about the idea people have that we have control over our phones, feed, data etc and that we can quit whenever we want, which is categorically not the case.

  • notifications rule
  • Well you won't replace it with a pen and paper (like everybody else) cause we are addicted to our phones, that's a big reason why many apps are cocky