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namesare4squares namesare4squares

Interested in Cloud Infra, Ice Hockey, and Gaming.

Also on Lemmy:

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Futurama | Official Trailer | New Season July 24, 2023
  • Oh man, I think I'm coming down with a case of Explovid-23 on July 24... Better call out sick.

  • Picking an instance
  • There’s definitely other instances that are English language now, fwiw. comes to mind, at least. I’ve seen a few others floating around.

  • Does anyone actually use LibreOffice?
  • I used LibreOffice exclusively in college — it was a lifesaver for my broke ass, since most of my money went to beer and hobbies (DnD, home severs, guitars, more drinking…)

    It got the job done, but I wasn’t doing a whole lot of writing fwiw. Once I got over the whole “save it using the correct format or your professors will fail you” hump, it was everything I needed and more.

    Don’t do any writing that isn’t markdown now, and I write that in Vscode or Obsidian these days.

  • Trash Pandas namesare4squares


    Trash Pandas namesare4squares

    Is this an acceptable place to post (

    Is this an acceptable place to post existential raccoon memes?


    what are you itching to run?
  • My DM recently ran the Beginner Box for our group.

    Was a lot of fun, and is specifically geared at learning the rules.

    We messed it up and botched a few things here and there trying to push the rules, but went in with the zero consequences mindset and had a blast.

    Hope you get to run it soon!

    Edit: I also highly recommend this character builder if you’re going to use R20 to run Pathfinder — R20s charactermancer was a bit limiting, at least when we played ~3-4 months ago.

  • The only way to win is to not play
  • Are you kidding me? I would kill for a user base that over reports.

    Better that than the guy who downloads taxformpdf.exe and runs it without a second thought.

  • How do you become less clumsy?
  • Why or? I say unicycling and juggling

  • What's your recurring nightmare? What do you think it means?
  • An extra room in the house? Sounds like a dream to me, haha. What kind of stuff do you find in those?

    cries in nowhere to store things

  • What's your recurring nightmare? What do you think it means?

    I'm an "unprepared for exam" kind of guy.

    I've been out of school for a number of years, but I still have recurring nightmares about finals I didn't know were coming.

    Never exactly the same (tonight was an exam on logical operators? which I know pretty well out here in the real world?) but some things are usually constant:

    • I always find out days before a final exam that I was enrolled in a class I needed to graduate, but never attended because I didn't know it was on my schedule
    • I'm always the only person who is unprepared, and the Professor is always cognizant of this fact
    • I always decide not to study in the buildup, and completely wing it (c'mon, dream me! Get it together!)
    • The exam is always "high stakes" -- meaning there will be very negative consequences if I don't pass.
    • The exam room always feels like it's oriented incorrectly -- this one is hard to explain, but do you ever walk into a room and everything is oriented right-to-left instead of left-to-right?
    • I always wake up right as time for the exam runs out, so I never find out the results

    And for what it's worth -- I did very well in school. This never happened to me, so I don't know where this one comes from, save for general preparedness-anxiety.

    Sometimes I wake up and read up on the topic ... for next time.

    What about you, kbeans / Lemmings? What haunts your sleep?

    Which browser do you use on iOS?
  • I use Userscripts across iOS Safari and MacOS Safari via an iCloud folder accessible to each. Has made life much easier for me on mobile.

  • Never be bored in traffic again
  • No, officer, I wasn’t on my phone.

  • Reddit communities with millions of followers plan to extend the blackout indefinitely
  • Good -- I hope they do. But more than that, I hope that the userbase doesn't return.

    I don't care if they choose kbin/Lemmy/Squabbles(?)/Pr0nhub Comment section/Whatever or a combination of those things -- but I hope they don't return to Reddit.

    This is an exciting new opportunity for the internet, imo. Why rely on a single point of failure?

  • Cats namesare4squares

    404: Window not found


    16 Metronomes -- Project JDM @ YouTube

    From @[email protected] on the #RedditBlackout:
  • Can't wait for his next project -- Christian is a class act, and Apollo was the only thing keeping me on Reddit.

  • 1982 video from the AT&T Archives: The UNIX Operating System
  • The keyboard in the lap is a power-move.

  • Sad to see Reddit go
  • I dunno... I'm excited to be here instead of there. It's something fresh and new.

    The content will follow. And frankly, I'd rather talk with a handful of people than a hive mind.

    I remember what Reddit was like a decade ago. I'm excited to try something that -- at least in some small way -- feels like that did.