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[Update 2023/08/05] Raw List of Local Communities
  • Is there a clickable list by any chance or is it just my device? Definitely don't mind looking some up individually but would prefer to just click and subscribe to many of these as my feed is pretty small rn

  • You should be gobbling my pussy instead of your Thanksgiving dinner [f]
  • Wonderful proposition but.. I'm so hungry that tbh I'd have to turn that down..regretfulllly

  • Should loud cars be banned?
  • Yep, 99% of the time that's the case around here. Live next to a well trafficked road and have heard enough to identify a modded exhaust. It's very rare that the loud assholes have stock exhausts, they usually put money into buying loud shit or just slice their old one off for good measure.

    Also, even the modded exhausts wouldn't be so bad if the drivers didn't intentionally gun it just to make noise.

    Then come the motorcycle groups, they're the absolute worst. Even one is bad, but when a group of 50 travel through here on a quiet day it's just.. sad, enraging etc.

    They're the loudest we get around where I live, if ANYONE is breaking a noise ordinance it's them, 50× over but I've never seen them pulled over or ticketed.

    I don't care if they're loud, go do that on a "back road" where the houses are an acre away, don't do it on a small street where babies are sleeping barely 20 feet away from you. At that volume, being that close they'd might as well knock on your door and scream in your face.

  • Transgender players banned from international women’s cricket by ICC
  • Last comment stated international women's cricket should be renamed international cis women's cricket 🤔 because women who experienced testosterone puberty are excluded

    Whereas a group of TW playing football can 100% use "Women's football league" Even if the league is 100 trans women and cis women are excluded

    That's all I'm saying, how's that not taking a title? Not saying this with any malice, hope that's clear I've no dog in this race other than supporting everyone but that's weird to me

  • All men want to be
  • This is interesting 🤔 admittedly I haven't read the article yet but the excerpt seems to be stating that they have shared traits, but doesn't say they're exactly the same.

    Basketballs share commonalities with footballs but it's still a different story, just not sure I'd claim to have experienced both without having 100% experienced both.

    Not insulting you or coming off with any malice that's just my take, but I can see exactly where you're coming from. TW orgasms are probably much, much more like CW orgasms than they are cis-man orgasms so I see where you're coming from.

  • Transgender players banned from international women’s cricket by ICC
  • It's not that their history makes them less of a woman, just that going through puberty with testosterone leads to advantages that those that went through non-testosterone puberty didn't have.

    Unfortunately, it's not as simple as taking testosterone blockers or whatever, they still don't reverse some of the advantages that going through testosterone puberty provides.

    Someone smarter than me may come along but if not just googling or ducking some knowledge about testosterone puberty will shine some light on why they've made this change in the sport..

  • Transgender players banned from international women’s cricket by ICC
  • I agree with much of what you said but have to nit-pick a part that I found confusing.

    trans women are women

    And cis women are cis women?

    Comes off as if an afab person, who has always referred to herself as simply "woman" now has to refer to herself as "cis woman" to be exact, whereas trans women have now adopted "woman"

    I'm a guy, and I'd be pretty irritated if people suddenly started insisting that I not refer to myself as "guy" anymore, because trans guys are now "guys" so they get my old title but now I have to specifically state that I'm a "cis guy" everywhere..

    Like why would I have to give up my title? It's one thing for them to adopt it as well, not like I mind, more the merrier! But why am I having to change my title when I've been the same all along?

    It's like if people began changing cats into dogs, and claiming the name "cat" for the former dogs. Cool, do what you will, but then they tell me that my "cats" aren't "cats" anymore, they're cis-cats and I must refer to them as such. Why? They've always been cats to everyone? How you gonna tell me that you get the name "cats" but my lifelong "cats" are now something else?

  • All men want to be
  • How do you know how they differ with such detail?

  • I don't know what it is but I'm always so horny after working out [F]
  • When someone is bloating my feed, I block. Pretty though, except for the fillers!

    Just kidding! But really those lip fillers weren't necessary

  • Just sitting on my fav chair and waiting for you [oc] [f]
  • Your hair is fiery auburn, el `caliente

    Wonder if your pinocha is the same? Quieres?

  • Irene Rouse - My Beloved Blanket
  • Your vagina is a waterfall that I would pay for

  • Ariela - Extra Hot
  • Nice tits, I want to light them on fire and watch you spin around like a pincinata on a chikita's diez cumpleaños which suits `tu because.. cum.. yessss b99999 kill itttt

  • Indian Bhabi likes to show off what's under her salwaar [F]
  • Why all the downvotes? What's wrong with you plebeians ?

  • I think this is my favorite Calvin Klein set
  • Question. 🤚

  • Eternal Commitment
  • Hey, you and everyone reading this need to take something from me, work on yourself, get to know yourself, don't put so much energy into others and eventually you won't even want a relationship you'll be too in love with yourself to let another into that dynamic and risk it.

    Decades of relationships and this is a summary of what I've learned, don't learn the hard way! Put yourself first asap, requiring another person for happiness is codependency at its finest, trust me I've been there.

    Don't fret, much of the population is codependent, they just haven't realized it. It's super duper common. Society has taught us that relationships are a necessity in life so when we're not in one we feel inadequate. That's not true. You have you, and you are valuable.

  • Facepalm Moment
  • Wait what's this about a free selection? Why would you have to be quick and sneaky if it's free?

    Sort of sounds like.. shoplifting with extra steps

  • Fresh out of the shower and already wanting to get dirty again [f]
  • Really want to see more of you, so sexy. Would love to pinch or lick that titty! Looks so soft!

  • T-Rex problems
  • I'm imagining there being some trees and whatnot, which may be in err but also being on a blank football field doesn't seem very fair

    Like in my mind I assumed you'd be in a sort of jungle atmosphere or something but admit that's probably just from watching Jurassic park a few too many times.

    Nevertheless the prompt doesn't really elaborate on the exact environment it would be, just the size so I feel sort of justified with assuming it would be an "in theme" environment and not just.. you vs. T-Rex on a random football field because that just seems idk, wrong.. like you have a T-Rex, we've watched Jurassic park and everyone knows this is supposed to happen in a jungle /s

    Edit: island with jungle-like trees and foliage...