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Resources to learn gui programming
  • Thanks I'll read up on these. Yup know about Raph :) and I primarily write rust so I've been following the space closely.

  • Resources to learn gui programming

    Title. Also I'm not talking about any specific frameworks, I am more interested in learning about different concepts. Eg. State management etc. Or MVVM/MVC/MVP/MVI

    From my brief exploration I've found out that "Retained mode" GUIs is what I need to look into more as well.

    I've tried making guis before, was only able to wrap my head around tkinter - when I tried web stuff it just didn't click no matter how hard I tried.

    What distro(s) do you use?
  • Moved from Arch to Nix and loving it!

  • Filebrowser and Swag
  • Yeah, I figured it out... the container was named "filebroswer" instead of "filebrowser"

  • Filebrowser and Swag

    I was trying to setup filebrowser behind swag with docker in the same docker network but for some reason it just doesn't wanna work.

    I even added the FB_BASEURL=/filebrowser env variable after reading the github issues but still no luck.

    I'm getting 502 bad gateway with swag.


    Filebrowser and Swag

    I was trying to setup filebrowser behind swag with docker in the same docker network but for some reason it just doesn't wanna work.

    I even added the FB_BASEURL=/filebrowser env variable after reading the github issues but still no luck.

    I'm getting 502 bad gateway with swag.

    Is WefWef down right now?
  • Goodluck!