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stormesp stormesp
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Comments 21
"Genocide is good if an Anti-Imperialist Country(tm) is doing it!"
  • Just lol, go fight in the war yourself against Putin and Netanyahu then, also good mental gymnastics making a relation in fighting against nuclear powers that will ensure mutual destruction vs fighting against the capital and billionaries like Bezos lmao. You might want to reread the whole thread also just in case. See ya.

  • "Genocide is good if an Anti-Imperialist Country(tm) is doing it!"
  • Eh, i dont know the point of your comment, but just to clarify, Podemos is not a communist party, altough it is supported by some communists / has some communist in the party. Sumar as a whole is even less to the left than they are, despite having also some parties inside the group that could be considered communists. Its not true that Podemos is against anything that helps Ukraine, they are all in for a cease fire and for an end to the war through dialogue which should be done from the EU mainly, the same way they are in for a cease fire/end of the war in Gaza, what they are against is spending billions of euros that are needed here to send weapons and war vehicles to Ukraine, the same way they do not support sending weapons and war vehicles to palestine nor no one expects that to be the position of any party here.

  • "Genocide is good if an Anti-Imperialist Country(tm) is doing it!"
  • I really hated the word tankie when i joined lemmy, it felt like it was thrown around too much, but then i really started seeing "communists" "critically supporting" Russia, despite being a far right shithole, like you only need to see who where the allies of Russia in Europe, weeks before the war started they were meeting with Meloni from Italy, Vox (fascist far right) from Spain and similar parties from other sides of Europe. Some communists are so in love with the idea of the USSR that cant really see that Putin is just your average far right dictator.

    Thankfully in Spain you dont see this happening as much as in some lemmy communities.

  • Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook
  • Uf, looks bad, threw a request to sign up for lemmy ml, thank you

  • Second largest Lemmy instance preemptively un-friends Facebook
  • Wait, did he said anything on the subject already? can you link? I will be hard switching unless world blocks meta too

  • Ubisoft sees ‘major reduction’ in Rainbow Six Siege cheaters thanks to XIM detection
  • Hahaha, yeah i posted articles and referenced actual players to back up my argument, you just made shit up lmao

  • Ubisoft sees ‘major reduction’ in Rainbow Six Siege cheaters thanks to XIM detection
  • Lol, maybe it would have been a good moment to go back, read the conversation from the first post and see why you started trying to pass your made up arguments as facts and saying to people how their "inexperience shows" when you were just making up stuff. But sure haha, agree to disagree.

  • Ubisoft sees ‘major reduction’ in Rainbow Six Siege cheaters thanks to XIM detection
  • Lmao, i would like to see that clear bias, i would recommend you to read my comment again and both the articles and tweets i linked because i think you are completely missing the point of the whole argument

  • Ubisoft sees ‘major reduction’ in Rainbow Six Siege cheaters thanks to XIM detection
  • Sorry but a lot of what you are describing is pure bullshit imo. First, a big part of the reason hitbox is seen by a lot of people as the superior device in the fgc is because of how it filters inputs, and in fact SF6 Capcom has already banned hitbox with a socd cleaner that detected up+down as up, which gives an unfair advantage not intended and that cant be prevented by the software ingame unless they restrict it to only official products. Fightsticks vs controllers is pure preference, to the point that the controller is seen sometimes as better due to the no travel distance of a dpad vs a stick and many many top players nowadays play with controllers, see sonic fox and a ton of others. If you dont see how using xim to play with a mouse in a platform not intended to i think you just have a problem.

    for reference:

  • Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown has seemingly been delayed to 2024 | VGC
  • Kyloton had been working in Wrc generations up to last november/december, its only normal to think that they started directing more resources into this project this january probably

  • Day 8: Best filler game: Lovecraft Letter
  • Infinity Gauntlet love letter works pretty well at 2. Had a lot of fun playing with my gf.

  • Valve Removes Games Using AI-Generated Art From Steam Due to Potential Copyright Issues
  • I wish it was like that, and while its "true" that they "should" be starting purely from noise and form from what they have learnt the reality is that they end up using big chunks of pieces that are regularly found online.

  • Valve Removes Games Using AI-Generated Art From Steam Due to Potential Copyright Issues
  • Because its very different what you refer to training your brain vs what is training an AI, which is basically photobashing stuff to the point of including watermarks from stuff they stole while scraping images they dont have the license to use.

  • 10 Board Games Even Better Than Popular Video Games
  • Im playing under falling skies right now, it has nothing to do with xcom outside of defending earth against an alien threat lmao, the gameplay of under falling skies is more reminiscent of space invaders if anything. The article is pure classic cbr clickbait bullshit.

  • First Under falling Skies game

    mMany of the bells and whistles or upgraded difficulty, but was fun enough, didnt flip any tile as i expected it to be more difficult but managed to won with several turns and hp remaining. Liked the puzzle aspect but expected it to be a bit more themathic for some reason.

    Recap Monday Week 24: what did you play last week?
  • Yeah, specially the two rulebooks seemed daunting as hell when i opened the box but tbh it wasnt as bad as i expected as a big part of the main rulebook for multiplayer is keywords and explaining each nation! I recommend watching a video like the one from Gaming rules just to make sure you got everything right as at least in the spanish rulebook there were some rules that were not explained in a clear way.

  • Recap Monday Week 24: what did you play last week?
  • Played Imperium Legends in multiplayer for the first time (3 players) , i played with the Qin for the first time and didnt enjoy it as much as i enjoy other factions, too much restrictions and cards that need other cards or are restrictive of other cards you have in play. My turns took more time than i would like to. I dont know if my friends enjoyed the game as much as i expected, but it was a good game.

    Also played Discworld Ank-Morpork for the first time and had a really good time, i think that the mechanics on the board work well enough (moving minions, buildings, trouble and killing) and the cards are fun enough too, some really crazy effects on there. But there are two things i really did not like: Events can go crazy on you, i lost in two events played in the same turn near the end 50% of all the money i had made in the whole game, it was too much, i knew at that point that i had no way to complete my objective nor win by points. Also your actions being restricted to random cards can make the game really one sided at times, if you dont draw decent cards with the actions you need you are simply always behind, and having cards that do actions and then let you play another card is just so much better 99% of the time. There were 3 turns in a row where my two friends had a card with an additional play at least and i didnt so i just played a single card and passed and they played 2 to 4 cards, that just was even less fun than when i lost 50% of what i had as i just wasnt even playing the game in comparison. All things said, its still a pretty fun game i would play again, but its really luck based.

    Edit: Rereading my comment about Ankh Morpork i think it sounds weird how negative im on random events and cards but i say i had a really fun time, the main thing is the game has hidden objectives to win that can be pretty different so as i was playing with a couple of friends i knew already most of the fun came from trying to guess what was each others win condition and trying to prevent each other from winning.

  • AMD Ryzen CPUs getting cheaper: 5800X3D at $280, 7700X at $289, 7900 at $379 and 7900X3D at $520
  • purchased an 5800x for 200 a month ago, would have maybe went with the x3d for that price

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