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So an interesting change is coming to Mastodon embeds.
  • @[email protected] Alright, I just went ahead and made the necessary update, it didn't require too much effort.

    Let me know once you update the plugin!

  • So an interesting change is coming to Mastodon embeds.
  • @[email protected] Yeah, I think I will withhold any criticism of that, for now.

    The topic of quoting people's public social media posts is pretty fascinating to me, and my thoughts might be better expressed in a blog post rather than a series of posts on here. (Especially knowing that some might feel pretty strongly about this topic.)

    There is so much to consider, from people's expectations, societal norms, and the technical aspects as well.

  • So an interesting change is coming to Mastodon embeds.
  • @[email protected] Yeah, you definitely won't have to do that, the issue is more with wanting to embed posts from any servers running this version of Mastodon.

    You will only get the blockquote HTML code, while the plugin looks for iframes, so it just won't do anything.

  • So an interesting change is coming to Mastodon embeds.
  • @[email protected] Any existing embeds will continue to work, including from

    Basically, the plugin will check for the server and post ID from the iframe, and then fetches the status.

    Updating the plugin to work with blockquotes should be fairly straightforward, I just need to find the time.

    Will keep you posted!

  • So an interesting change is coming to Mastodon embeds.
  • For comparison, the previous (and on most Mastodon servers, the current) version looked like this.

  • So an interesting change is coming to Mastodon embeds.
  • Okay, looking at the new embed code more closely, this is...something else.

  • So an interesting change is coming to Mastodon embeds.
  • There are definitely benefits of moving away from iframes, as I've discussed on my blog.

    Also, an important side note, if you're using my Fediverse Embeds WordPress plugin, it will not work with this latest format. I will work on an update...hopefully over this weekend.

  • News from fediverse Stefan Bohacek

    So an interesting change is coming to Mastodon embeds.

    So an interesting change is coming to Mastodon embeds.

    Previously, the embed code consisted of an iframe, going forward, this is being switched to a blockquote.

    In either case, the original text of the post is not included and is rather added after the main page the embed is on is loaded.


    #mastodon #embeds #fediverse

    Mastodon launches a new project that will "[explore] decentralized search and discovery for the Fediverse".
  • @[email protected] Yeah, until I enabled ElasticSearch on my server recently, I had to rely on Google to find posts I've seen that I have not necessarily interacted with.

    So having a reliable search is definitely very useful.

  • Mastodon launches a new project that will "[explore] decentralized search and discovery for the Fediverse".
  • Yes, I should also say that I'd rather see the money for this go towards improving safety on Mastodon servers, but I don't really have any insights into the team's finances, so can't criticize too much.

    Also worth mentioning that quote boosts, which have also recently received funding, will include work on privacy and safety features around them, possibly extending to other areas of the online experience.

    Can't wait for more updates around this!


  • @dangillmor: "Shaming people into moving over (to the Fediverse) doesnโ€™t work".
  • @[email protected] I'd maybe suggest she signs up on the same server as you are, just to try things out a bit, without getting too attached to her posting history, and then see if she needs to find a server that suits her better after a few days.

  • @dangillmor: "Shaming people into moving over (to the Fediverse) doesnโ€™t work".
  • @queenofnewyork Yes, between the lack of options for exporting posts, at least on Mastodon, and the occasional beef between server admins that results in can be a bit tricky to figure out which server to pick.

    My advice would be: it doesn't matter *for your first server*.

  • @dangillmor: "Shaming people into moving over (to the Fediverse) doesnโ€™t work".
  • This, of course, applies to everything. Just don't shame people. Lead by example.

  • News from fediverse Stefan Bohacek

    @dangillmor: "Shaming people into moving over (to the Fediverse) doesnโ€™t work".

    @[email protected]: "Shaming people into moving over (to the Fediverse) doesnโ€™t work".

    Well said. And I've said this myself in the past, folks who want to get people to join the fediverse have to actively work towards making it a safe and inviting space, for everyone.

    #fediforum #fediverse

    News from fediverse Stefan Bohacek

    Mastodon launches a new project that will " decentralized search and discovery for the Fediverse".

    Mastodon launches a new project that will "[explore] decentralized search and discovery for the Fediverse".

    And it's all very privacy-conscious, which is nice!


    Announcement: <>

    #fediverse #fediscovery


    "The tardigradeโ€™s tiny size belies both its astounding physical resilience and its charisma."

    "The tardigradeโ€™s tiny size belies both its astounding physical resilience and its charisma."


    #science #history

    News from fediverse Stefan Bohacek

    Oh wow, somehow I only got 41% of the questions right in this fediverse quiz @lightone made/shared (?) to celebrate the fediverse turning 14 back in 2022.

    Oh wow, somehow I only got 41% of the questions right in this fediverse quiz @[email protected] made/shared (?) to celebrate the fediverse turning 14 back in 2022.


    Well, time to brush up on some fediverse trivia, especially mascots!

    #fediverse #quiz

    A nice, detailed list of major fediverse milestones, with sources.
  • @[email protected] Adding some of these to my calendar to remember to celebrate!

  • News from fediverse Stefan Bohacek

    A nice, detailed list of major fediverse milestones, with sources.

    A nice, detailed list of major fediverse milestones, with sources.


    #fediverse #SocialMedia #FediverseHistory

    News from fediverse Stefan Bohacek

    I know this is how the #fediverse is supposed to work, but it's still pretty sweet to see it in action.

    I know this is how the #fediverse is supposed to work, but it's still pretty sweet to see it in action.

    A post I made on Mastodon showing up on <>.

    Bummer. I've seen a few posts here and there talking about #firefish shutting down over the part few months, but now it's official.
  • In the light of this news, it's even more important to support other fediverse platforms and server admins and moderators.

    #fediverse #FediverseSustainability

  • News from fediverse Stefan Bohacek

    Bummer. I've seen a few posts here and there talking about #firefish shutting down over the part few months, but now it's official.

    Bummer. I've seen a few posts here and there talking about #firefish shutting down over the part few months, but now it's official.

    "Firefish will enter maintenance mode"


    #fediverse #FediverseNews #SocialMedia


    Web Design Museum exhibits thousands of screens and videos of old websites, mobile apps and software from 1990s to mid-00s.

    Web Design Museum exhibits thousands of screens and videos of old websites, mobile apps and software from 1990s to mid-00s.


    #history #technology #OldWeb #design


    Happy #LaborDay!

    Happy #LaborDay!

    "Conservative Democratic President Grover Cleveland was one of those concerned that a labor holiday on May 1 would [...] strengthen socialist and anarchist movements that backed the May 1 commemoration around the globe. In 1887, he publicly supported the September Labor Day holiday as a less inflammatory alternative [...]"

    #LaborDay #workers #WorkerSolidarity #history

    News from fediverse Stefan Bohacek

    I think this is the first time I'm seeing a fediverse post embedded in an article by a major news site.

    I think this is the first time I'm seeing a fediverse post embedded in an article by a major news site.


    #fediverse #mastodon #SocialMedia #embeds

    News from fediverse Stefan Bohacek

    I'm not particularly interested in monetization on social media, but will definitely keep an eye on the work that @bart, @quillmatiq, and the rest of the @subclub team are doing in this area.

    I'm not particularly interested in monetization on social media, but will definitely keep an eye on the work that @[email protected], @[email protected], and the rest of the @[email protected] team are doing in this area.


    Definitely want to see fediverse to remain sustainable and appreciate that folks are working towards that goal.


    #SubClub #fediverse #SocialMedia #monetization #FediverseSustainability #FediverseMonetization


    Rye Games on YouTube explores forgotten and abandoned online games.

    Rye Games on YouTube explores forgotten and abandoned online games.;si=r6-n-LlqmAFg16Lf

    #videogames #gaming #exploration #OnlineExploration #archiving #PCGaming

    News from fediverse Stefan Bohacek

    Some great recent additions to @FediverseExplorations! I'd love to keep adding more, so definitely let me know if you've written or read anything interesting.

    Some great recent additions to @[email protected]! I'd love to keep adding more, so definitely let me know if you've written or read anything interesting.


    #fediverse #FediverseExplorations #data #dataviz
