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Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Heartbleed vulnerability in OpenSSL, which had the same ultimate root cause as recent XZUtils backdoor incident

The XZ Utils backdoor, discovered last week, and the Heartbleed security vulnerability ten years ago, share the same ultimate root cause. Both of them, and in fact all critical infrastructure open source projects, should be fixed with the same solution: ensure baseline funding for proper open source maintenance.


Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Heartbleed vulnerability in OpenSSL, which had the same ultimate root cause as recent XZUtils backdoor incident Heartbleed and XZ Backdoor Learnings: Open Source Infrastructure Can Be Improved Efficiently With Moderate Funding

The XZ Utils backdoor, discovered last week, and the Heartbleed security vulnerability ten years ago,...

Heartbleed and XZ Backdoor Learnings: Open Source Infrastructure Can Be Improved Efficiently With Moderate Funding

The XZ Utils backdoor, discovered last week, and the Heartbleed security vulnerability ten years ago, share the same ultimate root cause. Both of them, and in fact all critical infrastructure open source projects, should be fixed with the same solution: ensure baseline funding for proper open source maintenance.


Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Heartbleed vulnerability in OpenSSL, which had the same ultimate root cause as recent XZUtils backdoor incident Heartbleed and XZ Backdoor Learnings: Open Source Infrastructure Can Be Improved Efficiently With Moderate Funding

The XZ Utils backdoor, discovered last week, and the Heartbleed security vulnerability ten years ago, share the same ultimate root cause. Both of them, and in fact all critical infrastructure open source projects, should be fixed with the same solution: ensure baseline funding for proper open source...

Heartbleed and XZ Backdoor Learnings: Open Source Infrastructure Can Be Improved Efficiently With Moderate Funding

The XZ Utils backdoor, discovered last week, and the Heartbleed security vulnerability ten years ago, share the same ultimate root cause. Both of them, and in fact all critical infrastructure open source projects, should be fixed with the same solution: ensure baseline funding for proper open source maintenance.

5 Communication Is the Key to Efficiency in a Software Engineering Organization

For a software engineering organization to be efficient, it is key that everyone is an efficient communicator. Everybody needs to be calibrated in what to communicate, to whom and how to ensure information spreads properly in the organization. Having smart people with a lot of knowledge results in p...

Communication Is the Key to Efficiency in a Software Engineering Organization

Having smart people with a lot of knowledge results in progress only if information flows well in the veins of the organization

4 8 Writing Tips for Software Professionals

People usually associate advanced software engineering with gray-bearded experts with vast knowledge of how computers and things like compiler internals work. However, having technical knowledge is just the base requirement to work in the field. In my experience, the greatest minds in the field are ...

8 Writing Tips for Software Professionals

In this post, I share 8 principles I believe in:

  1. Less is more
  2. Start with the solution or the ask
  3. Show the facts, with examples
  4. Always quantify
  5. Include links and references
  6. Explain why it matters
  7. Ask feedback from one person
  8. Sleep on it

As engineers and developers, we often focus heavily on technical skills while neglecting the importance of clear, compelling writing. But the reality is, our ability to communicate effectively can have a major impact on our careers.

11 Tab-tastic tips for streamlined web browser use

What is the single most common action you repeat over and over when using your computer? Let me guess – opening a new tab in the browser. Here are my tips for opening, switching and closing tabs everyone should know.\nOpening a tab This one most people know: press Ctrl+T to open a new tab. But did y...

Tab-tastic tips for streamlined web browser use

There is more to it than just knowing Ctrl+T - see tips to boost your productivity


Advanced git commands you need to know Advanced git commands every senior software developer needs to know

Git is by far the most popular software version control system today, and every software developer surely knows the basics of how to make a git commit. Given the popularity, it is surprising how many people don’t actually know the advanced commands. Mastering them might help you unlock a new l...

Advanced git commands every senior software developer needs to know

And to be productive also: git citool, gitk, fzf and Liquid Prompt explained with screenshots

Advanced git commands every senior software developer needs to know
  • I just prefix all my git aliases with g-. So for status I type g-s.

  • Advanced git commands every senior software developer needs to know
  • You need bisect only as a last resort. Effective use of git blame, git log -p -S etc has always been enough for me. Also, the projects I work with take 10+ minutes to compile even when cached, so doing tens of builds to bisect is much slower than just hunting for strings in git commits and code.

  • Advanced git commands every senior software developer needs to know
  • I had the same feeling until I started using gitk. I always have a gitk window open and press F5 to reload, so it shows me the state of everything after I've run git commands. Now I grasp everything much better.

  • Advanced git commands every senior software developer needs to know

    Git is by far the most popular software version control system today, and every software developer surely knows the basics of how to make a git commit. Given the popularity, it is surprising how many people don’t actually know the advanced commands. Mastering them might help you unlock a new level o...

    Advanced git commands every senior software developer needs to know

    As aliases

    alias g-log="git log --graph --format='format:%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s %C(magenta)%cr%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)'" alias g-history='gitk --all &' alias g-checkout='git checkout $(git branch --sort=-committerdate --no-merged | fzf)' alias g-commit='git citool &' alias g-amend='git citool --amend &' alias g-rebase='git rebase --interactive --autosquash' alias g-pull='git pull --verbose --rebase' alias g-pushf='git push --verbose --force-with-lease' alias g-status='git status --ignored' alias g-clean='git clean -fdx && git reset --hard && git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -fdx && git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard'

    A coder's point of view: The optimal home office
  • Only product from Microsoft I actually like using and trust. Quality from 1998, and still going :)

  • A coder's point of view: The optimal home office
  • One is enough if it is very big

  • Unpacking Linux containers: understanding Docker and its alternatives

    In popularizing Linux containers, Docker brought about a new era of systems design based on these lightweight platforms, rather than heavy virtual machines. However, now that Docker is slowly declining, it’s time to learn about the next generation of Linux container tools.

    Unpacking Linux containers: understanding Docker and its alternatives

    🚀 Dive into the fascinating world of Linux containers! Most devs use #Docker or #Podman, but do you really understand what's happening under the hood? 🧐 Let's demystify #Linux #containers in simple, concrete terms. Just a 12-min read! 🕰️📖

    5 Pulsar, the best code editor

    The key to being productive as a programmer is to have a great code editor. I have been an avid user of Atom since 2014, and its successor Pulsar since now in 2023.

    Pulsar, the best code editor

    Pulsar (former Atom) is still the best code editor in my opinion. It is easiest and fastest to use, has all the nice productivity boosting plugins and is overall great for all the same reasons the Atom was great. 🚀

    See also [email protected]

    58 How to conduct an effective code review

    In software development, the code review process stands as a crucial checkpoint for ensuring code quality, fostering collaboration, and promoting knowledge sharing among team members. Despite the importance, many engineers lack a clear mental map of how effective reviews work. This is my attempt to ...

    How to conduct an effective code review

    Whether you're steering an open source project or leading full-time a software development team, the key to maximizing productivity lies in efficient code reviews.

    Latest GPT-4-0125-preview and Bard-Feb-2024 are live at
  • Try again tomorrow, seems it got popular today

  • Latest GPT-4-0125-preview and Bard-Feb-2024 are live at

    🔥The battle for AI supremacy is heating up! 🔥 Latest GPT-4-0125-preview and Bard-Feb-2024 are live at 🤖🤖. Will Bard and Mistral unseat OpenAI as the reigning champ? 🤔🤔


    Amazon RDS: "collaboration with upstream open source community is critical"

    AWS states "collaboration with upstream open source community is critical to us how we build and operate database services" and showcases MySQL and MariaDB contributions

    2 Make habits, not goals

    First we make our habits, and then they make us ― John Dryden, poet and literary critic

    Make habits, not goals

    Habits can be sustained for years and years. Goals often compel acts of heroism, which are not sustainable in the long run. As Bruce Lee once said, “long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.”

    Building an open share button for the distributed social web
  • We just need specific portals for sharing that remember your homeserver. See for example

  • Debian uses Gitlab CI for quality assurance of thousands of software packages Debian customizes CI tooling with GitLab

    Debian developer Santiago Ruano Rincón explains the Linux distribution's custom solution for improving and expediting the open source software packaging process.

    Debian customizes CI tooling with GitLab

    Salsa CI is one of the Debian community's custom-built continuous integration tools. It's part of the Debian GitLab instance (Salsa), and helps Debian maintainers manage roughly 9,000 projects.
