I have a x1 carbon gen 9. Be very careful with the USB-C ports. I leave mine on my desk and my hub kept cutting in and out while using it and its gotten worse over time. I've seen others with similar issues and it seems like the fix is to solder on a new port. Its a work laptop so I just deal with it.
This happens on my Pixel as well. I forget which launcher I use but I keep the icon on my homescreen so I can just hold it to get the app info and force stop it.
Did not know that Δ is a Delta. So this is going to be called Metal Gear Solid Delta? Thats a cool name.
I guess the positive side to this is I will be much more productive at work without 196.
Yeah it just takes a second to buffer then starts playing. Much nicer than waiting for the full video download.
Just recently found out MPV has yt-dlp support. mpv [URL]
For more info read the documentation 🙂
In the discord 🙃
When you try to ping something on the internet do you know if the packets get dropped or rejected?
You can slap a screen on just about anything that doesn't need it and people will want it.
You can right click the page and inspect element and look for a .mp4 file somewhere. Then you should be able to paste that url into your browser and download it.
mytimeisveryimportanttomeandiwillnotwasteitwith anyunnecessarypunctuationcapitalizationorspaces
I'd think Russia would try to censor a lot of material. And the US and Russia might be on more friendly terms in the next few months with the new president.
I can't tell who's eye is in the middle.