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internet dog :)


Fedi: @[email protected]

Posts 5
Comments 32
KAM Superuser
  • Mine should be here later today and im SO excited, it's such a gorgeous set

  • Blizzard’s bringing its PC games to Steam, starting with Overwatch 2
  • I'm not fond of blizzard and I think overwatch 2's time has long since passed so I'm not sure how helpful this will be

    But I still play hearthstone and I sincerely think that it's the best the game has ever been so hopefully a steam release is a second wind for the game. Not that it's dead by any means but I'd love for it to feel like a popular game again

  • How did you mess with school computers?
  • One day, after school, I decided to tinker with the Mac systems at my school, and in that process I learned that Mac has a virtual drive that it uses as a setup medium that it doesn't clear, it just un-mounts, when you finish installing. So I just re-mounted the setup drive on the computer from the command line, restarted, booted in like I was setting up a fresh new computer and gave myself an admin account on one of the computers in our lab. Didn't really do anything nefarious with it, but it was a fun little experiment regardless

  • June 27 Balance Follow-Ups
  • I'm utterly shocked they're actually fixing guardian stows. I'm grateful as hell but I didn't expect it to happen

  • Discord is opening the monetization floodgates: get ready for microtransaction stores and paid 'exclusive memes'
  • 1 is definitely a bug, I'm in like 50 servers and I don't have that happen like ever. 3 I can't dispute, but I think that's largely because they've increased their feature set for different kinds of users faster than their UI team has been able to accommodate for them. Better sorting for servers would be amazing

    2, there definitely is. On mobile it's the bell icon at the bottom when you pull out the sidebar, on desktop it's the icon that looks like a desk tray at the top right, they let you see notifications either from the active server or globally, so idk what you mean.

  • Discord is opening the monetization floodgates: get ready for microtransaction stores and paid 'exclusive memes'
  • Sure, and when that day comes I'm there to criticize discord for it. But, given they need to make money (they have to, they don't have the option to just operate at a loss for the rest of time), it's worth acknowledging their attempts to make money without infringing on the service the users actually signed up for.

  • Discord is opening the monetization floodgates: get ready for microtransaction stores and paid 'exclusive memes'
  • honestly as long as the stuff that discord is monetizing stays additive instead of changing services we already use to be paid-for, I really don't mind if discord gives creators (and, by way of that, themselves) ways to generate revenue. Discord, even as a completely free service, is really far ahead of other similar platforms and offerings. I don't expect them to be 100% consumer-first at the expense of generating profits (as much as i wish it were feasible for them to be), but the ways in which they've done that so far have been surprisingly unobtrusive.

  • Why lemmy instead kbin?
  • Kbin is nice but I have a mastodon page if I want to engage with any microblogging stuff, no real need to get that out of my link aggregator/forum experience as well.

  • Reddit CEO defiant as moderator strike shutters thousands of forums: 'We made a business decision that we’re not negotiating on'
  • Calling them virtues is charitable if you're doing this while willfully refusing to acknowledge the fact that you stand on millions of hours of volunteer labor and you'd rather spit on them than give them their due. It's a lie by omission.

  • Reddit CEO defiant as moderator strike shutters thousands of forums: 'We made a business decision that we’re not negotiating on'
  • Being simple and honest is a virtue if the things you're saying are principled, being simple and honest when you're a slimy businessperson with zero sense of moral agency just makes you a fucking leech

  • Say hi to Caena, my willbender! ImageBam

    Image Hosting, Image Upload, Picture Hosting

    Wanted to share some fanart over here, hope you all enjoy <3

    Artist is Variavi


    Help making good corn tortillas?

    Hey! I recently made carne asada for my partner -- they haven't had good mexican food like that before, and I spent a number of years in texas and grew up with a mother from texas so tex mex food is very near and dear to my heart, and everything came out great, except the home-made tortillas. They felt more like griddle cakes than the corn tortillas I'm used to, and I don't think i got the ratios wrong on water to masa harina? It's hard to say if it was actually an issue with the ratios, if it was something with the heat of the cook surface (We don't have a griddle yet so I had to use a stainless steel pan, not sure if those get hot enough/retain enough thermal mass), if it was something with the masa harina itself, or what. Do any of you have experience making corn tortillas and have any advice? Or should I just go to the carniceria i got the carne asada from and ask if they make fresh tortillas lmao

    Clients for Android - What are the options?
  • afaik, jerboa's the only option. I actually like the UI for lemmur, but it's abandoned and doesn't seem like anyone's forking + updating it so for the time being, we only have jerboa.

    I did see a toolkit that translates reddit API calls to lemmy API calls, which might be useful if any reddit app dev has any interest in translating their app to work for the fediverse, but I'm not sure how likely that is

  • With the balance preview stream having happened, how do you all feel about the patch?

    I'm kind of unhappy with some of the changes but the more I sit on others, the more interested I am with this patch? It's gonna have growing pains for sure but I'm curious how other people feel

    The Reddit blackout was pretty underwhelming
  • Really? I literally got served a CNN article about the blackout, it's definitely getting coverage

  • Mastodon Discovery Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo
  • Hey! @[email protected] here, into games (competitive, narrative-driven, and indie largely) like hearthstone, valorant, guild wars 2, omega strikers, genshin, a whole host really -- as well as anime and whatever else my whims sort of guide me too, but those are the stable interests :) also a furry but only really in name? I kinda just congregate around the furries in other communities it seems haha> Chat

    • Mastodon Discovery Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo English•

  • Games that have stuck with you?
  • No game has ever occupied so much of my mind as NieR: Automata. I beat the game, thought "huh, that was pretty good", and then thought about it again the next day. and again. and again. again. again. again. again. again. I just could not stop thinking about what the game was trying to say or how it made me feel, and it's just become more and more important to me as time has gone on. Really incredible game

  • jerboa is tiny!
  • Yeah, there's no debating that. It's just really bringing to light how spoiled we all were (at least, all us reddit transplants) regarding the whole third party app ecosystem. It's incredible how good those apps were

  • On Politics and Forking
  • All I'll say is, this is one of the huge advantages of FOSS. If a website is run by bigots and people tolerant of abhorrent behavior, that's part of the website. But if FOSS was written by someone of that ilk, you can take the toys they made for you and play elsewhere -- they showed their hand as soon as they submitted their project under an open source license, and it's too late now.

    What I do think is worth mentioning is that I wouldn't be averse to forking conceptually -- on a political basis, sure, but as lemmy grows rapidly I think it's tremendously worthwhile to pay attention to any forks that fix issues and growing pains with lemmy as a service. It seems particularly restrictive on the backend in some ways (could be wrong) and I think that using a more feature rich fork should such a thing appear would definitely be to beehaw's benefit. But that's a conversation for when that day comes, and not one that should be predicated on "lemmy=tankies=bad" but rather on "does this fork serve our userbase more", which is both a healthier question to ask and one more in line with the community being cultivated here. All this is hypothetical or course, but it's worth talking to these ends early on imo

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • Honestly, great point. Aggregators don't need a hugely enfranchised userbase, just enough people that share a few interests and suddenly, functionally, it's comparable to reddit. Only thing it's missing is a huge knowledge base of questions already answered, but for the most part that's not the bulk of my reddit experience and something else will replace it for that in time. But as long as there's some people here, it's doing it's job

  • jerboa is tiny!
  • if you click on a link to an instance iirc it opens that instance in your web browser rather than displaying it by way of your instance, allowing you to subscribe to it. It's strange

  • jerboa is tiny!
  • I wish I liked jerboa more as an app, the fact that I cant hold to hide comments, the fact that opening comments in my inbox requires more than just clicking on the comment, how tricky it is to sub to communities from multiple instances -- it's just really fidgety and I wish that a smoother app existed. But it's good enough for the time being

  • Games that suprised you
  • Honestly I super agree, I got into Genshin so I could have something to play during the texas freeze and I'm glad it sucked me in during that time because it's SUPER fun -- the story isn't remarkable all the time, but it's cool getting a serialized narrative through the form of a game like that. I'm really glad I got into it, even if hoyoverse doesn't seem interested in adding more endgame content at all