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Sozialleistungen: Kabinett bringt härtere Sanktionen beim Bürgergeld auf den Weg
  • Wichtiger wäre es, die echten Probleme anzugehen: Die Mitarbeitenden in Jobcentern fühlen sich seit Jahren überlastet, die Digitalisierung der Verwaltung läuft schleppend. Viele, die Grundsicherung bekommen, brauchen aber möglichst schnell Weiterbildungen, Sprachkurse und unbürokratischere Zugänge zum Arbeitsmarkt. Unter den Bürgergeldempfängerinnen sind viele Alleinerziehende. Wie sollen die arbeiten, wenn ihre Kinder nicht ausreichend betreut sind?

    Das sind die Probleme, die mit den Sanktionen kaschiert werden sollen. Es geht wohl kaum um die ca. 16.000 Bürgergeldempfänger, die sich total verweigern, eine Stelle anzunehmen.

    Es werden sich in den nächsten Jahren noch so einige CDU/SPD/AfD-Wähler umgucken, wenn es auf einmal sie selbst betrifft.

  • Airborne plastic chemical levels shock researchers
  • From the linked article within this article: New commuter concern: cancerous chemical in car seats

    Some scientists assumed that humans stopped being exposed to the chemical, called TDCIPP or chlorinated tris, after it was placed on California’s Proposition 65 list in 2013. However, it is still widely used in automobile seat foam. The study shows that not only is your car a source of TDCIPP exposure, but that less than a week of commuting results in elevated exposure to it.

    I assume, that this conclusion doesn't refer to car seats only. Although this chemical compound had been banned for home usage, people who commute by bus, train or airplane might be exposed to these chemicals too, as the seats are made and use to be in an automotive environment.

    “If we picked up this relationship in five days, what does that mean for chronic, long-term exposure, for people who commute most weeks out of the year, year over year for decades?” Volz asked.

    It seems that these chemicals accumulate faster than they are being broken down, which puts every commuter at risk in the long term. I wonder what the effects of this exposure might be, since these kind of chemicals are known for acting similar to hormones in our bodies. Could the overall agressive behavior that we witness in our society (roadrage, among others) be - at least partial - an outcome of the exporsure to flame retardend chemicals?

  • PayPal opted in users to share their data.
  • To me, it is. I don't have a credit card - I never got one offered by my bank (...which makes one think...). Back in the "early days" (early 2000s - mostly on Ebay) it was quite common to recieve the bank information of the seller after purchase. Then I had to wire the money to the sellers' account. There was no online banking. It could take up to a week to wire the money. After the seller recieved the payment, the ordered item got sent with postal service. When Paypal was introduced, it was a game changer: the seller recieved the money instantly, and could send the purchased item right away.

  • PayPal opted in users to share their data.
    • Einloggen
    • Herunterscrollen und unten auf der Seite den Link „Datenschutz“ anklicken
    • dann bei Datenschutz festlegen den Link „Datenschutzeinstellungen“ anklicken
    • dann das Feld „Interessenbasierte Werbung“ anklicken
    • auf jeden der beiden Einträge klicken und den Schalter jeweils auf „aus“ schalten

    . Translated from the above:

    • Log in
    • Scroll down and click on the “Privacy” link at the bottom of the page
    • then click on the "Privacy settings" link under Data & Privacy
    • then click on the “Interest-based advertising” (Personalized shopping) field
    • click on each of the two entries and set the switch to “off” in each case
  • Mouse with USB-C and replaceable battery?
  • I bought this one. It has a built-in battery that is connected to the board with a standard (?) connector cable. The mouse can be opened with one screw underneath the gliding pad. I have this mouse for over a year now and I'm satisfied with it. It lasts 7 days with RGB-Lights switched on up to 10 days with RGB lights switched off - depanding on usage. You can operate up to 3 devices with it (BT 5.0, BT 3.0 and wirelessly with the dongle held with a magnet underneath the mouse when not needed. It can be charged with the USB C port. It can be charged while in use. Unfortunately tho, the mouse seems to be out of stock at Amazon. Perhaps other shops have this device listed. I obtained the mouse in Germany.

    Edit: This is the mouse opened (I had to clean it because it was operated in a feline enviroment). The battery can be replaced easily:

  • does anyone still use DVDs?
  • Yes. They are good enough to be watched on a laptop screen (resolution-wise). Also, noone can take those away from you, since I own them. Currently, we (my girlfriend and I) have following collections (all seasons boxes): Star Trek Voyager, Stargate Atlantis, Scrubs, Lost, Futurama, Dinosaurs, My Name is Earl, Dexter, The 100 (1-4), Rick and Morty (1-3), a Bud Spencer Film Box, An American Dad Box as well as several additional seasons, and some more.

    However, Compact Discs are reaching their lifetime, especially those who have been produced during the mid-2000s. More and more often these discs have playback issues (they suddenly can't be read), I even had one occasion where discs became brittle, despite being from a brand new box that never before had been played, so they completely shattered when I tried to remove them from the box.

    We are downloading some of the box collections (especially those that are damaged) as .mp4 files to store them on a portable HDD drive, because nothing lasts forever.

  • I used to hate QR codes. But they're actually genius
  • Not that I know of. I think they automatically use the mask that works "best" while these codes are generated. I have tried some (free) QR code generators and there is no hint that the mask can be choosed.

    If you have Affinity Designer 2, you are able to generate QR codes within the software. No need to sign up for a free one. But when creating a QR code with Affinity, there is no option to choose the mask.

  • I used to hate QR codes. But they're actually genius
  • I feel the same. When I learned about them, I used them for easy access (although a third party app was necessary at the time) to certain websites: I have several house plants at home. I made little signs with the latin name of the plant and a QR code that leads me to a website where care instructions are shown (how many times the plant has to be watered, how much of sunlight these plants have to be exposed to, etc.). It came handy sometimes, especially when leafes were turning yellow. Care instructions could be looked up easily.

    Also on business cards: On the back side of my business card there is a QR code that - when scanned - puts the contact information into the adress book. This came in handy a few times when you have to work with workers at a construction site.

    I think the major breakthrough came with the Covid pandemic, where these codes were everywhere. Also, later phones do not require a third party app which lowers the entry bar to make use of these codes significantly.

    What I don't like is that restaurants start to use them exclusively, as a substitute for a printed menu.

  • I used to hate QR codes. But they're actually genius

    A video that explains how information on a QR codes is stored.

    Beyond enshittification, why does tech oftentimes suck?
  • I think that manufacturers of tech products test their products only with a few standard configurations - but in reality there are too many possible combinations of different configurations:

    Take a bluetooth mouse for example. Generally, it connects to a computer and it works. Now imagine that you have a different configuration - a logicboard in your laptop that has not been tested by the manucacturer of the mouse or an obscure model of the bluetooth reciever, that also hasn't been tested to work with that mouse. Your mouse works well in the beginning, but disconnects at random times. You can't pinpoint the issue, and when you are looking for help online, nobody seems to have the same problems with that mouse.

    In this case, said mouse sucks, because it doesn't function reliably. A different person with a different configuration of their computer (different logicboard, different model of the bluetooth unit) might have no problems at all with the same mouse.

  • Yes, Actually, Individual Responsibility Is Essential to Solving the Climate Crisis
  • Wait, we actually have to do something? /s

    Change has to come from both sides, from companies as well as from consumers. Yes, Your actions don't really matter when you try to reduce waste, but the oil tanker spills millions of liters into the ocean, or when you use electricity from renewable sources while there is coal extracted and burned to fulfill the need of energy.

    But as a consumer you can change the perspective about it by observing it from the personal economic side. This way, doing something in favour of reducing waste or doing something to lessen the effect of the climate catastrophe is merely a side effect of your actions:

    • I don't have children, because I don't want to take responisbility for them. Also, I don't like children. This saves me a lot of money, which I don't have.
    • I am relying on a car. But instead of driving a truck-like 5l-gas guzzler, I drive a small economic car. 90% of the time I drive alone anyway. A small car means less fuel consumption, less tax, cheaper repairs. Also, there are more parking spots availiable for me in the city, since the car is shorter than other vehicles (at least for parallel parking).
    • When running errands, I combine them with using the car. For instance, I do my grocery shopping on the way back from work, and I can make use of my car's storage capabilities. This saves me precious time, since I'm on the road anyway.
    • When buying clothes, I don't buy the cheapest clothes availiable. Mid-price ranged clothes are more durable, and they can be worn longer and are cheaper in the long run. Also, I don't use fabric softener. Not only does it contribute to polluting the enviroment - fabric softener reduces the capability for towels to dry things (which defeats the purpose of a towel), because it hinders the fabrics' capillar effect for storing water in the fibers. Additional to that, I don't use an electric dryer. I hang my clothes to dry. This measurement extends your clothes lifetime, which is saving money.
    • Although I am a meat eater, I am open-minded to vegan food - in the last decade it came a long way and there are good substitutes. Some of them are trial and error though (some taste like a stack of hay smells), but the alternatives are out there. It doesn't have to taste exactly like meat. The worst thing that can happen is, that you expand the list of things you can eat.
    • And the most important thing of all: DON'T BUY USELESS CRAP! Sure, the cloud-based app-operated thing is appealing, but what happens, when the company that produces it goes bankrupt? The cloud service gets shut down! You have a paper weight now. I don't buy such things, because I don't want my home cluttered with stuff I don't need eventually. When I buy new stuff (mostly to replace broken stuff that I can't repair) I do research first and evaluate what features of the desired thing really benefit my needs. I rather buy expensive stuff that is more durable an has a longer lifetime over all. In the long run it turns out to be less expensive.

    In my opinion it makes more sense to analyse your actions with the affect of personal economic impact in mind than to view it in the sense of reducing the impact of the climate catastrophe. Because since your neighbor isn't, you can easily feel helpless and de-motivated.

  • Kosmos Boden - Das unbekannte Land - Die ganze Doku | ARTE

    Die Doku zeigt einen originellen Versuch: Kann Boden so aktiv sein, dass er aus eigener Kraft ein Stück strapaziertes Ackerland in einen fruchtbaren Gemüsegarten verwandelt? Mikroorganismen und Pilze, in unglaublichen Farben und Formen, spielen dabei eine Hauptrolle. Leben entfaltet sich in einem me...

    Kosmos Boden - Das unbekannte Land - Die ganze Doku | ARTE

    cross-posted from:

    > Interessante Doku über das Leben, das im Boden wimmelt mit schönen Nahaufnahmen der dort lebenen Tiere.


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