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moitoi moitoi
Posts 5
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Boeing CEO admits company has retaliated against whistleblowers during Senate hearing
  • Fine the company. Take the capital (which will have to serve the community), fine and jail the executives!

    Companies are as accountable as the executives.

  • DeSantis Declares Emergency Over Floods After Cutting Stormwater Funds
  • It's God™ crying of human stupidity that caused the floods.

  • Europeans, do you take the train to travel to other countries?
  • Like every month, it's a 2 hour trip to go by train in two others counties. It's very convenient.

    People should be more conscious of what the EU and Schengen bring us.

    My next big trip will be Interrail across Scandinavia.

  • The Curious Case Of The Underselling Arena Tours
  • The good old physical sale with ID want to say something.

  • Number of monthly active Lemmy users rising again
  • There was a post about it. And, I get Lemmy as result in my Google search multiple times.

  • ich📞iel
  • Gilt auch für die Romandie.

  • Instagram is training AI on your data. It’s nearly impossible to opt out
  • They could move to the great pixelfed and give something every month.

  • The police need this for...?
  • If you need this type of vehicle as police, you're the issue, not the people around.

  • Number of monthly active Lemmy users rising again
  • Beside what is said, sometimes Lemmy appears in search results. It's a factor of growth.

  • Are We in an AI Bubble?
  • It always has been

  • Billionaire Capitalists Like Musk and Thiel Want to Kill Democracy
  • If they kill democracy and take the power, it looks like oh wait USSR.

  • CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information
  • Oh, come on, he has a solution, and it's “making money”.

  • Google promised a better search experience — now it’s telling us to put glue on our pizza
  • Lots of humans even with good academia are followers. They follow the mass. It's not idiotic. If the group does this, it should not be bad or present a risk. It's quite rational. If people eat apples, it's safe and I can eat them too.

    They use a similar reflexion with our socio-economical system. They follow.

    It depends on whom we follow. Here, sociopathy plays a role. They are often more prompt to embrace power and favor selfishness.

  • Google promised a better search experience — now it’s telling us to put glue on our pizza
  • AI is the new scam after crypto, nft, etc. The technology isn't to blame itself. It can have some useful case for sure.

    The real issue is the Market™, the belief in infinite growth. We arrived at the point of no return, where infinite growth is impossible. Humans like to challenge impossible. They will try to find whatever is possible to tackle the impossible. In our case, humans try to create growth artificially with crypto, nft, ai, and all the others. Because, it's the only way to have a minimalist growth for the shareholders and investors. Billions if not trillions were invested in Google and the others AI companies to milk the last drop for some dividend. Short term dividends should have wrote.

    These bad search results are not to serve the general interest. It's here to serve these investments and return the last profit possible of the dogma of infinity in a finite world. It does indicate how bad the situation became for the economy. They are the cracks leaking the end of an era. They are symptomatic.

  • Conservative Owns the Libs by Paying $4,000 a Month for His Ford F-350
  • You have low floor flatbed like this to transport everything needed for landscaping including an excavator. Trucks are for the bling bling.

  • Landmark ruling: Switzerland’s climate policy violates human rights Landmark ruling: Switzerland's climate policy violates human rights - SWI

    In a much-anticipated ruling, a verdict by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg could set a precedent and have worldwide repercussions.

    Landmark ruling: Switzerland's climate policy violates human rights - SWI

    In a much-anticipated ruling, the European Court of Human Rights has decided that Swiss authorities are responsible for not implementing efficient climate change policies[...]

    On Tuesday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) upheld their appeal and condemned Switzerland for violating the right to respect for private and family life (Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights).

    Today’s ruling is unprecedented. This is the first time that the ECHR has condemned a state for failing to take action against climate change, linking the protection of human rights to compliance with environmental obligations.

    [...] ____________________

    The new ruling should apply to the 46 States member of the European Council.


    Thank you for this great app!

    I wanted to say thank you for this great app to browse Lemmy. I appreciate all the work you're putting to keep the app alive with updates. I see a lot of bug reports and/or complain but not enough thanks and positive feedback.

    Thank you!


    New laptop

    Hi everyone!

    I need to buy a new laptop to replace my 12 years old laptop. I didn't look after hardware for a while for some personal reasons.

    I will buy something new. My needs are:

    • photo editing
    • video editing
    • vector graphics editing/creation
    • good battery life (I don't want to worry about)
    • web navigating, docs, spreadsheets
    • USB-C charging would be nice

    I don't game, and Framework isn't available where I live.

    I would be happy to have some recommendation on what is a good hardware for this use and good brand.


    Hiking moitoi

    Grünenbergpass, Switzerland
