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savoy savoy

communist (PSL ☭) unix nerd who likes to unplug

fountain pen + traveler's notebook, long hair + hats, photography, and spinning indie records that could be cooler than yours (but probably aren't)

liverpool fc supporter - you'll never walk alone

homepage: ~savoy

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Comments 82 Dilemmas of Humanity conference in the US outlines principle task: organize a working class movement to defeat the empire : Peoples Dispatch

Socialists, organizers, and working class leaders in the United States describe the challenges the movement faces, and what is to be done to overcome them

Dilemmas of Humanity conference in the US outlines principle task: organize a working class movement to defeat the empire : Peoples Dispatch

✨cultural marxism✨

Well, you see, the notion of a game being hard is a rather intricate matter, deeply rooted in the realms of subjectivity and individual experience. The intricate dance between challenge and satisfaction in gaming is akin to the interplay of chaos and order in our lives. Now, let's delve into this matter a bit further.

Firstly, the concept of difficulty in games is a subjective one. It's a manifestation of our own psychological landscapes, an intricate maze of cognitive processes that varies from person to person. Just as life's challenges differ for each of us, so does the perception of difficulty in games. What might be a walk in the park for one player could be a daunting odyssey for another.

Take, for instance, the illustrious world of Mario and the pantheon of Nintendo classics. Now, some might argue that these games are inherently challenging, but that judgment stems from a particular vantage point. You see, these games were initially designed with a younger audience in mind, but they managed to captivate a much broader demographic over the years. What's intriguing is that what we perceive as challenging, especially in the realm of games, often has more to do with our own skill sets, cognitive patterns, and even emotional dispositions.

Now, let's pivot to the notion of the target audience. The ones who wield the power to determine the true essence of difficulty within a game are none other than the players themselves. The target audience holds the compass that guides this subjective assessment. Developers may set an intended audience, but the players, through their interactions and feedback, ultimately mold the game's difficulty narrative. It's a symbiotic dance, an interplay between creator and consumer that breathes life into the gaming experience.

But there's a twist, and this is where the concept of cultural Marxism sneaks into the conversation. You see, the idea that a game's difficulty is subjectively determined contradicts the tenets of cultural Marxism, which seeks to establish uniformity and control over narrative. This is precisely why some individuals might raise the flag of contrarianism when discussing game difficulty. It's as if they're resisting the imposed notions of what's "acceptable" or "appropriate," and instead, they champion the autonomy of the individual experience.

In essence, the debate over game difficulty in Pokemon encapsulates the profound interplay between personal subjectivity, the intentions of creators, and the evolving tastes of the gaming community. And while it may seem like a mere discourse on games, it mirrors the complexities of life itself, where the balance between order and chaos, difficulty and reward, shapes our very existence. So, let's not merely dismiss these debates as trivial; they offer us a window into the intricate web of human perception and experience.

Africa savoy

Niger’s new government defies imperialist-backed ECOWAS war threats

The twisting of Marxism is almost impressive
  • It's an incoherent mess, I was just compelled to share my misfortune with lemmygrad when I found it (sorry lol). And I briefly thought of refuting all the shit he spewed, but honestly my time is better spent doing anything else!

  • McCarthyism is making a comeback with this New York Times hit-piece

    The below is a statement from the Party for Socialism & Liberation, ANSWER Coalition, and other socialist/left-leaning organizations on the increasing rhetoric aimed at destabilizing China and creating a fear-mongering culture around communists & anti-imperialists.


    Prominent anti-war organizations and individuals have just released an important sign-on letter to reject the new McCarthyism being used to reinforce the U.S. government’s Cold War agenda against China.

    Add your name to the letter here!

    We stand together against the rise of a new McCarthyism that is targeting peace activists, critics of US foreign policy, and Chinese Americans. Despite increased intimidation, we remain steadfast in our mission to foster peace and international solidarity, countering the narrative of militarism, hostility, and fear.

    As the US government grapples with a major crisis of legitimacy, it has grown fearful of young people becoming conscious and organized to change the world.Influential media outlets like The New York Times have joined right-wing extremists in using intimidation tactics to silence these advocates for change, affecting not only the left but everyone who supports free speech and democratic rights.

    The political and media establishments, both liberal and conservative, have initiated McCarthy-like attacks against individuals and organizations criticizing US foreign policy,labeling peace advocates as “Chinese or foreign agents.”This campaign uses innuendo and witch hunts, posing a threat to free speech and the right to dissent. We must oppose this trend.

    Scientists, researchers, and service members of Chinese descent have been falsely accused of espionage and unregistered foreign agency, often with cases later collapsing due to insufficient evidence. Similar to the old “Red Scare” and McCarthy periods, when scores of organizations and leaders like W.E.B Du Bois, Eugene Debs, Emma Goldman, Paul Robeson and Martin Luther King Jr and others were attacked with fact-less accusations, today, prominent organizations and individuals,including CODEPINK, The People’s Forum, and Tricontinental Institute have been targeted, with smears and accusations propagated by outlets like The New York Times.

    Their strategy paints a sinister image of a secret network funding the peace movement. However,there’s nothing illegal or fringe about opposing a New Cold War or a “major power conflict” with China,views shared by hundreds of millions globally. Receiving donations from US citizens who share these views is not illicit.

    Media outlets have tried to scandalize funding sources of several organizations that are on the frontlines working with anti-racist, feminist, anti-war, abolitionist, climate justice, and other movements throughout the United States and globally. Meanwhile, when white neoliberal philanthropists flood the non-profit complex with significant funds to support their political agendas this is rarely scrutinized or made accountable to the communities they impact.

    From The New York Times to Fox News, there’s a resurgence of the Red Scare that once shattered many lives and threatened movements for change and social justice. This attack isn’t only on the left but against everyone who exercises their free speech and democratic rights.We must firmly resist this racist, anti-communist witch hunt and remain committed to building an international peace movement. In the face of adversity, we say NO to xenophobic witch hunts and YES to peace.

    Initial Signers

    • The People’s Forum
    • Tricontinental Institute for Social Research
    • ANSWER Coalition
    • Anticapitalism for Artists
    • Defend Democracy in Brazil
    • Families for Freedom
    • Mulheres de Resistencia do Exterior
    • Nodutdol
    • NYC Jericho Movement
    • NYC Young Communist League
    • Pivot to Peace
    • Radical Elders

    Abby Martin • Andy Hsaio • Ben Becker • Ben Norton • Bhaskar Sunkara • Brian Becker • Carl Messineo • Chris Hedges • Claudia de la Cruz • Corinna Mullen • David Harvey • Derek R. Ford • Doug Henwood • Eugene Puryear • Farida Alam • Fergie Chambers • Gail Walker • Geo Maher • Gerald Horne • Gloria La Riva • Hakim Adi • Heidi Boghosian • Immanuel Ness • James Early • Jeremy Kuzmarov • Jill Stein • Jim Garrison • Jodi Dean • Jodie Evans • Johanna Fernandez • Karen Ranucci • Kenneth Hammond • Koohan Paik-Mander • Lee Camp • Lisa Armstrong • Manolo de los Santos • Manu Karuka • Mara Verheyden-Hilliard • Matt Hoh  • Matt Meyer • Matteo Capasso • Max Lesnik • Medea Benjamin • Michael Steven Smith • Nazia H. Kazi • Radhika Desai • Rania Khalek • Richard M Walden • Robin D.G. Kelley • Roger Waters • Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz • Ruth Wilson Gilmore • Salvatore Engel di-Mauro • Sheila Xiao • Stella Schnabel • Vijay Prashad • Vivian Weisman

    Africa savoy

    With grip over West Africa slipping, imperialist powers consider invasion of Niger With grip over West Africa slipping, imperialist powers consider invasion of Niger - Liberation News

    Photo: U.S. Air Force plane taking off from Air Base 201 in Niger. Public domain. Niger is facing th

    With grip over West Africa slipping, imperialist powers consider invasion of Niger - Liberation News
    What's your favourite song at the moment?
  • And I have no shame in saying it's I Can See You by Taylor Swift!

  • Been trying Void Linux
  • I adore Void; it's been my daily driver for about 5-6 years now. Simple, fast, easy to configure, and the Void Handbook does a great job of detailing Void-specific items that you wouldn't necessarily be able to find in the Arch Wiki, for example.

    the package manager's command to install stuff is kinda hard to remember but does its job well

    xbps is incredible and very fast, but if you're having trouble remembering the commands or just don't want to have to type the chain, I'd recommend looking at vpm. It's a very apt-like way to manage it e.g. vpm update vs xbps-install -Su and vpm search <package> vs xbps-query -Rs <package>

  • What teas do you have on hand and drink regularly?
  • Genmai Cha is a staple for me, I'll always have that around. Other than that I usually have two or three oolongs (Formosa and Jade right now), a black or two, and a few other greens. Really love the Jasmine Pearls I have right now too

  • Bell curve of text editors
  • helix \o/

  • These Soviet potato toys are 🔥 Soviet kids made toys from POTATOES! (PICS)

    An illustration book from the 1930s shows the exact way to create toys from potatoes! They look weird, but oddly awesome!

    Soviet kids made toys from POTATOES! (PICS)
    Lazy Motherfu-
  • This shit happens all the damn time where I live. By the end of the day it's a trash pile as high as the container

  • cross-posted from:

    > Workers at Sega of America’s Burbank and Irvine, California, offices have voted to form the country’s fifth video game union and the largest multi-department union.

    0 Biotech workers launch first unionization drive in the industry - Liberation News

    Research and technical workers at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard went public with their unio

    Biotech workers launch first unionization drive in the industry - Liberation News
    OpenKylin becomes China's 1st open-source desktop operating system (OpenKylin 1.0 released)
  • It's great to see AES countries beginning to adopt Linux and FOSS, even if it's approached less from an ideological standpoint of FOSS == socialism and more from staying away from proprietary Western technology (Microsoft, Apple). If it's solely the latter, that's still the correct course of action.

    "What's happening to Russian open-source developers gave a warning sign to Chinese developers," one user commented on knowledge-sharing website, referring to many software makers being blocked from the open-source community just because they are Russian or not supporting Ukraine. "Software without borders is just a dream that will never come true, and China needs to build its own open-source community." ... "This new version signifies that we have gained the ability to lead the OS' development by ourselves," Zhu said. "I hope more users will try our new version and give us feedback."

    This is great to hear!

  • Mastodon's official stance on Threads What to know about Threads

    There’s been a lot of speculation around what Threads will be and what it means for Mastodon. We’ve put together some of the most common questions and our responses based on what was launched today.

    What to know about Threads

    Just another example of corporations attempting to co-opt instances of community building for eventual profit. So you know, capitalism.

    0 Admin of an anarchist Mastodon server raided by FBI, insecure user data gets seized

    An anarchist-oriented Mastodon server has seen one of its admins raided by the FBI. The admin in question was working with an unencrypted backup of the Mastodon server, which was also seized.

    Admin of an anarchist Mastodon server raided by FBI, insecure user data gets seized
    YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • For sure, people definitely should be educated on what data is open (posts/comments), closed (voting on Lemmy as kbin seems to show them publically), "private" (DMs which are explicitly described as not private and to use Matrix etc. for actual encryption), or secure (Matrix). I feel like a lot of us on Lemmygrad are aware of privacy more than the average netizen, but it wouldn't hurt to have a primer for new users.

    I think for social media the best thing would just be compartmentalization of identities, so the usual advice of don't give away too much of who you are and keep usernames separate unless you want them to be connected/known.

  • I think [@lemmy]( [@lemmyworld]( might not get the support Mastodon got because Twitter is more seriously used by some people and needed an ur
  • I'll disagree on Mastodon being unique given it's an animal and a band - for a long time in its history it was always under those. It's been helped on the search results front though given it's increasing popularity (and I'm guessing yet another new surge due Twitter's rate-limiting). In time once Lemmy continues to grow, I'm sure it'll get pushed up in search rankings as well.

  • YSK: Your Lemmy activities (e.g. downvotes) are far from private
  • There's a lot of info and discussion on this post that explains why. Pretty much that voting has never been private on other platforms as votes must be tied to users, otherwise users could add more than one vote per post. And this data must also be federated so that other instances' posts are also safeguarded.

    Lemmy isn't designed as a privacy platform, it's a socia media type link aggregator powered by ActivityPub. And with this federation brings decentralization, where it's possible to not share data with other instances, but it will have to be shared in some way with any linked instances. There are pros/cons to each style: the current issues with Reddit show the problems with centralization, and there's going to be an adjustment period as more people join Lemmy who don't already know about the Fedi.

  • How do you balance time spent organizing with time spent on personal things?
  • Don't make yourself feel like you're a "bad communist" if you're not spending every available hour of your life organizing. You could eventually come to resent your work or comrades and burn yourself out, none of which is healthy for you or your org. A rested, focused, energized, and optimistic you is going to be a lot more productive in organization, and you're going to be mentally in a better place.

    I've been down the route of using all my time for organizing, and it's just not sustainable. Yes we're dedicated communists and this is a sacrifice, but we're not all Che. Each of us is not going to be a super-human organizer, which is why we build together as comrades and not individuals.

  • Look how far we've come
  • We joined around the same time, and I definitely remember those days. And as Lemmy grows, we'll always have Lemmygrad as our own space 🥰

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I would devour the official guides back in the day, constantly studying and re-reading them. It's easy to see how they pretty much disappeared once the internet became more commonplace, but there was something so nice in having a physical copy with everything you could need in one book, instead of having to scour the internet for guides.

  • Keyboard-based Internet browser
  • I've been using qutebrowser for years now at this point, and it's never failed me. Incredibly easy to customize as well. It's also pretty much pushed its webkit backend aside due to age in favor of webengine. Not great for diversity as webengine's based on chromium, but you don't get the webkit quirks at least

  • List of Reddit apps working after June 30
  • Infinity will also be able to be compiled with a personal API key. That means though that it'll be limited to 10 calls per minute and no NSFW posts, and allegedly Reddit won't like it, but I've been testing it out and it seems to work fine.

  • Reddit users having a meltdown over discovering the creators of are comrades
  • I've seen far too many people pasting those raddle links as "proof" that lemmy is bad and to fear the scary tankies, yet they never compare anything to how reddit operates or the fact that lemmy is FOSS.

  • Marxism and FLOSS.
  • It goes hand-in-hand with a post-revolution socialist society. Proprietary software is essentially private property, which would be eradicated in a worker's state. It would most likely not be a first priority for the new state as there are more pressing matters - for the US for example, the dismantling of the military and the closing down of all international bases - but it would be inevitable with socialism.

  • There are now close to 10 iOS / Android apps in development for kbin & lemmy!
  • That a Slide for Lemmy is being worked on is incredible. It's the only Reddit app I've used for years after moving away from Sync for something FOSS; it's honestly perfect. I've been using Infinity for Reddit recently as Slide development halting has made it so it's really starting to feel long in the tooth (although I don't care for new Reddit features that Infinity supports).