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AMD Ryzen Powered Framework Laptop Linux Testing Held Up By BIOS Issue
  • I’ve been waiting for a ryzen framework laptop since spring 2021. I’m in batch 1 and can’t wait to get my hands on it. I’m sure they will have these BIOS/firmware issues sorted out by launch, and I’ve been waiting this long so a couple more weeks isn’t that big of a deal.

  • No tritium found in fish one month after Fukushima water release
  • I’ll trust the nuclear scientists that say that the release is safe, but there should be a transparent international panel, including China which has concerns about the release into fishing waters, that is given access to conduct their own tests with all parties agreeing to release their findings.

  • Everything I don’t like is communist
  • Was called a communist in an online political discussion almost 20 years ago. Cue shocked pikachu face when I replied, “yeah, so?” At least they’ve learned a new word since then and we get some variety with “tankie”.

  • It’s time for Americans to embrace small cars
  • My current car is an ‘07 Yaris too. It’s also totally bare bones including manual windows and locks and no cruise control (the only feature I sometimes wish it had). It’s economical and much funner to try drive than most bigger cars, trucks, and SUVs. And on multiple occasions I have been able to parallel park it in tight spots that cars in front of me had to pass on.

  • Biden asks Congress for $40 billion to support Ukraine, replenish US disaster aid and bolster border
  • If russia wants to go nuclear, so be it.

    Geez, NATO libs have really gone all in on nuclear armageddon won’t be all that bad actually. I’m sure you think you won’t be sent to the front lines if the US and NATO ends up in a multi front war with Russia, China, India, Brazil, multiple African nations, Cuba, Venezuela, and an ever growing list of other countries.

    Maybe we should just chill out and accept that we live in a multipolar world and work together for common goals instead of fighting pointless wars to enrich the shareholders and prop up capitalism for a few more years before it collapses under its inherent contradictions.

  • US set to unveil long-awaited crackdown on real estate money laundering
  • Just tax any home other than your primary residence at 100% of the assessed fair market value per year. Hell, make it 100000%. This includes apartments, condos, townhomes, mobile homes. It would solve a lot of problems real quick. Some “real estate moguls” might have to find a real job for once in their life but it will be good for them. I hear they like to hustle.

  • I recently tried to book a numerology session and it felt like a total scam :/
  • Traditional medicine, Chinese or otherwise, is bullshit. If some tincture happens to have some active ingredient that actual does something, then that ingredient has almost certainly been studied by actual scientists, purified, dosed, and available as a safe (relatively) form at your local pharmacy.

    Acupuncture and cupping in particular are no better than placebo at relieving pain. Any temporary relief your partner receives from them is no better than a sugar pill that they are convinced will help them, or no better than the pain relief of a massage. What does everyone do when they bang their knee or elbow on something hard? We rub it. Why? Because rubbing stimulates the surrounding nerves and that extra stimulation helps to drown out and dull the sharp pain…temporarily. Any pain relief from acupuncture and cupping is no different and isn’t permanent. Your partner would be better off going to a licensed physical therapist, with an actual doctorate degree and deep understanding of anatomy. They will not only know techniques to temporarily relieve the pain, but also will be able to provide a custom exercise plan to strengthen the affected area to help prevent repeat injury.

    Also a lot of non-scientific “medicine” is extremely dangerous. I know people have had serious injuries from acupuncture, but chiropractors are the worse. Don’t let anyone you care about go to a chiropractor. At best you become a repeat customer and waste a lot of money on a glorified massage from someone pretending to be a doctor, and at worst you end up a paraplegic or dead.

  • It's a theory, like gravity. Nick Fuentes says there should be no such thing as an "age of consent"
  • My mom was 17 when she got married, had to get her mom’s signature to allow it. My dad was 7 years older… (uhhhh, could be worse?, given the times? that’s all I got in your defense dad, lol). They were both poor so it probably was a financial and mutually beneficial relationship for a while. But she had her first kid at 19 and 5 in total. Brutal on her body and no ability to go to school, or work and gain experience. Just taking care of kids, full time, for almost 30 years. Then he cheated and they divorced and she went back to school, got a BS with awesome grades, and a full time job as an RN in her mid 40s. I hope no other 17 year old or younger girl has to go through that again.

  • Why I cannot resize my fat32 partition?
  • Depending on the block size the filesystem may not be able to use that 4.01Mb of unallocated space. There’s always wasted space with any file system because they have to make a trade off between making use of the available space and fast access.

  • Why I cannot resize my fat32 partition?
  • I don’t think you can extend a partition at the beginning, only the end of the partition. This is because the partition header and table is written at the beginning of the partition (i.e. the file system needs to know where to start reading so that it can traverse files and directories in the partition). To support resizing a partition at the beginning data would have to be moved to the new beginning of the partition, and exactly which data needs to be copied differs from file system to file system so it’s not something supported by a partition manager such as KDE partition manager. Therefore, the only way to do what you want is to backup the partition, delete it, and create a new partition at the beginning of the drive and the restore the contents of the partition.

    Extending a partition at the end is much simpler, basically some header just gets updated and says this is the new end of the partition, and then a file system specific command lets the files system know that you now have all of this free space available for use.

  • G7 countries sign declaration outlining long-term security guarantees for Ukraine
  • Yay! Western nations will get to send arms to Nazis while enriching defense contractors for years to come!

    Earlier in the day, bloc member London said the G7 was expected on Wednesday to agree to a “significant international framework for Ukraine’s long-term security,” which would “set out how allies will support Ukraine over the coming years to end the war and deter and respond to any future attack.”