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mpjgregoire M. Grégoire

ingénieur, tory canadien, citoyen du Grand Montréal \#FédiQC #Montréal #CanPol #cdnpoli #polqc #conservateur #conservative #fedi22

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Comments 3
Be careful about American medias.
  • @AlexSavard No, the editorial line of those newspapers is also opposed to annexation. Would you be interested in some links?

    At the end of the day, newspapers that take positions against 90% of their readership are not even good as a business proposition.

  • Be careful about American medias.
  • @AlexSavard I read the #MontréalGazette and the #NationalPost, and I can assure you that they are strongly opposed to the #TrumpTariffs, notwithstanding their ownership.

  • AN/FPS-24 Radar Tower, Mt. Umunhum, Los Gatos, CA, 2024.
  • @[email protected] @[email protected]
    Nuclear war is still the greatest danger facing the world.

  • Conservative groups sue to block Biden plan canceling $39 billion in student loans
  • @MicroWave So the Biden Administration wants to spend $39B? Has Congress approved it?