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sheawoodrow sheawoodrow

A monkey wearing glasses is still a monkey.

Posts 148
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Environment sheawoodrow People are altering decomposition rates in waterways

Faster decomposition could exacerbate greenhouse gas emissions, threaten biodiversity

People are altering decomposition rates in waterways
Environment sheawoodrow Alaskan rivers turning orange due to climate change, study finds

Dozens of rivers and streams in Alaska are turning rusty orange, a likely consequence of thawing permafrost, a new study finds.

Alaskan rivers turning orange due to climate change, study finds

Dozens of rivers and streams in Alaska are turning rusty orange, a likely consequence of thawing permafrost, a new study finds.

Environment sheawoodrow Scaling up: the app that’s transforming lives in South African fishing communities

Abalobi provides a real-time marketplace for fishers to sell their catch, while also monitoring fish populations, and the tech could go global

Scaling up: the app that’s transforming lives in South African fishing communities

Abalobi provides a real-time marketplace for fishers to sell their catch, while also monitoring fish populations, and the tech could go global.

Environment sheawoodrow K-pop fans around globe rally for climate and environment goals

Fans of Korean pop bands around the world are urging K-pop entertainers to cut waste and raising awareness about climate-related issues.

K-pop fans around globe rally for climate and environment goals
0 Biodiversity loss is biggest driver of infectious disease outbreaks, says study

Researchers say reducing emissions and biodiversity loss and preventing invasive species could control disease

Biodiversity loss is biggest driver of infectious disease outbreaks, says study
Environment sheawoodrow Outgoing UN Expert Calls for Global Grassroots Movement to Dislodge ‘Diesel Mafia’

The growing global recognition of the human right to a clean environment “is up against an even more powerful force in the global economy, a system that is absolutely based on the exploitatio…

Outgoing UN Expert Calls for Global Grassroots Movement to Dislodge ‘Diesel Mafia’
Environment sheawoodrow Extreme heat forces school closures across Asia, affecting millions of students

Experts say rising temperatures and the resulting disruptions threaten to widen the learning gaps between developing and developed countries.

Extreme heat forces school closures across Asia, affecting millions of students
Environment sheawoodrow Great Barrier Reef’s worst bleaching leaves giant coral graveyard: ‘It looks as if it has been carpet bombed’

Scientists stunned by scale of destruction after summer of storm surges, cyclones and floods

Great Barrier Reef’s worst bleaching leaves giant coral graveyard: ‘It looks as if it has been carpet bombed’
Environment sheawoodrow A ‘Green Glacier’ is Burying Prairies, Threatening Ranchers and Wildlife

A Juggernaut Unleashed By Humans Is Grinding Slowly Across The Great Plains, Burying Some Of The Most Threatened Habitat On The Planet Beneath Dense Junipers And Shrubland.

A ‘Green Glacier’ is Burying Prairies, Threatening Ranchers and Wildlife
Environment sheawoodrow Venomous lionfish are invading the Mediterranean Sea. The rise of these deadly predators has scientists worried

Lionfish’s rapid spread across the Mediterranean, including to habitats previously thought to be unsuitable, could have significant ecological impacts.

Venomous lionfish are invading the Mediterranean Sea. The rise of these deadly predators has scientists worried
Environment sheawoodrow ‘Solar-powered vacuum cleaners’: the native plants that could clean toxic soil

Indigenous groups see hope in the environmentally friendly process of bioremediation. But will cities pay attention?

‘Solar-powered vacuum cleaners’: the native plants that could clean toxic soil
Environment sheawoodrow Scientists Are Trying to Coax the Ocean to Absorb More CO2

Startup companies and researchers are experimenting with ‘marine carbon dioxide removal’ by altering the chemistry of the ocean and sinking biomass to the seafloor.

Scientists Are Trying to Coax the Ocean to Absorb More CO2
Environment sheawoodrow Octopuses could lose eyesight and struggle to survive if ocean temperatures keep rising, study finds

Heat stress from global heating could lead to impaired vision and increased deaths of pregnant mothers and their unborn young, Australian researchers say

Octopuses could lose eyesight and struggle to survive if ocean temperatures keep rising, study finds
Environment sheawoodrow Saving a Sea Monkey Sanctuary

As the Great Salt Lake in Utah shrinks, locals are working to preserve its critical brine shrimp fishery—along with the other entities that flourish in the lake’s strange, saline beauty.

Saving a Sea Monkey Sanctuary
Environment sheawoodrow Eco-friendly agricultural gel replaces toxic pesticides with worms

A worm-filled gel has been shown to protect crops from pests, without the use of environmentally-unfriendly pesticides.

Eco-friendly agricultural gel replaces toxic pesticides with worms
Environment sheawoodrow Billions in ‘magical’ spending questioned as coral reefs fail around the world

Climate change has been singled out as the leading cause of bleaching across the world’s coral reefs.

Billions in ‘magical’ spending questioned as coral reefs fail around the world
Environment sheawoodrow Sea Otters Have Helped Bolster California’s Kelp Forest

A study that looks back more than 100 years shows that where sea otters have thrived, underwater forests have, too

Sea Otters Have Helped Bolster California’s Kelp Forest
Environment sheawoodrow In Indonesia, deforestation is intensifying disasters from severe weather and climate change

Government officials blamed the floods on heavy rainfall, but environmental groups have cited the disaster as the latest example of deforestation and environmental degradation intensifying the effects of severe weather across Indonesia.

Government officials blamed the floods on heavy rainfall, but environmental groups have cited the disaster as the latest example of deforestation and environmental degradation intensifying the effects of severe weather across Indonesia.

Environment sheawoodrow Extreme drought in southern Africa leaves millions hungry

The drought in Zimbabwe, neighboring Zambia and Malawi has reached crisis levels.

Extreme drought in southern Africa leaves millions hungry
Environment sheawoodrow

Scientists Discover How to Convert CO2 into Powder That Can Be Stored for Decades Scientists Discover How to Convert CO2 into Powder That Can Be Stored for Decades

A team of scientists has figured out how to convert planet-warming CO2 into a harmless powdery fuel that could be converted into clean electricity

Three-and-a-half hour Scorsese blockbuster prompts pitch for movie intermissions
  • There's some pretty big TVs on the market these days, and even projectors are a LOT cheaper than they used to be. It's really not that expensive to put together a decent home setup, and it's only getting cheaper every year.

  • Please God, No - A New ‘Total Recall’ Remake in the Works at Sony
  • There was also the series Total Recall 2070, but that was more of a mashup of Total Recall and Blade Runner.

  • Enhance your calm: Demolition Man turns 30 | The film remains an under-appreciated gem of ‘90s comedy/action flicks
  • Jack Black's first theatrical film was Bob Roberts in 1992. He was in a tv movie called Our Shining Moment in 1991. TV series debut was in The Fall Guy in 1984. First commercial was for Pitfall on Atari 2600 in 1982.

  • Matt Damon said no to Avatar - thinks it could have made him $250 million
  • Most of that decade doesn't include the actors though. Zoe Saldana was in both Avatars and still had time to do several Marvel movies in between.

  • The right wing mental gymnastics to avoid acknowledging climate change is real is absolutely staggering.
  • Cloud seeding is a real thing. It's also incredibly expensive. Bill Gates would be broke in a year or two if he did it at commercial airline scale.

  • You get to play one videogame for the first time again. What you picking?
  • If I could also not have played Half Life, I'd like a do-over of Black Mesa. Don't get me wrong, HL is still brilliant, but the Xen section of BM is just chef's kiss

  • How do I ban a user from another instance? Tried to ban, but just getting an error. We can't really block spam in our magazines if we can't stop users from posting there.
  • If you're on desktop, you can mouseover on the username. Give it a couple seconds for the popup to appear, the hit the block button to the right of the Follow button.

  • Do other people think "Tyrannosaurus!" soon as they read the name Mastodon?
  • Saber tooth tiger is the only thing on that list that actually makes sense thematically. Possibly one of the later Terror Birds would work as a theme though...

  • I was wondering when they'd get round to the smaller subreddits
  • Make it all quotes from the drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket.

  • One thing that I would really love the option to do is to adjust the size of avatars. They appear incredibly tiny to me, and I think it would be a nice option to be able to adjust the size of them. I
  • @lunar_parking If you're using a Chromium browser, you can install an extension called Stylus. Then go to and search for kbin. There are several css styles there that reskin the site in interesting ways.

  • I'm new to Kbin, and I can't find where to browse communities (whether located on Kbin or, more usefully, across the Fediverse).
  • Do you mean the boost? It's like a retweet. It's mostly for cross site functionality with Mastodon.

  • One piece of functionality kbin desperately needs is a quick way to access your subrcibed magazines. Preferably in a drop-down menu like \<redacted\> has.
  • @akaxaka But that takes you to a feed of all the mags you're subscribed to. What I'm looking for is a menu that allows you to jump straight to a specific magazine.

  • Why the name "magazine"? a magazine isn't a community
  • @V699 kbin comes from carabin(sp?) which is the Polish word for carbine (a type of gun)

  • Which bizarre historical mystery do you most want to uncover the truth behind?
  • What happened to the Kruger Millions? My cousin used to live near the Blyde River Canyon, and he would always have a story about a new group of treasure hunters who were sure they had figured it out. Obviously, no one ever did. And then a couple years ago, some coins from the era turned up in a Swiss bank vault. So did someone find the treasure? Was it ever actually buried in South Africa at all? WHO KNOWS!

  • Why are so many YouTube videos portrait rather than landscape now?
  • Youtube is using Shorts to try to compete with TikTok in shortform video.

  • Subreddit replacement directory
  • Are they completely defederated from the entire fediverse or just from each other?

  • I feel the lack of AI bots in the Fediverse
  • I'm very happy with this comment. It has helped me immensely.

  • What is your favorite phone OS growing up?
  • When I was growing up, phones didn't have OSes. Just a cord plugged into the wall.