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Männer als Täter - Die Welt könnte so schön sein ohne euch [Essay, Spiegel+]
  • Auch ein Essay muss eine in sich schlüssige Argumentation aufweisen. Diese hier hat aber einige Lücken.

    Geredet wird unter anderem vom aktuellen Fall der Vergewaltigung in Frankreich, wo eine Frau von ihrem Ehemann online auf einem Kanal mit dem übersetzten Namen "ohne ihr Wissen" 10 Jahre lang explizit für Sex angeboten wurde. 50 Männer sind angeklagt.!6032713/

    Die Spiegel-Autorin möchte das nun als Beispiel dafür darstellen,

    dass offenbar fast jeder Mann die Gelegenheit zu Gewalt gegen Frauen nutzt, wenn er sie bekommt.

    Und zwar, weil

    Nur zwei (in Zahlen: 2!) sollen den Raum, als sie die bewusstlose Frau sahen, wieder verlassen haben. Alle anderen ergriffen die Gelegenheit.

    Der Ehemann hat explizit Leute angeworben, denen bewusst gewesen sein muss, auf was sie sich einlassen. Natürlich ist nach der Vorauswahl die Rate der "Aussteiger" sehr gering. Über gesamtgesellschaftliche Tendenzen sagt das erstmal noch gar nichts aus.

    Ein zweites Textbeispiel ist folgendes:

    Ich bin wütend und ich bin traurig. Weil sich nichts ändert. Weil sich Klimakrise, Kriege, Despotie und Diktatur, fast jedes große Problem, auf eine gemeinsame Ursache zurückführen lassen: Männer.

    Zu keinem Zeitpunkt werden im Text direkte Argumente vorgebracht, warum irgendeines dieser Themen etwas mit Geschlechtern zu tun habem soll. Mit viel gutem Willen könnte man den Punkt zusammenführen mit dem späteren Argument, dass Männer öfter rechtsextreme Parteien wählen als Frauen. Aber die obigen Probleme von Klima, Kriegen und Diktatur alle darauf abzuwälzen wär schon sehr kurz gegriffen und ignoriert einen signifikanten Teil der Menschheitsgeschichte.

    Der eigentliche Text dreht sich aber vornehmlich um häusliche Gewalt, zieht aber leider viel öfter medial bekannte Einzelbeispiele als echte Statistiken zu Rate.

    Irgendwo ist dann aber gegen Ende der wahre Kern des Texts begraben: dass Männer statistisch mehr Gewaltverbrechen begehen und dass die Täter eben oft nicht einem gut zu erkennenden Stereotyp entsprechen, sondern sich in der Masse verstecken können.

    Nur leider ist diese richtige Aussage vergraben unter viel zu viel Effektheischerei.

  • My experience switching from iOS to GrapheneOS
  • As someone who uses GrapheneOS with Sandboxed Google Play for nearly a year now, I am struggling to think about why one would not be able to use it as their daily driver. It has all the features of a regular Pixel phone, except with more security. And the security features are not even some high-level enthusiast stuff, it is (among others) some really basic features like restricting internet access for specific apps or only giving apps read permission for specific folders on your phone instead of everything. Basic security and privacy features that every device should have.

  • Repost inspired by a true story.
  • They are only a meaningful problem where no native feline species are present. Asia, Africa and Europe (excluding islands) have native wild cats. House cats are a direct descendant of the African wild cat and have been domesticated and spread since ancient times. They can be a danger to the "genetic distinctiveness" of wild cats in some places. But they mostly are not the same level of danger to native species like they are in America and Australia.

  • Germany to halt new Ukraine military aid: Report
  • Specifically the funding will come from frozen Russian assets, which many people requested since the moment they were frozen. But now for some reason some newspapers found a way to bury it under clickbait titles.

    future funding would no longer come from Germany's federal budget but from proceeds from frozen Russian assets, according to the German newspaper.

  • Is anybody else gonna watch the Paralympics?
  • My thoughts as a layman:

    They probably have very different rulesets. Deaflympics "only" has to account for the fact that the athletes cannot hear sounds like speaker announcements, starting pistols etc., whereas Paralympic athletes have physical disabilities that directly influence their performance.

  • Sorry, Deutsch people
  • That is false. It was called the "Holy Roman Empire" from the 13th century until 1512. The name was changed in 1512 to "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation". But even in many official texts after 1512 they still left out the latter part.

  • Infamous $30 Logitech F710 called out in $50M lawsuit over Titan sub implosion
  • It is a lawsuit by one of the passenger's families against the company that built the sub, describing all the ways they chose "cheap" over "safe", with the example of the wireless controller.

    Logitech itself has nothing to do with this.

  • South Korea sent a fully-kitted out player for the Olympic shooting. Turkey sent an 51 yr old guy with no specialized lenses, eye cover or ear protection and got the silver medal
  • I talked about the other posts to provide context. These are not unknown people and she is not the only one who gets compared to the turkish shooter.

    The poster likely chose the korean shooter as counterpart, because she already garnered attention beforehand for her aesthetic. She is already relatively famous, so I don't think it is surprising if somebody chose (and named) her over other, less known athletes. The poster also described her as "record-breaking" in the description, so I do not think it was the intention to make her look bad.

  • South Korea sent a fully-kitted out player for the Olympic shooting. Turkey sent an 51 yr old guy with no specialized lenses, eye cover or ear protection and got the silver medal
  • The korean shooter Yeji Kim became a (positive) meme first for her cyberpunk aesthetics, which many people found cool. Shortly after the turkish shooter Yusuf Dikeç also became a meme for his own, very different aesthetic.

    Also there is a bunch of other memes in circulation that compare the turkish shooter with various other people, e.g.

    Just because you are comparing a woman and a man does not make it misogyny. This is basically just a crossover of two recent memes.

  • A kick right in the selbstbild
  • Lend-Lease was absolutely important when it came to specific material (e.g. trucks, aviation fuel). But in total numbers it was still only 4% of Soviet War production. I don't know who spent more money in the war (and it is irrelevant really when you look at dozens of millions of deaths), but Lend-Lease alone does not answer that question.