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primaryuser Carly™
Posts 8
Comments 27
iOS AppStore privacy preview for Meta’s upcoming ActivityPub-based app Threads
  • I'm shocked. Utterly shocked.

    No, really, I swear, this is my "shocked" face.

  • Dragon Ball Community Rewatch, Week 1: DB Episodes 1-5
  • Just watched Episode 1, gonna start posting my thoughts here in the comments. For context, I'm watching the show in Japanese with English Subtitles.

    Episode 1: Bulma and Son Goku

    • I've probably watched this episode more times than I can count, partially because of all the times I've gone to start rewatching the series, but then stopped for one reason or another. I practically have all these early episodes memorized.
    • I think this episode is a great introduction to our two lead characters (for this arc anyway), as well as giving the viewer a taste of the series' tone.
    • I have mixed feelings on the filler scene with the Pilaf Gang. On the one hand, I think there's merit to establishing them in the first episode, especially with how big a presence they have in the anime version of this arc. On the other hand though, I think that the original manga chapter's very simple storyline focusing only on Goku and Bulma, without exploring anything of the larger world yet, feels a bit more focused, and the contrast between it and later chapters in terms of scope makes our discovery of the world through Goku's eyes feel more effective.
  • What is the equivalent of r/findareddit?
  • I've been using this userscript to redirect all links to my instance. If you've never installed a userscript, it's pretty easy, you just need to install the Tampermonkey browser extension (there are others but it's the one I use), then click the greasyfork link in the post I linked, and click install.

  • Refugee Redditors as they make the move.
  • Me, who's already been here for a few weeks, trying to just load a post or make a comment right now with the influx of traffic:

  • Idea To Bring More Activity/Engagement/etc. to This Community: A Community Series Rewatch
  • Apologies for not replying, your reply didn't federate to my instance, apparently. I just posted a first thread for this (on a different account), but I'm not seeing it on either my home instance or Anyway here's the first thread on Kanzenshuu

  • What made you pick the Lemmy server you are on?
  • Wanted to be on a reasonably big instance, since I figure they're more likely to stick around in the long run. was closed for registration at the time (might still be, idk), and plus I have some disagreements with the admins, so I chose I'm pretty happy here and don't see a reason to change personally, although the server's getting pretty overloaded recently so we'll see.

  • Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg offered Rome's Colosseum as cage fight venue

    Mark Zuckerberg has been approached by the Italian government about fighting Elon Musk at Rome's Colosseum.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Deleted my Twitter account a few months ago, used Nitter to keep up with the handful of accounts I still cared about.

    Honestly, I needed an excuse to fully cut that hellsite off. I'm much happier on places like here anyway.

  • Do you prefer x264 or 265 HEVC?
  • H.265 tends to struggle with older, film grain heavy content in my experience, but for newer stuff it wins hands down.

  • Red Hat’s commitment to open source: A response to the changes
  • More recently, we have determined that there isn’t value in having a downstream rebuilder.

    Alright, well, there it is in plain English. They're killing downstream clones like Rocky, Alma, etc.

    I have to wonder how this is going to affect software which officially only supports (insert RHEL clone here). I use DaVinci Resolve for work every day, historically they've only supported CentOS, and just recently they started supporting Rocky as well. VFX isn't my wheelhouse, but I know the situation is basically the same for those programs as well.

  • repost: Should r/Piracy continue protesting?
  • I generally refuse to give Reddit traffic, but I make exceptions to vote on polls like this tbh.

  • Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continue to Protest
  • It doesn't matter how hard Reddit tries to break up the protest, if they don't reverse course on this, the site will implode on July 1st when the API changes happen and mods of large subreddits no longer can use the tools they need to do their jobs. Reddit's trying to claim they have new mod tools in the works, but I'm sure they're full of shit.

    Everyone at that company is an absolute idiot for not listening to the moderators they're actively antagonizing right now, and it's going to blow up in their faces.

  • Idea To Bring More Activity/Engagement/etc. to This Community: A Community Series Rewatch

    The Kanzenshuu forums did something similar a few years ago: basically creating a new thread at the beginning of each week, 5 episodes per week which users are free to watch at whatever pace they'd prefer, and discuss them. The original post on each thread would contain trivia and facts about each episode.

    I think this would be a great way to bring more activity to the community on here, and I'd be willing to help coordinate it, get trivia for the threads, etc. Ideally I think we should start with the original Dragon Ball and go from there.

    Why lemmy instead kbin?
  • Lemmy is the first one I heard about, and that's where I made my account. Kbin is also a much newer project, so I'm less confident that it'll be around in the mid-to-long term future than, and I'd rather not have to make a new account.

  • What should individual communities on Lemmy be called?
  • Officially they're called communities, the issue with that is that when you're trying to mention them in conversation with someone outside of Lemmy, you often have to use the longer "Lemmy Community." Not the end of the world, but something quicker and more distinct might be better.

  • Favorite Ghibli Film, and Why?

    For me it would be Princess Mononoke, which is also one of my favorite films, period. I really appreciate the maturity and nuance it brings to it's environmental themes, which have been done in many other films, but not as well.

    Consider not deleting your comments when you migrate
  • You're not the first person I've seen make this argument, and it's definitely a difficult situation.

    End of the day though, this line of argument essentially allows Reddit to hold us hostage. While it is unfortunate that this will be in some ways harmful to the internet as a whole, it's ultimately our content, and we have the right to remove it if we wish.

    That said, I do think that, if anyone has a history of being particularly helpful on Reddit, they should consider backing up their comments, and possibly reposting the relevant information to a blog or something similar, or maybe even here on Lemmy.

  • (Discussion) Would you pay for Reddit Premium IF it allowed you to continue using your favorite app?
  • No. Even if they decided to do something to placate us today, they've shown their hand and demonstrated they don't give a shit about their userbase. I have no plans of going back. Period.

  • POV you report transphobia over on (TW: bigotry)
  • I, unfortunately, did read all of it, and I think it took a year or two off my life, sadly.

  • alright who's gonna tell them
  • It's so bizarre to me how, in the wake of Reddit killing 3rd party apps, some people are running to Discord, which is infamously, actively hostile towards 3rd party apps, to the point of banning people for using them.

  • When you make your first comment on Lemmy
  • I have genuinely commented here on Lemmy today than I have on Reddit in the past 6 months, maybe longer. Trying my best to do my part, and honestly I find the atmosphere here a lot less intimidating, at least for now. It's fun to watch a new place grow!