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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 8
Comments 34
Xbox wins, FTC loses again
  • I disagree.

    Would you prefer the direction Activision-Blizzard is going in, by profiting off of users in predatory practices within their games like now?

    Man, so much doom talk with you guys. What is the better alternative? Remain the status-quo? Because in doing so, that is a worse condition for consumers in comparison. And fuck that word too, CONSOOMER, because it's a dirty word that blankets all of society to be like cattle with wallets. That's what we're all are now? Where's the dignity?

  • I think Threads is just a bit too invasive
  • This is just all so deceitful. They bank off of people not knowing that it's Facebook/Meta by proclaiming themselves to be Instagram Inc, which Instagram as we all know is Facebook/Meta. But they're pretending they're a separate entity to fool people into thinking they're an individual.

    And surprising no one, they want all of this data from you.

  • 5 Reminders NOT to Pre-Order Games This Year ~ We used to demand trials before buying before, what happened? ~ Stop Pre ordering Games
  • There's no excuse anymore as to what's there to find out about a game that'll determine whether or not it's worth it to pre-order. It all boils down to - FOMO. Nobody wants to be that person, who'll get the game a week after or even a day after. They want to be there Day 1. They want to be there as the first batch of people who've bought the game. They want to be the first to review it, to stream it, to have hands on .etc Whatever reason they prop up as an excuse to pre-order in the first place.

    And I wouldn't restrict it to This Year, it should be an all around precaution of common sense. Games are steadily going into the $70 default price tag now and yet there's gullible people who'll still slap down just for bragging rights and FOMO.

  • GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • If 'extinguishing' the left means gutting abortion rights, declining student loan debt to take your little vacation and stomping on LGBTQ rights again. Then you're doing an awfully good job at extinguishing your chances of getting power in the presidency and probably the mid-terms after that. So, keep doing what you're doing GOP. :D

  • active users is tapering off while other servers are gaining serious traction.
  • Yeah let's just keep bullying the person for not being browbeaten and downvote them to oblivion. What a Reddit way to act against someone who doesn't want to be browbeaten.

    I wish I didn't have to do this on a new platform but now I'm going to. I am instantly blocking people who're going to charge at me and brow beat me more into using a password manager. Fuck. Off. I will not be nice to you about it because you are directly messing with my free choice and if I choose to not use a password manager - I'm not going to! And I've not once have had a security breach on any account that I've had and if my method has been proven true and working - I'm definitely not going to use a password manager! No, I'm not "misunderstanding" anything, you're just being a browbeating prick so again - FUCK OFF!!

    I will not use a password manager and I refuse to be browbeaten into using one. Fucking, this bullshit of just generalizing everyone as if they're not responsible for how they regulate and maintain sensitive information is getting fucking aggravating. Shut the fuck up!

    People with these annoying catch-all solutions that think are applicable to everyone, are as annoying as all of those damn informercials that proclaim their As-Seen-It on TV product is going to entirely change someone's lifestyle at a whim just by calling today and covering shipping and handling. Not everyone is that irresponsible with their passwords, only the large majority do because they're people who barely even know how to use a computer, much less even navigate in a browser. They're the people who did download everything that had a big green DOWNLOAD button on a site.

    Well I'm not one of those fucking people! And if it bothers you so god damn much that I'm not taking your all-seeing and all-knowing 'wisdom' then you can take your password management solution and fucking choke on it!

  • How does one come up with a name for a company?
  • What is the company's purpose? What is it's main goals? Who are you as a person?

    These are a series of questions you have to find the answers for, that you have to ask yourself, before coming up with a name.

  • active users is tapering off while other servers are gaining serious traction.
  • So I have a vague understanding of this.

    I tried going to another server when I read something about a lemmy instance turning down FB. I go there and I'm prompted to make yet another account to use that instance.

    Does this mean, that I need to make a new log-in per instance, per server just to use it? If so, that's entirely exhausting for me to keep track and I already have an abundance of accounts as is, to where I had to make a document that records every account with every password. We need an internet where it's less of that.

  • There's nothing wrong with using Reddit, Twitter, and other mainstream site still while being active on fediverse.
  • It's okay to still use these sites, I'll admit that right now, I have a reddit account again. But that's out of spite for the simple fact that I refuse to have my voice be silenced. I may have been banned multiple times on subreddits and reddit itself for petty dumb opinionated reasons (no I'm not a racist, sexist, bigot...). But, I kept coming back because again, I refused to be silenced and let them have the 'victory' of snuffing a voice out.

    It's another thing though, to have a Reddit account and going around to people wanting to be done with Reddit, by trying to convince and lure them into coming back on here. People have made up their mind about Reddit and everything that has happened within the past two weeks, cemented those choices. Quite frankly, if you ask me, getting blown up over the porn/NSFW situation is a little silly in comparison to the third party issue.

    People have an assortment of reasons to still use these platforms, it's fine, except the ones who're Pro-Spez, Pro-Musk .etc Then I say - you have problems.

  • There's nothing wrong with using Reddit, Twitter, and other mainstream site still while being active on fediverse.
  • Loved your community when I was on Reddit. I remembered when it used to be absurd having to wait an entire month just to even post there. r-gaming is some of the most toxic gaming-based subreddits on there. The mods are ban-happy on that subreddit if you're not regurgitating content in the same vein as the rest do. What I got tired of on there particularly, was the circlejerking outrage porn that happened at any instance whether it's a game company's decision or whatever. It was just down to the fact that some fanboy is simply unhappy so they've gotta go on a tirade to rile everyone up and go review bomb something.

  • The whole "if all that you see is X then you must be Y" rhetoric is full of shit

    If all that you deal with are assholes then YOU must be the asshole!

    If everything and everyone is 'abusive behavior' wherever you go then it's because YOU are the abusive one!

    Like what kind of logic is this? It is both blanket generalizing and accountability dodging in one, whenever this kind of thing is projected. It's to guilt the individual who may be propping legitimate complaints or issues about the people or things they deal with every day, into believing that they're the problem - with some exceptions.

    I do deal with my fair share of assholes, even when I was trying to be the more civil one and kind to the best of my ability. How, in a reasonable sense, does that constitute me as an asshole when the reception I get is that they're being the asshole in return? What was I expected to do? Drop to my knees, worship their very step and kiss their ass to appease them?

    The problem lies is when people dodge accountability for their behavior and their actions that result in conflict. So they turn this into some ridiculous ping pong game of deciding who the real asshole is or who the real abuser is. Nothing but high-school level debates that consists of 'he said, she said' that could go on forever and no amount of conclusion is found.

    So the answer is to just generalize someone and run with it? That makes someone even MORE irresponsible for their accountability, to me. Nobody knows the stories of everyone involved in whatever the hell happens and I've learned that nobody will ever take the time to sit and understand a situation.

    But I think just generalizing is a stupid way of handling it. If you don't care at all, come to your own conclusions and act upon them even if it means disassociating with someone based on how they've treated you, your friends and even strangers. Don't let social media decide for you about who is an asshole and who is an abuser or who is what.

    It's so much easier to comment on Lemmy because it isn't a toxic cesspool waiting to tear you apart
  • I agree, for the most part. But I already have noted a couple instances of the kind of behavior I expected to see on Reddit.

    There's always, always going to be an insufferable group of people who spends their aimless lives just shitting all over everything.

  • Wow, nobody was kidding when they say how expensive Apple products are

    So, Apple is blowing it's horn now on being a $3 Trillion valued company. Like, yay I suppose...

    But then I see why and with my own eyes, where I work, their accessories are ridiculously expensive. A simple little phone stand, was $35. But because it was Apple, it's priced that highly.

    A simple clear and plastic looking case from Apple, is $40. With those prices, you could actually buy a budget phone (if you're okay without the features of an average smartphone).

    Fully functioning phone vs a stupidly common phone case for Apple phones. That's absurd.

    How safe is Lemmy?
  • Your safety depends on how curious you are and how far it leads you. You can be considered safe, by being in one solitary place at all times and doing next to nothing. You always risk your safety when you go exploring. There is not a single platform that perfects safety among it's community, with the exception of implementing tools and features that'd at least provide security so that exposure and exploitation is kept at a strict minimum.

    The sad reality is, is that, I wouldn't put it past Lemmy for it to contain at least a handful of these bored shitposting edgelords with too much time on their hands. Then again, is it really Lemmy's fault? You're going to come across a band of these people on all walks of the internet, it's just a matter of what volume of them that there is and whether or not it can be regulated and enforced by the community on whether or not they're welcomed.

  • What are some Redditisms that Lemmy needs to avoid?
  • I've gotten pegged by people when I reposted something I knew very well, hadn't been posted within a year's timeframe. Like, what's the problem with that? It hasn't been seen in so long so yeah it'll be reposted.

    Unlike with your second scenario, I've seen posts crop up within the same day and they're all gratified and praised like as if people hadn't seen them before when their short attention spans fail to tell them that they did see it before very recently.

  • What's a band that you like that was gone way too soon?
  • Device.

    This was a group that consisted of David Draiman from Disturbed and Geno Lenardo who is a former guitarist from Filter. Only one album was released in the entire discography and the project lasted 2 years. It was a nice breakaway to hear David branch out from Disturbed to see what else he can do and I wished more albums was released. It could've been an industrial supergroup.

  • What are some Redditisms that Lemmy needs to avoid?

    For example, people on Reddit asking redundant questions and give equally redundant or unhelpful answers.

    Whenever every 'What's the worst show you've seen?' is asked, you'll get 10,000 "Kardashians" answers, which is just easy karma farming.

    If someone posts in a community that's geared for something like opinions, but someone elects to just go on a full scale rant instead.


    Why the fuck am I getting all of these stupid reels and short videos of people with unattractive assets?

    I know it's Facebook's shitty algorithm but I'm tired of seeing these reels and short videos, of all of these bimbofied women! They're unattractive, I don't like things like asses and breasts being too gigantic. It's ugly to me and I'm sick of seeing it.


    I think what needs to reform is the ecosystem of working

    Millions of us, everyday of every hour, are working a multitude of hours at different periods in the day. All so that we, can prop and propel the few lives that are on top. The few who's lives we're both knowingly and unknowingly sustaining. Who's lives that have children that we're indirectly supporting through our labor. Who's dreams get to be realized because of our time spent doing these kinds of jobs.

    What we're left with, is that we're left to having to set aside our dreams or let them die off. We have to tell our children "sorry, honey, but I can't help you get to your prom." or "I can't afford to buy your supplies" or "I can't make it for your game". All at the expense of slaving away for extra hours on top of the scheduled hours to work.

    This kind of ecosystem is unbearably uncomfortable to realize and practice against our wills.

    That's what I'd like to see reformed.

    Reddit Was Fun nyternic

    Reddit was once an enjoyable experience but...

    The toxicity became too much to bear. I couldn't go a post or a comment anymore without someone wanting to give me a hard time for it. Downvote brigading, using antagonizing logic to try and bait for responses that they want. The users digging into your post history to bring up things that have nothing to do with, with what you bothered replying to them in the first place.

    I don't know who to blame, what to blame and when it happened. But, Reddit has long lost it's status as being an open forum to peacefully and civilly talk anything in without someone getting way too entangled with their own self-importance and how their opinions have to be seen as some form of law to be obeyed by.


    When a site doesn't redirect you to where you were after it nags you to log in to see content

    God I hate this! Never fails, either. I'd be on a page of someone's profile or some piece of content I'd like to see but I'm required to log in. Okay, I will do so. So I do and it doesn't redirect me back! It just puts me in the front page, like no thanks, just bring me to where I was!


    How close are you to a social media burnout?

    Like, we're in an interesting era of times where so many alternatives are cropping up because of the drastic and draconic practices that have been taken on the social media platforms we've commonly embraced. But eventually, starting new can get tiring after a while.
