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polskilumalo Łumało [he/him]

Local terminally online Polish idiot. Free software extremist and an ML. If you'd like to contact me, please send an email to polskilumalo at disroot dot org. I reply only to encrypted messages. My GPG public key:

Posts 115
Comments 711
Trump Unleashed: A Satirical Take on the 45th President
  • Let go.

    There are more important matters to tend to. And this isn't one of them American.

    Your country is a mess and Joe Biden isn't fixing what Trump broke. Voting won't do anything, as you already have a democrat president and majority.

    Go out there and organize, get your hands dirty, only you and your friends can fix this mess.

    Protest, unionize, strike.

    This is what will help you.

    Not a shitty book poking fun at a dangerous idiot. But actually stepping up to the dangerous idiots and saying that enough is enough.

    Please, you're better than this.

  • Is there any realistic way that Palestine can finally win this?
  • OooooOOOOooooOOOO

    The scary Ruskies and Iranians are behind EVERYTHING that you don't like!

    No nation, out of it's own volition is going to fight for freedom against a genocidal colonizer! All of that must be plotting of the Russians! Or Iranians!

    Fuck off.

  • Poland
  • I mean it's capitalists making that shitty stuff so not really based imo

  • Poland
  • Exploiting hyper nationalism?

  • New Study: 54% of American Adults Read Below 6th Grade-Levels
  • It's not just the teachers, it's also the teachers of the teachers and the whole American system of teaching reading that's also in need of dire improvement. A good resource on how bad reading education is in America I can recommend Sold a story, a podcast.

  • Poland's PM promises clampdown on abuse after claims of grooming by YouTubers

    This has considerably blown up, that it has turned into a big national case.

    The amount of Polish YouTubers accused of pedophilia is constantly rising. And the worst part, they were grooming young people that are now my age or older.

    As a kid at that time I also was one watching their videos, this is not only shocking but a scary prospects.

    I thought nothing of posting it here until the PM himself decided to talk about it.

    Horrible crimes give a juicy case right in front of parlimentary elections...

    inb4 "They'll justify it to implement draconian laws and target LGBTQ+ people."

    They will 🫠

    Ukraine war: Burger King still open in Russia despite pledge to exit
  • I'm already trying my best to bring about the US' demise! C'mon!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Bro. The only guys pushing a pro-Russia anti-Ukraine line is Konfederacja. The fashy libertarians 💀

  • 😤😤😤
  • Where will they store all those cool rocks???

  • The bosses will never pay us our fair share unless we force them to
  • Pole here. Only about 10% of workers are in a union. Most of them are in Solidarność which is notoriously a right wing union and a comprador to capitalists and capitalism.

    It's very, very anti communist. And a socdem-ish union like Związkowa Alternatywa is being threatened and attacked by the government constantly, wasting their resources.

    So I'd say the figure of truly unionized workers is even lower... not to mention our weak labor laws...

  • Share of electricity production from renewables, 2022
  • The emblem of the DPRK comes to mind:

  • Rest in Piss, Rule
  • Oooh, poetic! Really good comment, I like it.

  • 🎶Life could be a Dream🎵
  • Poland is not a big after nuke crater, TERF island still exists, Denmark still exists

    Yeah ok, what the fuck is this?

  • That's it, you're grounded! And you can forget about having any polar ice caps for dessert!
  • It's one thing to say "It's just a joke bro", but it totally ignores the fact that jokes have behind them rhetoric used to sway people. It's what jokes do, and if we don't admit that "Hey, maybe this joke isn't true to reality and does more harm than good". After all, most of the boomers that are being blamed for the climate crisis didn't really do anything to deserve it. They only own stuff, you don't but ought to yourself. Like a home. That's pretty much the difference, we were born into times of austerity while they prospered during the New Deal (which has it's own historical context for why it even existed, in part largely due to the red scare).

    And to say that we should hate them rather then the people that introduced that austerity, even as a joke does not help anyone. Not the boomers, not you and not me.

    They voted Reagan into office and kept falling for those policies while coveting suburban housing contributing to sprawl and collectively shrugged as the world kept heading for where we are now

    Reagan isn't just a singular boogeyman that has ruined the world, he was just a part of a developing trend of neoliberalism that would've come sooner or later. If not Reagan, someone else would've done similar shit to him, especially after the dissolution of the USSR when that shit hit the gas.

    It’s only the last couple generations that are sounding the alarm because the fire has reached our doorsteps in our rented apartments we’ll die in.

    Well, class consciousness is developed through material reality so there's that. Too bad that in the Americas "Fuck you, got mine" mentality is so strong, and not just with the boomers. I've seen plenty of people behave that way, and it's a primer for the development of fascism complacency in the population.

    By closing the door behind them.

    They didn't do that. It was the capitalists seeking to gain more profit, if they didn't exist the door wouldn't have gotten closed as there would be no reason to do so.

  • That's it, you're grounded! And you can forget about having any polar ice caps for dessert!
  • The childish person is the one not confronting the meat of the argument instead squabbling about the form and pretending to be the Adult in the Room™.

    So what is it, do I get to vote for who's behind Mars like the boomers seem to have been able to do? After all it's their fault for ruining the planet isn't it?

  • chapotraphouse Łumało [he/him]

    lousy golfer (sam and max animation)

    I fucking love these goofy goobers, they are so fucking gay. Like happily married for 20 years kinda gay.


    Myslovitz - Sound Of Solitude

    This song is a Polish classic still often played on the radio, however this is the English version that many don't know exist.

    It's not even some fan translation, it's officially made by Myslovitz who are behind the original. Enjoy my lovely comrades.

    The original:

    Myslovitz - Długość Dźwięku Samotności

    My own translation of the first words, it's more literal:

    "And even when I'll be alone, I'll never change, it's not my world. In front of me is a road I know, one that I chose"

    As a commie these words vibe with me hard.

    ❤️❤️❤️ Love from Poland whose eagle has no crown ❤️❤️❤️


    studying us history

    yes "america bad" is a valid political stance

    29 Engie's Cleaning Services [GMOD]

    Music: Team Fortress 2 OST - Drunken Pipe Bomb Viscera Cleanup Detail OST - Polka 2180 Viscera Cleanup Detail OST - Bongo in the Congo Serious Sam II OST - Royal Sewers Tense Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion OST - LUSTING STRAWBERRY Amnesia: The Dark Descent OST - Panic and Paranoia Worms 4: Ultimate May...

    Engie's Cleaning Services [GMOD]

    I can't with this country, get me out of here 💀

    I've translated the whole text contained in the afformentiod text book, not just the highlited part which is here in italics:

    "Only a traditional family, love and the engagement of both parents guarantees children proper development."

    "[...] Meanwhile, these afformentioned ideologists discriminate opponents by calling them names like "homophobe" or "transphobe". LGBT ideology usurping itself a designation of science, is in essence a derivative of the basis of Marx' and Engels' wrong theories. It is important to note the hostile aproach of LGBT advocates against religion and the church, which is exactly a derivative of Marxism"

    I hate PiS, I hate PiS, I hate PiS :wholesome-agony: (or whatever the hexbear emoji is called)


    You know what grinds my gears? Technology.

    I know, the post tile is rather bait like, however I wanted to stir discussion amongst you.

    As you know I'm a mod of the Linux for Leftists community so it might be quite counter-intuitive that someone knowledgeable on computers and Linux would have an anti-technological position. The thing is, I do not have such a position, that would be anti-Marxist and most importantly: idiotic.

    The problems I have with technology stem from capitalism, however that doesn't change the fact I enjoy using more "outdated" technological solutions to my problems in life and "kkkrapital$m sukkks" is not the discussion I'd like to foster today. I believe as individuals and society we are over reliant on unnecessarily advanced technology and should seek alternatives to distance ourselves from this.

    Let me ask you: "How reliant in your day to day life are you on your smartphone?"

    The question is more in the likes of, how many of your previous devices or items have been replaced by it? For example a watch, a timer, an alarm, a calculator, a payment method, a music player, a news reader, a video device and more.

    It's an everything machine, and when it fails you that's when you essentially lose access to everything. Even if I buy a ticket online, you bet I'm printing it out just for that added feeling of security. I've always been the type of person that likes my devices to be very redundant, so that when one fails me I can either easily replace or repair it. I also like for my devices to be reliant and durable as well as well made for the purpose they are meant to serve.

    I have what I would like to call a functionally minimalist mindset. That's why I have problems with computers and smartphones as they are not only everything machines for most, they are slowly getting worse for the mainstream and a revolution isn't coming soon.

    So what do I do? Lifestylism lmao

    Something that helps me not only enforce a reliability in my life, but also ground it in the real world as with every future year we are more and more pushed into the digital. Unfortunately capitalism has made the digital not a liberating power, but a force of alienation and control. Thus I try to distance myself very much from social media, and I've been doing it quite well. Since 2013 or 2014 as quite a young idiot I made a smart decision. "Social media sucks", and I've never managed to get into Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and the like.

    Only recently have I've gotten into any kind of social media, like Reddit or now Lemmygrad. But that is because of you my lovely comrades. You made the places worth registering to. Thank you.

    But returning, I also have a certain love for the material. Something I can touch, inspect, smell and admire for it's craftsmanship. I own several purely mechanical machines that have been well replaced by the digital. I also have old digital machines that are also what I like to call fictionally minimalist. Like a Casio F-91W watch or a TI-82 graphic calculator. (Solid things, they don't make now 'em like they used to.) An addiator, a mechanical wind-up watch (I still prefer my Casio F-91W) and get this. Six typewriters. I have somewhat of addiction to them.

    I have to say, all of these have made my life not just more cluttered. But more "real". I can't describe it, but interacting with them feels more authentic than interacting with a smartphone or even a laptop. There is just something about them that allows me not just distraction free work, but a focused mindset on task I've set in front of me. They make my life weirdly enough, easier.

    I've found myself gravitating more and more to these low tech solutions, not just because of interest of curiosity. But real genuine desire to actually use them on a day to day basis.

    Do you find yourself having similar experiences when it comes to technology? That it has been more of a hindrance than a help to whatever you are trying to do?

    (Excuse me if the post lacks structure or sense. I've yet to get good at proper writing, and not just streams of thoughts.)

    EDIT: It seems this post garnered a few downvotes. Please, leave a comment! Let the struggle session begin!

    50 Software Freedom & Trademarks: Examining Rust's New Policy through the Lens of FOSS History

    When it comes to the law, people working on software freedom are often most concerned about copyright and contract law (and the licenses we use under both), since these appear to most directly affect software freedom. How people can use, study, modify, and redistribute the software is naturally of ...

    Software Freedom & Trademarks: Examining Rust's New Policy through the Lens of FOSS History
    0 Software Freedom & Trademarks: Examining Rust's New Policy through the Lens of FOSS History

    When it comes to the law, people working on software freedom are often most concerned about copyright and contract law (and the licenses we use under both), since these appear to most directly affect software freedom. How people can use, study, modify, and redistribute the software is naturally of ...

    Software Freedom & Trademarks: Examining Rust's New Policy through the Lens of FOSS History
    0 Software Freedom & Trademarks: Examining Rust's New Policy through the Lens of FOSS History

    When it comes to the law, people working on software freedom are often most concerned about copyright and contract law (and the licenses we use under both), since these appear to most directly affect software freedom. How people can use, study, modify, and redistribute the software is naturally of ...

    Software Freedom & Trademarks: Examining Rust's New Policy through the Lens of FOSS History