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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 25
  • Voluntary hierarchies are not a thing.

    Sounds like a shittake emanating from the same kind of anarchists that loudly proclaim the values of "leaderless" organisation before posting a meme glorifying Nestor Makhno.

  • It's time to stop...
  • I just don’t think it’s better to go through fascism

    Accept the liberal carrot and you won't get the fascist stick. If the carrot is rotton to the core, just pretend it isn't. Easy, no?

  • It sure does
  • The capitalist status quo is protected by a political wing we call "liberalism" and a paramilitary wing we call "fascism."

    Carrot and stick, good cop/bad cop - pick your metaphor.

    For far too long, leftists have laboured under the delusion that liberals are merely "misguided" people that can be "pushed" left as soon as we could get them to read this or that book by our favourite Beardy McDeadguy. This kind of understanding of these people we call "centrists," "moderates," and, by far the most accurate term, "liberals," completely ignores the fact that it is liberalism - not fascism - that is the true ideology of privilege. Privilege that means that liberals are even more invested in the maintenance of the status quo that the rank and file of fascism are.

    The left has always proven itself capable of defeating fascists - but it seems that it has no real answer to the insidious, co-opting tentacles of the liberal and the mountain of lies liberalism is built upon.

  • I'm tired of reading about "right-wing anarchisms"
  • Anarchy will always be the extreme left into the political pendulum.

    Anarchism is "extreme" left now? Since when?

    This sounds no different than the "far left" bullcrap liberals and their fascist cousins have been peddling in the last while.

  • It's time to stop...
  • Without making conditions worse for people.

    Did you happen to notice what Palestinians had to recently go through just to make people in the US's blinkers fall off?

    There are no magic wands that will make this happen without things getting much, much worse. Of course, that doesn't mean things won't get much, much worse anyway.

  • It's time to stop...
  • It’s our current system.

    Yes, the one you just learned happily funds genocide - just like it has for more than a hundred years now.

    What is a stronger and more viable path forward in your opinion?

    You mean... apart from something that can be called democratic with a straight face?

  • Judging by all the downvotes, you'd think they'd get the hint lol
  • "Conservatism" is a long, long dead political tradition, Clyde. You call fascists "conservatives" because they (and the liberal media) tells you to.

    It's no wonder they run rings around you when it comes to the propaganda game.

  • Taps the sign...
  • One of the biggest scams liberalism pulled on us is to convince us that we exist in societies where we actually have "rights" and "freedoms."

    In reality, we exist in a society that is hierarchically based on privilege.