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Linux remains above 2% on the Steam Survey for June 2024
  • One thing that might really help would be Valve releasing an official version of SteamOS to the public. It would hopefully get us more handhelds running SteamOS natively and people switching their PCs, particularly if they can release it before the Win10 EOL date.

    Sure, projects like Bazzite exist, but I don't think those have enough reach beyond the people already running some form of Linux.

  • Steam survey for June 2024, Linux still above 2%
  • From my experience there's this weird subset of people who don't like newer Windows versions, which is fair enough, but instead of learning to modify those or learning Linux, they believe they can turn back time, which isn't something you can just do when connecting it to the ever forward-marching internet.

  • Those who are using Nvidia's driver 555, what's your experience in Wayland so far? Those who are using it in conjunction with KDE 6.1, what's your experience with multi-monitor VRR in Wayland?
  • Yup. I've never done anything besides installing NVIDIA drivers. Just switching the cable of the secondary monitor to the motherboard ports and it just worked. No reboot even, just making sure that adaptive sync is enabled in KDE or wherever.

  • Those who are using Nvidia's driver 555, what's your experience in Wayland so far? Those who are using it in conjunction with KDE 6.1, what's your experience with multi-monitor VRR in Wayland?
  • VRR does not work if you have a NVIDIA card and more than one monitor enabled.

    I recently learned that's not entirely correct for Wayland. The critical thing is that VRR stops working if more than one enabled monitor is connected to the NVIDIA GPU. Meaning that if you connect only one display to the NVIDIA GPU and the other monitors to the integrated GPU it should just work.

    I felt pretty stupid when I realized that I could've just switched a single cable and be using VRR way earlier. Didn't even need a reboot to work. For reference, I'm using a NVIDIA GPU + AMD CPU with 1 G-Sync as my main monitor and one non-VRR as my secondary monitor.

  • Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail's 7.0 graphics update really is a game-changer—breathing life, colour, and atmosphere into the 11-year old MMO
  • Shout-out to the Dan Floyd and his PlayFrame channel, where he's been doing a condensed playthrough of the game with just the MSQ, the interesting side-content, and highly cut segments of the interim gameplay. It's only near the end of Shadowbringers right now, but it's what got me into the game (as someone who was never into and mostly still isn't into MMOs).

  • Humble bundle Summer Games Done Quick 2024 bundle
  • Great bundle, but seeing Penny and Arzette is a bit sad as they must've really bombed if they're already in a bundle. That's just 4 months from release to bundle.

  • FCC proposes ending cellphone carrier locks after 60 days
  • Yup. I can get away with prepaid 1GB/month for 3€ because I'm almost always near Wi-Fi and don't really need to use anything bandwidth when I'm not.

    I also find it wild how some people will get an expensive contract that comes with a "free" phone, but then don't switch to an equal but cheaper contract (without a "free" phone) when the contract term expires, or at the very least renew the term so they get a new phone.

  • Hori Announces Controller Made Specifically for Steam
  • Yup. I'm still waiting for the perfect controller that has gyro and bindable paddles through Steam Input. This is finally a controller that delivers those things, but then lacks such a basic feature like rumble. I really hope they have a pro version planned.

  • Props to Alpine and Kali for disabling this bullshit out of the box
  • Cries in nvme1n1p6, which is my current OS partition.

  • Rabbit data breach: all r1 responses ever given can be downloaded
  • these keys allow anyone to [...] brick all r1s

    the rabbit team is aware of this leaking of api keys and have chosen to ignore it.

    Assuming that's true, then just bricking them all sounds like it might even be the ethically correct move.

  • How can Firefox create the best support for web apps on the desktop?
  • The removal of PWAs has always been a pet peeve of mine, so it's nice to see them reconsidering. So far I'm managing with the PWA Addon, but it's more than clunky as it does some very dirty hacks to fake support for PWAs.

  • Let’s make games open source, so future generations can enjoy them
  • SimCity 2000 isn't on ProtonDB because they only list Steam games. It's on Lutris though with multiple automatic install scripts for different versions, so it should be fairly easy to get running.

    In general I've had way less trouble getting ancient Windows games to run on modern Linux than on modern Windows.

  • Let’s make games open source, so future generations can enjoy them
  • RPCS3 is indeed excellent, but if you look at their compatibility list about a third of all games aren't in a playable state. The big exclusive titles people usually set up an emulator for will work for the most part, but outside of that it quickly becomes a lot sketchier.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • Or being unable to install third-party apps or other browser engines is supposed to be for security reasons. Or being environment friendly through their recycling program when the truth is that they only do that to keep spare parts out of reach of independent repair shops. Pure gaslighting.

  • Japan forces Apple and Google to open their mobile platforms
  • At the very least it's seems heavily inspired by the Digital Markets Act, which is why I'd hope that their wording will be specific enough to close those "loopholes" Apple is currently attempting in the EU.

  • Japan forces Apple and Google to open their mobile platforms
  • It sounds vague and will either end up being a very powerful tool or almost useless. If it's the former, it would be gigantic win indeed.

  • YouTube looks to be testing server-side ad injection to counter ad blockers
  • Germany has the "Medienstaatsvertrag" §8.3, which requires advertisements to be easily recognizable as such and also adequately separated through audio or visual cues.

  • YouTube looks to be testing server-side ad injection to counter ad blockers
  • At the very least I'd say that UK/Germany would be a good bet. Though the idea of just plastering the note over the whole video might do the trick, considering that's what some German channels already do if they are sponsored to stay on the safe side.

  • YouTube looks to be testing server-side ad injection to counter ad blockers
  • That would mean running an unmarked ad for five seconds, which would create an interesting legal question. But YouTube also buffers a good chunk of upcoming content, so there's enough upcoming video material to check.

  • YouTube looks to be testing server-side ad injection to counter ad blockers
  • It might take a lot more effort, but I don't think this will be the end. Google is required by law to label ads as such, giving these tools an opportunity to detect and skip them.

  • What's your favorite note-taking application?

    Currently I'm using Joplin with Syncthing-backed file system synchronization. I'm pretty pleased with it, as I do like tagging- and Markdown-based systems.

    I plan to upgrade to server-based synchronization, but before doing that, however, I wanted to see what other people are using.

    Edit: So far I see a slight favor towards Joplin and Logseq, but I totally didn't expect (and appreciate) getting so many different answers.

    153 Philips Hue will force users to upload their data to Hue cloud

    To control your lights you soon need to create an account and share your data with the Hue cloud.

    Philips Hue will force users to upload their data to Hue cloud